View Full Version : In Memoriam

  1. Camilla de Castro (20-April-1979 - 26-July-2005)
  2. Giselly (Giselle) Lins -- another angel meets a violent end.
  3. One more Murdered
  4. Candy aka Victoria Carmen White Killed in New Jersey
  5. Jezebel: Very Sad News
  6. Alison Faraday RIP
  7. Nicoly Spiller R.I.P.
  8. Barbara Bellucci R.I.P.
  9. Katty Winter R.I.P.
  10. Strawbella
  11. Sheeba Star
  12. We'll miss Gleice
  13. Nene Aizawa
  14. Agatha de Melo - R.I.P.
  15. Iodine Oct-21-1989 - Oct-23-2014
  16. Justice for Leelah Alcorn
  17. Kelly Tavares (1990-2009) and Keizy Maria (1986-2013) SIP
  18. Shawna Vegas
  19. Zella Ziona
  20. Mariana Cordoba has passed away?
  21. Kimberly Devine
  22. To All That That Have Fallen.
  23. Mariana Cordoba??
  24. Anna Alexandre
  25. Frank Wolf 1993-2013
  26. Sphirex De Courcy
  27. Danielle Lace
  28. Patricia Araujo
  29. Bia Bastos
  30. Morena del Sol
  31. Kayleigh Scott - American Airlines