- Camilla de Castro (20-April-1979 - 26-July-2005)
- Giselly (Giselle) Lins -- another angel meets a violent end.
- One more Murdered
- Candy aka Victoria Carmen White Killed in New Jersey
- Jezebel: Very Sad News
- Alison Faraday RIP
- Nicoly Spiller R.I.P.
- Barbara Bellucci R.I.P.
- Katty Winter R.I.P.
- Strawbella
- Sheeba Star
- We'll miss Gleice
- Nene Aizawa
- Agatha de Melo - R.I.P.
- Iodine Oct-21-1989 - Oct-23-2014
- Justice for Leelah Alcorn
- Kelly Tavares (1990-2009) and Keizy Maria (1986-2013) SIP
- Shawna Vegas
- Zella Ziona
- Mariana Cordoba has passed away?
- Kimberly Devine
- To All That That Have Fallen.
- Mariana Cordoba??
- Anna Alexandre
- Frank Wolf 1993-2013
- Sphirex De Courcy
- Danielle Lace
- Patricia Araujo
- Bia Bastos
- Morena del Sol
- Kayleigh Scott - American Airlines