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Old 04-29-2009
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Default thailand vs. phillippines

so my trip might come sooner than i think. but recently i've been contemplating between the phil and thailand.. both have a large selection of beutiful ladyboys.. but it's really hard to decide. i'm leaning more towards the phil right now because for some reason i get the impression that there is less STD's.. also their language seems easier and closer to my second language (spanish) so maybe it would be easier to learn because they do share a lot of the same words. but as of now it's all just speculation.

i made this thread because i thought it would be great to get some feedback from expirienced travelers who have been to either phil or thailand or even both perhaps. if you have, please leave some info about it, especially the phil because it seems it's a less popular tourist attraction for ladyboys, thailand always seems to take the gold. anyway, i would love some feedback, thanks a lot.
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Old 04-29-2009
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You are right, there is a lot of sexy LBs at Philippines but i don't know anything about LB scenes Philippines like bars, clubs, places etc.... But plenty of beautys in there 100 %.

Note : i have a LB friend in Philippines May be my next holiday will be in Philippines after some research who knows ??? :D
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Old 04-29-2009
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the good news is that english is spoken nearly everywhere to a very high standard and is the second language to tagalog
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Old 04-29-2009
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Default I am going to Turkey just for her

hope she would let me video her
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Old 04-30-2009
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Default a bit late

This is a bit late pal and I hope you made it and had an enjoyable time. In my humble opinion, the Filipinas (or Filipinos, billy boys etc) are very náive in the way of condoms. Maybe because of their staunch Catholic upbringing. Well, we all know that all religions have never been updated since the time of chiselling the print into stone slabs. Fact is: You will find many Filipinas that will go bareback with you compared to a few Thais. So this STD fear is to be respected wherever you travel. By the way, I think I speak more Spanish than most of the people in the Philippines. Take care and rgds
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Old 04-30-2009
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Originally Posted by horizontal View Post
the good news is that english is spoken nearly everywhere to a very high standard and is the second language to tagalog
I was just going to say that as well. Due to the American military presence that's always been involved in the Philippines, not to mention how many Filipinos desperately want to move to America, if you speak English you'll have very little trouble getting around or understanding things.

As for the actual dating/club scene, it certainly exists in the Philippines and I have some online friends that frequent clubs and things like that -- but overall, on the flip side, I get the general sense from even talking to them that the full "Asian Ladyboy Experience" is far more likely to be found and done up with style in Thailand as opposed to the Philippines. So that's sort of the trade-off you make with regards to the whole language issue.
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Old 05-01-2009
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Default Thailand vs Philippines

For me it's the Philippines because I live nearby (3 1/5) hours by air. I travel there about once a month. English is spoken there, the road signs, billboards, store signs and most of the major news papers are all in English.

Manila has first class hotels, shoppng malls and night clubs. I have many Shemale friends and I frequent Club Mwah, a world class transvestite show that is Las Vegas - Broadway style and has been rated the best of it's type in Asia. The prices are reasonable and you won't be hustled for drinks. You can meet with the cast after the show at the bar and socialize and who knows what will happen. I've dated some of the performers in the past and they all love Westerners.

Check it out I'm sure you will like it. Do a search for clubmwah.
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Old 05-01-2009
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thanks for the replies guys.
and don't worry, i have a long way to go before i go anywhere.

anyway, the reason the phillippines attracted me in the first place is because of all the ladyboys i see on cam sites. they are pretty much all filipinas.

now, i know thailand has pattaya and bankok where there are strips in which it is not possible to walk by there and NOT bump in to a ladyboy. i realize thailand has no shortage of ladyboys.

but what i really want to know is if there are places like that in the phil? places where you will have no trouble encountering a ladyboy? i have made good friends with a few models on a cam site who live in the phil, and they are extremely beautiful, i've told them that i'm interested in visiting them so that's another point for the phil.

this would be a great thread for me to make my decesion on which country to go to.

please if anyone has info about what i just mentioned i'd love to hear it and i would really appreciate it.

so far thailand gets a big bonus for it's inevitable ladyboy paradise.
and phil gets points for being english- friendly, and the cam girls i could possibly meet.
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Old 05-01-2009
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Originally Posted by sipoo View Post
hope she would let me video her
look at my topics my friend and then you will see much more beauties in Turkey
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Old 05-06-2009
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> so do u like creamy smooth or crunchy style with that
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Old 05-19-2009
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The one big difference between Thai and Pino tGirls are that all the Philippinas are circumcised. They undergo the operation as teenagers when they still have to act as they were boys and it's practicaly impossible to stay uncut in their society. Some Thais are cut also but they've done it probably electively. So if you prefer circed dicks (like I do), Philippines would rather be a better idea.
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Old 05-27-2009
ShocknAmaze ShocknAmaze is offline
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Smile Same debate for me

I have about a month of travel time, and I am going to Thailand for sure (it will be my first trip, and I'm losing sleep over it!) but I was thinking to hit another country while out in Asia, and I was trying to choose.

I heard the ladyboy scene in Phili is good, but I don't have much details. I DEFINITELY prefer circumcised cocks, so that's a bonus to me. But I am a bit of a butterfly until I find a girl that really pleases me. I don't want to spend all of my time with one lady.

Are there many bars, etc there to meet ladyboys? Thanks for the help.

I'll be out in Thailand around the 11th of next month.
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Old 05-29-2009
inphilippines inphilippines is offline
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I didn't see any ladyboy bars in the Philippines like in Thailand, but there are many around. If you are interested they will definitely find you

Lots of girls also advertise on craigslist so you can make some contacts before you go.
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Old 03-17-2019
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lots of ladyboys in Lapu Lapu and the best bar and its just an ordinary bar is called Tonios bar and fri /sat has lots of ladyboys
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Old 03-21-2019
liesjeversteven liesjeversteven is offline
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Originally Posted by russtafa View Post
lots of ladyboys in Lapu Lapu and the best bar and its just an ordinary bar is called Tonios bar and fri /sat has lots of ladyboys
A reply ten years later, seriously?
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