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Old 02-13-2017
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Default Look. This Is Straight From Cosmo.

Yes I am a Cosmo Girl. Along with a Glamour Girl and so on. You gotta' learn from somewhere when you are trans right?

This is one for the guys wanting to date a trans women or girl. Here ya' go, straight from Cosmo.

1. Dating a trans girl is just like dating anyone else. It requires the same level of respect, empathy, and love you should show anyone. If you have dated a human being before, then you already have everything you need to date a trans girl. If you haven't dated a human being before… go and live your life!

2. Know what trans means. I am a trans girl, which means that the gender assigned to me at birth was incorrect. The doctor incorrectly assumed that having a penis when I was born made me a boy, when gender in fact comes entirely from inside your mind. Unlucky for me, at a few seconds old I had not gained enough of a mastery of the english language to protest his decision, so instead I probably soiled myself and fell asleep.

3. Sexuality and gender are separate things. I personally identify as pansexual, I have dated boys, girls, and others on the lovely gender spectrum. I am really proud of my sexuality, and I believe being open like this makes the world a more exciting place to live. But this leads me on to…

4. I did not transition to sleep with men. In fact, being trans has absolutely nothing to do with sexuality. We've passed 2015, so it's officially the future now (ask Michael J Fox!) so please do not assume what someone's sexuality is, based on how they look. Base it on the signals they give you.

5. Be open about who you are and what you want. We live in 2015, a strange, crowded, and anonymous world. I don't know if you are a sociopath with no friends, whether you are hiding a family or if you are openly transphobic and plan to hurt me. Letting me get to know you before we're alone together will make me feel safe!

6. Try not to be overly fixated on genitals. What did I say before about it being the future? Some girls have dicks, some girls don't, and some are in-between… deal with it. In fact, when was the last time you approached a girl on the dance floor because of the shape of their vagina? Spoiler, you haven't.

7. Try not to be overly fixated on her transness. If you do, she's gonna find your date extremely boring indeed. Chances are, if she wanted to educate you and chat about trans things, she wouldn't be at dinner, she'd be writing an article for Cosmopolitan instead.

8. She is a girl. She is not a half girl, or a quarter girl, regardless of what she looks or acts like. In fact any girl, trans or not, can look or act in any way she likes, and she is still a girl, get it? Good.

9. So treat her like you would treat a girl. Any girl. That means if you would pay for a girl's meal (how quaint!) pay for this date too, if you would complement a girl, compliment on this date too, the list goes on! The bottom line is you're dating a girl, end of. By the way this goes even if you are a girl! For example, no matter how small or large you are compared to your trans date, everyone likes to be the little spoon once in a while, right?

10. Fancying her does not make you gay. Dating a trans girl makes you straight, lesbian, or whatever sexuality you already are. I can't tell you how many times I've caught myself consoling a guy I don't even know on a night out, just because I told him that I was trans, and now he's worried he's gay. Honestly, don't be that guy. If you are the dude who treats me like the girl I am, regardless of history, that's cool. And you never know, I might see you again.

11. I am not 'a trans', I am 'trans'. Just like I am not a awesome, I am awesome, and you are not a stupid...

12. Be educated. By that I don't mean be a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, I mean you should have a basic knowledge of what transgender means. Do a quick web search and spend 15 minutes reading about concepts such as gender dysphoria, pronouns, cisgender, non-binary. That should get you started.

13. Being trans is not a secret. I didn't tell you because I want your approval, I'm not begging for your acceptance, and I'm definitely not warning you. The only reason you know is because it was an integral part of a witty and amusing anecdote I was telling! Some girls may on the other hand not want to tell you that they are trans. That's because it's easier not to sometimes, as stupidity and misunderstanding will inevitably ensue if you out yourself to the wrong people. In this case she told you because she trusts you, so act like you deserve that trust, right?

14. Know that she is beautiful and you are lucky to have her. And if you are respectful and loving to her and her identity, she is lucky to have you too.

I don't know her but Evie is a vlogger, writer and transgender advocate. All the credit goes to her.
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Old 02-14-2017
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I'm seeing a lot of posts lately from JamieTS, a very nice thing. Jamie seems very keen on the fact a lot of us (non TS) out here don't have much of a clue what or how the TS community thinks. Kind of makes some of us thankful if not feeling stupid or 'just not with it'. So let me say thank you to JamieTS and keep telling us wandering / searching souls what we are here to know more about. But I need to know this, You mention 'Cosmo'. Do you mean Cosmopolitan? Do they specifically mention the Transgender community? Have you noticed 'feedback' from their 'cis' customers?
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Old 02-14-2017
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Originally Posted by techno883 View Post
I'm seeing a lot of posts lately from JamieTS, a very nice thing. Jamie seems very keen on the fact a lot of us (non TS) out here don't have much of a clue what or how the TS community thinks. Kind of makes some of us thankful if not feeling stupid or 'just not with it'. So let me say thank you to JamieTS and keep telling us wandering / searching souls what we are here to know more about. But I need to know this, You mention 'Cosmo'. Do you mean Cosmopolitan? Do they specifically mention the Transgender community? Have you noticed 'feedback' from their 'cis' customers?
Thank you. No I don't read that magazine or any others anymore. I used to read Glamour a lot but yeah it was from Cosmopolitan.

Look. Honestly there is no reason to feel stupid or "just not with it". We are all just wandering and searching for whatever makes us happy and we can live with. I will say this much though, we are not special so don't make a big deal out of her being trans. She is just another woman and if she makes a big deal out of it then run.

Not to go into religion but I have a saying about preachers, ministers, preists, pastors and so on. I tell everyone that has so much faith in them that they are just as fucked up and confused as we all are.

I mean I don't make a big deal out of being a trans woman so don't treat me like I have a broken leg and need to be pitied. If someone wants to date me then I want them to ask me out because they find me attractive, not to prove that they are open minded and so on.

I mean I will give you want you want but like any other woman, I am going to make you work for it. That means you have to romance me. Wining and dining, roses and opening my door for me and pulling my chair out for me and so on. I'm just a woman and love when a man is a man and treats me like a woman.

Just the main thing is that we are not all porn stars, well some of us are but the majority are not. We are not all prostitutes and again some of us are but most of us are not. We may be horny but we are not gonna' just give it up. Well some of us will but most won't. So this is the point that I am trying to make. Don't assume just because she is trans that she will automatically want that right off the bat. I really thought that this could help a lot of guys that are attracted to trans women.

How about this for Irony? Roughly 1.4 million people in the US are trans gender and most are MTF and these are only the people that admit to it. These are the people that do HRT and SRS so chances are that you meat Trans women and Trans men all the time in everyday life. Believe me in public I am not gonna' wave my banner because of social norms but we are out there. For me its about XXY instead of just XX or XY.

Look, to a lot of us being trans women is no big deal. It is just as natural as being a woman to cis women. We don't really want our dates making a big deal out of it either. If you are attracted to my femininity than that is a good thing. If you are attracted to what I have between my legs or can over look it and totally accept my femininity then that is a really good thing.

I will not lie because there are a lot of trans women that are so sensitive about it. You can't joke about it because it just hurts them so much. With me, after I get to know you I will even joke about it with you. But with me on a date for the first few times, tranny and shemale are big no nos. Later if we hit it off then you can call me what you want in privacy because I call myself that too. But not in public and in a good natured joking way and not in a mean way.

I hope this makes a little sense.
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Old 02-15-2017
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Default Nice thoughts

Originally Posted by JamieTS View Post
Yes I am a Cosmo Girl. Along with a Glamour Girl and so on. You gotta' learn from somewhere when you are trans right?

This is one for the guys wanting to date a trans women or girl. Here ya' go, straight from Cosmo.

1. Dating a trans girl is just like dating anyone else. It requires the same level of respect, empathy, and love you should show anyone. If you have dated a human being before, then you already have everything you need to date a trans girl. If you haven't dated a human being before… go and live your life!

2. Know what trans means. I am a trans girl, which means that the gender assigned to me at birth was incorrect. The doctor incorrectly assumed that having a penis when I was born made me a boy, when gender in fact comes entirely from inside your mind. Unlucky for me, at a few seconds old I had not gained enough of a mastery of the english language to protest his decision, so instead I probably soiled myself and fell asleep.

3. Sexuality and gender are separate things. I personally identify as pansexual, I have dated boys, girls, and others on the lovely gender spectrum. I am really proud of my sexuality, and I believe being open like this makes the world a more exciting place to live. But this leads me on to…

4. I did not transition to sleep with men. In fact, being trans has absolutely nothing to do with sexuality. We've passed 2015, so it's officially the future now (ask Michael J Fox!) so please do not assume what someone's sexuality is, based on how they look. Base it on the signals they give you.

5. Be open about who you are and what you want. We live in 2015, a strange, crowded, and anonymous world. I don't know if you are a sociopath with no friends, whether you are hiding a family or if you are openly transphobic and plan to hurt me. Letting me get to know you before we're alone together will make me feel safe!

6. Try not to be overly fixated on genitals. What did I say before about it being the future? Some girls have dicks, some girls don't, and some are in-between… deal with it. In fact, when was the last time you approached a girl on the dance floor because of the shape of their vagina? Spoiler, you haven't.

7. Try not to be overly fixated on her transness. If you do, she's gonna find your date extremely boring indeed. Chances are, if she wanted to educate you and chat about trans things, she wouldn't be at dinner, she'd be writing an article for Cosmopolitan instead.

8. She is a girl. She is not a half girl, or a quarter girl, regardless of what she looks or acts like. In fact any girl, trans or not, can look or act in any way she likes, and she is still a girl, get it? Good.

9. So treat her like you would treat a girl. Any girl. That means if you would pay for a girl's meal (how quaint!) pay for this date too, if you would complement a girl, compliment on this date too, the list goes on! The bottom line is you're dating a girl, end of. By the way this goes even if you are a girl! For example, no matter how small or large you are compared to your trans date, everyone likes to be the little spoon once in a while, right?

10. Fancying her does not make you gay. Dating a trans girl makes you straight, lesbian, or whatever sexuality you already are. I can't tell you how many times I've caught myself consoling a guy I don't even know on a night out, just because I told him that I was trans, and now he's worried he's gay. Honestly, don't be that guy. If you are the dude who treats me like the girl I am, regardless of history, that's cool. And you never know, I might see you again.

11. I am not 'a trans', I am 'trans'. Just like I am not a awesome, I am awesome, and you are not a stupid...

12. Be educated. By that I don't mean be a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, I mean you should have a basic knowledge of what transgender means. Do a quick web search and spend 15 minutes reading about concepts such as gender dysphoria, pronouns, cisgender, non-binary. That should get you started.

13. Being trans is not a secret. I didn't tell you because I want your approval, I'm not begging for your acceptance, and I'm definitely not warning you. The only reason you know is because it was an integral part of a witty and amusing anecdote I was telling! Some girls may on the other hand not want to tell you that they are trans. That's because it's easier not to sometimes, as stupidity and misunderstanding will inevitably ensue if you out yourself to the wrong people. In this case she told you because she trusts you, so act like you deserve that trust, right?

14. Know that she is beautiful and you are lucky to have her. And if you are respectful and loving to her and her identity, she is lucky to have you too.

I don't know her but Evie is a vlogger, writer and transgender advocate. All the credit goes to her.
Nice thoughts, i would love to know your better as my virtual friend to begin with
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Old 02-17-2017
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Default I'm her baby.

We can talk as much as you want. You wanna' know then ask in a PM. I am always talking or writing because I am female and we use way more words than males in a day's time. OMG that sounds so sexist but I guess I am a sexist?

I damn sure ain;t gonna' cry about guys that like me with or without pics.
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Old 02-17-2017
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You are such a flirt. LOL
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Old 02-19-2017
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Default I know.

Originally Posted by techno883 View Post
You are such a flirt. LOL
I know. It does come from doing just what I am doing know for a living or part of my living anyway.

The biggest compliment I think you can give to the opposite sex or gender is flirtation because it really is an innocent way of telling you that you either like how they look or their personality.
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Old 02-20-2017
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Default flirt test

I know a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two.
Also I've been here for a long time.

I have flirted with many and my test is ,,,,,if I can make a guy bang his cock on the keyboard,,,,,,,,,,,,then I'm ,,,,,,
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Old 02-21-2017
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Originally Posted by franalexes View Post
I know a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two.
Also I've been here for a long time.

I have flirted with many and my test is ,,,,,if I can make a guy bang his cock on the keyboard,,,,,,,,,,,,then I'm ,,,,,,
Oh yeah.

Well I am a little more than a flirt too. I really really like sex.
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