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Old 02-23-2018
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Default Divas!

What is a Diva? Well, I'd say it's any lady that stands out from the rest. The classical diva was an opera star but the term has really expanded from everything from pop singers and actresses to drag queens and wrestlers!

Who are some of your favorite Divas? I'll start with one of my favorites and true diva in every sense of the word....beautiful soprano Angela Gheorghui
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Old 02-25-2018
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A fan Tweeted:
“Just wanted to say, I have the biggest celeb crush on @DoveCameron. Thank you, that is all.”

(No it wasn’t me--my wife would kill me… but it expresses my sentiments quite well. )

Dove (jokingly) responded:
“i hear she's a total diva tho”

By the way, “Descendants 3” is due out in 2019. Hope you enjoy her pics! I was refraining from posting because I didn’t want to turn this into a Dove, Hayley, Miley, Demi, and Taylor thread. But Boner said it would be OK.

(These pics are after "Liv and Maddie" so she is "over 18" in all of them. You know I had to include at least one "Mal" pic. )

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Old 02-25-2018
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Very nice! Post away!

I'm just hoping to see some beautiful women!

No Diva thread would be complete without a nod to Queen Ru though!
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Old 02-26-2018
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Club Diva Ultra Nate'!
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Old 02-27-2018
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Originally Posted by Boner View Post
Club Diva Ultra Nate'!
I especially like the second picture top row. I'm sure she knows I've been a bad boy...

And of course my favorite "diva," Hayley.

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Old 02-27-2018
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Hayley and Dove are super cute

Glad you liked Ultra. I think she's just ravishing. That face
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Old 02-27-2018
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Rounding out my top three favorite "divas" is none other than Miley Cyrus.

It's "popular" to bash Miley on the Internet (nothing new, the hate goes all the way back to when she was 13 and on Hannah Montana) and yes, her public "image" for a while was very different from the pics I posted. I've never used or endorsed drugs and some of her on-stage behavior was very outrageous. Every generation's music (even Elvis and the Beatles were once considered "scandalous" ) is meant to "shock" be "new" and "edgy." When I was a pre-teen I had a Cannibal Corpse CD that my mom found and threw in the trash. I still listen to "extreme" metal and hard rock. Seems I turned out OK.

As the first to admit I possess zero talent and know nothing about show business, I don't know how much of her "transformation" several years ago was "really who she was" as we've been told, or a very well thought out marketing campaign. Considering the amount of money it takes to promote a new album and support a tour, I suspect it was the latter.

In another post I mentioned that I had friends who met her. It was when her "Wonder World" tour came to Indianapolis in 2009. They said she was super sweet and posed for pictures and signed autographs. I had a chance to go but thought I was "too old" although in my 20's. I will take the word of my friends over anything that comes from TMZ, OK!, or Life & Style any day.

You are aware Miley is known in real life as a very generous and caring person? She is also a big supporter of LGBT rights. I remember her participating in the "NOH8" campaign several years ago. I realize there's always someone who will not like her but If all you know is the "post-Bangerz" or "dead petz" Miley, I hope you'll take another look at her.

(All these pics were taken from late 2010 to July 2012 so she is "over 18." She was born in November 1992.)

Last edited by a9127; 09-21-2019 at 11:12 PM.
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Old 02-28-2018
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I knew I would end up doing this so I'll stop posting for a while and let Boner and others continue this thread. But before I sign off for tonight, here's my fourth biggest celebrity crush.

She needs no introduction...

(She's really tall too. Like almost 6'. We'd make a great couple... )

Last edited by a9127; 09-21-2019 at 11:13 PM.
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Old 03-02-2018
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You are aware Miley is known in real life as a very generous and caring person? She is also a big supporter of LGBT rights. I remember her participating in the "NOH8" campaign several years ago. I realize there's always someone who will not like her but If all you know is the "post-Bangerz" or "dead petz" Miley, I hope you'll take another look at her.

(All these pics were taken from late 2010 to July 2012 so she is "over 18." She was born in November 1992.)[/QUOTE]

Wow- she's come a long way. I never disliked Miley but I did think she was a classic case of what happens when young stars try to shed their past image. I heard an interview with her a couple of months ago and found her quite likable. And those photos.....

btw- Our girl Cece was also part of the NOH8 Campaign. Both she and Ultra have been allies of the LGBT community for years!
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Old 03-02-2018
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I thought Andy would appreciate these black and white shots of Dove Cameron! That one of her working out is so hot!
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Old 03-03-2018
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Originally Posted by Boner View Post
I thought Andy would appreciate these black and white shots of Dove Cameron! That one of her working out is so hot!

The second pic is from a "Marilyn Monroe" type photoshoot she did last year. You should check it out...
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Old 03-03-2018
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And of course my next favorite "diva" is Demi Lovato.

She's been through a lot and is not afraid to speak out. I'm sure she has helped many young girls (and guys). BTW my wife thinks she's the most beautiful of anyone that I like. Extremely talented, she's well on her way to becoming a superstar--if she isn't one already.

Last edited by a9127; 09-21-2019 at 11:14 PM.
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Old 03-04-2018
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Hayley is one of the most popular ciswomen I've posted in terms of number of views. I can understand why. She's really pretty awesome.

You should look her up if you aren't familiar with her or Paramore. She's not only beautiful and talented, but seems really nice, is intelligent and well spoken, and seems down to earth unlike many celebrities. And you do know that she is a supporter of LGBT rights?

Hope her fans on here enjoy these pics...

Last edited by a9127; 09-21-2019 at 12:43 AM.
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Old 03-08-2018
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Looking through the pics in this thread I'm not surprised that Dove as "Mal" is leading everyone in terms of views...

Anyway especially for Boner, here's some more pics of Demi Lovato.

One of the things I really like about her--in addition to the fact that she's a great singer--is her willingness to speak out on topics like bullying, self-image, self-harm and cutting, and sexuality. She has probably helped more girls (and guys) then she realizes. In a recent interview she said:

“I’m very fluid,” she said. “I think love is love. You can find it in any gender. I like the freedom of being able to flirt with whoever I want.”

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Old 03-09-2018
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Wow! Some great posts Andy!

That middle picture of Demi- the only way it could be any hotter is if she had a bulge between her legs

I never paid much attention to her until last year. We have a TV on all day where I work and she was performing on Good Morning America. Demi was wearing this leather jacket and this little miniskirt. Not only was she a powerhouse vocalist, she looked hot as hell! It was all I could do to keep from going to the restroom and taking care of myself

Anyway, I've been a fan of the beautiful and talentented Demi Lovato ever since:

PS- I'm not surprised Dove gets a lot of attention, especially with her purple hair! She's just adorable
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Old 03-10-2018
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Beautiful opera singer Maria Ewing- one of the first divas to capture my attention as a lad
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Old 03-10-2018
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More Miley. These pics are from the last year or so. This is the stuff they don’t show you on “Daily Mail,” “TMZ,” “Life and Style,” and other gossip sites. They’d much rather play up the bad (often outright lies) or catch her in awkward “paparazzi” pictures or say she OD’d or is pregnant for the 1000th time… And are she and Liam getting married or what? Enquiring minds want to know!!!

Anyway, I think if you dig a little deeper you will find a very beautiful and talented young woman (she’s 25 now). She has done many things worthy of recognition. Too bad that the “press” and gossip sites tend to always play up the negative. Many stars have had their share of “haters” on the Internet. Nice to be able to hide behind the computer isn’t it? But for Miley the “hate” started almost immediately with Hannah Montana--not when she did Bangerz or started “twerking.”

My wife (who is about the same age as Miley’s older sister, Brandi) knows everything about pop music and celebrities and really likes Miley. That says a lot. So do my friends that met her. Hayley too. Coincidentally Miley and Hayley both grew up (and still live in) Franklin, TN.

I wish I could post the pictures of her visiting the little boy in the hospital, or the one with all the kids at Staples Center, or the Get UR Good On campaign. But she's only 16 in all of them--don't know how TLB would feel about it. You will just have to look 'em up.

And of course a big shout-out to Pharrell Williams and Ariana Grande in the Manchester pics.

(The first pic. I was just checking out the car. I swear! )

Last edited by a9127; 09-21-2019 at 11:15 PM.
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Old 03-13-2018
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Two weeks ago they decided to play a "Vinyl Mix" at the gym instead of the usual "Club Mix." The song was "Rhiannon." Literally it was so awesome that I had to stop working out just so I could listen to it. Later, they played "Go Your Own Way."

Anyway, you know Stevie Nicks would not escape my notice no matter what generation she was from.

Interestingly the girl in my story "1978: The Best Year Ever" was originally named "Stevie." But I decided that would have been too obvious...

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Old 03-13-2018
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Nice posts Andy! I hadn't thought of Stevie Nicks in a long time

So far we've seen opera divas, club divas, and pop divas but how about some wrestling divas like Trish Stratus and the sadly departed Chyna (RIP)?
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Old 03-13-2018
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Good idea. My wife watches "Total Divas" so I guess it's OK if I post a pic...

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Old 03-14-2018
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Post away! You know, I used to pay a lot of attention to ladies wrestling....until the T-Girl bug hit me in February of 2003 and my taste in adult entertainment changed forever. I will always think the WWE Divas are sexy even if I have no clue who any of them are any more!

As I've posted elsewhere, it was Gia Darling who flipped my script when I saw her on the cover of Transsexual Heartbreakers 5! Seeing that cover was like getting hit by lightning and I couldn't get the VHS Tape home fast enough. I watched it and came almost immediately, swearing I'd never watch anything like that again. The joke was on me because now that's what I want to watch!

Anyway, we all know how awesome Gia is. She's long since retired from her groundbreaking and successful career. I believe she's had SRS, was married for several years, is now divorced and living somewhere in New York. Wherever Gia is I hope she's very happy because, even though she's a Diva, she seems like a really nice person as well.
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Old 03-15-2018
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Originally Posted by Boner View Post
Post away! You know, I used to pay a lot of attention to ladies wrestling....until the T-Girl bug hit me in February of 2003 and my taste in adult entertainment changed forever. I will always think the WWE Divas are sexy even if I have no clue who any of them are any more!

As I've posted elsewhere, it was Gia Darling who flipped my script when I saw her on the cover of Transsexual Heartbreakers 5! Seeing that cover was like getting hit by lightning and I couldn't get the VHS Tape home fast enough. I watched it and came almost immediately, swearing I'd never watch anything like that again. The joke was on me because now that's what I want to watch!

Anyway, we all know how awesome Gia is. She's long since retired from her groundbreaking and successful career. I believe she's had SRS, was married for several years, is now divorced and living somewhere in New York. Wherever Gia is I hope she's very happy because, even though she's a Diva, she seems like a really nice person as well.
Sounds very similar to me. I was a big fan of the women of wrestling back in the late 90s and early 2000s. I believe it was Sable and Tori Wilson (I hope I got the name right) who I saw in some of my dad's Playboy's that turned me on to them.

And like you, once I saw Gia my preference changed, although I still find the women of wwe extremely sexy.
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Old 03-15-2018
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Trish Stratus.

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Old 03-20-2018
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Hayley as a girl scout.

"I'll take 5 million boxes of cookies please..."

(Wonder if she knows how to tie knots? )

Last edited by a9127; 09-21-2019 at 12:24 AM.
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Old 03-23-2018
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Stunnigly gorgeous operatic mezzo-soprano Joyce Didonato! I love how she favors outfits that show off her sexy arms- I'd love to give those biceps a squeeze!
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Old 03-25-2018
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Originally Posted by Boner View Post
What is a Diva? Well, I'd say it's any lady that stands out from the rest. The classical diva was an opera star but the term has really expanded from everything from pop singers and actresses to drag queens and wrestlers!

Who are some of your favorite Divas? I'll start with one of my favorites and true diva in every sense of the word....beautiful soprano Angela Gheorghui
Diva's is a great club in San Francisco for the special ladies we all love 😉
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Old 03-31-2018
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Hell, I'm not even sure what to post on here anymore. So I guess I'll post my three favorite cis "divas."

Hope Boner will post more and others will contribute pics of their favorites. Anything goes. It's all good!

(Moderators: The picture of Dove is from the "Descendants" premier, July 2015. She's 19. Miley and Hayley are both "mid-twenties." About my age... )

Last edited by a9127; 09-21-2019 at 11:19 PM.
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Old 04-01-2018
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Originally Posted by a9127 View Post
Hell, I'm not even sure what to post on here anymore. So I guess I'll post my three favorite cis "divas." :

Hope Boner will post more and others will contribute pics of their favorites. Anything goes. It's all good!

(Moderators: The picture of Dove is from the "Descendants" premier, July 2015. She's 19. Miley and Hayley are both "mid-twenties." About my age... )
If you're ever in doubt as to what to post, post some beautiful ladies! I started this thread as a place to celebrate femininity. Cis or trans- so long as she's a glamorous diva!

That makes this a perfect place for me to share some pictures of beautiful Renee Reyes. I've always loved her sexy outfits but never really thought of her as a "cross-dresser" and I don't like thinking of trans-ladies like Renee as a "she-male" so I never was quite sure where to share pictures of this lovely lady. Here she is- the Diva Renee Reyes
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Old 04-02-2018
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Natalya from Total Divas.

Last edited by a9127; 09-21-2019 at 11:20 PM.
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Old 04-04-2018
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Courtney, Britney, and RuPaul.
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Old 04-05-2018
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Some fantastic posts Andy!

Here's a few of Hedda Lettuce, one of my favorite drag divas. Her well upholstered look with the green hair drives me nuts! I just want to be her boy-toy!
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Old 04-05-2018
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Originally Posted by Boner View Post
Some fantastic posts Andy!

Here's a few of Hedda Lettuce, one of my favorite drag divas. Her well upholstered look with the green hair drives me nuts! I just want to be her boy-toy!
Thanks. Glad you like them. I checked and Dove as "Mal" leads in number of views. That doesn't surprise me. Hayley is a close second. Then Miley.

I have seen several of your posts featuring "Hedda." She is sexy and looks like she would be a fun person to be around. I will have to check her out.
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Old 04-07-2018
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Pics of Hedda for my friend Boner. Including one as a blonde with green highlights.
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Old 04-07-2018
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Originally Posted by a9127 View Post
Pics of Hedda for my friend Boner. Including one as a blonde with green highlights.
Wow! Awesome pics Andy! Thanks!

I just love "The Queen of Green" she has that mature, fashionably buxom, zaftig look that gets me going

It goes back to childhood. Marsha Queen of Diamonds was one of the first divaliscious ladies but there was also Beverly Sills. I remember as kid seeing her on Carol Burnett and The Muppet Show and how much I liked her. I had fantasies of her being my baby sitter and tucking me in at night, letting my inexperienced hands roam her body as she covered my face with kisses.

When I found pictures of her in my dad's record collection and in his stack of old Opera News magazines I was in heaven! Until he found them in my room and asked me if I liked looking at her. What could I say! I was so embarrassed

Anyway- I liked looking at her then and I still do today? Viva la Diva Beverly Sills!
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Old 04-07-2018
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Originally Posted by Boner View Post
Wow! Awesome pics Andy! Thanks!

...It goes back to childhood. Marsha Queen of Diamonds was one of the first divaliscious ladies but there was also Beverly Sills. I remember as kid seeing her on Carol Burnett and The Muppet Show and how much I liked her. I had fantasies of her being my baby sitter and tucking me in at night, letting my inexperienced hands roam her body as she covered my face with kisses.

When I found pictures of her in my dad's record collection and in his stack of old Opera News magazines I was in heaven! Until he found them in my room and asked me if I liked looking at her. What could I say! I was so embarrassed

Anyway- I liked looking at her then and I still do today? Viva la Diva Beverly Sills!
Beverly Sills is a total legend. Perhaps the "ultimate Diva”! I know what you mean. Last night I had a fantasy about Dove Cameron tucking me in…

Sorry for the long post but I think celebrities often do remind us of people we used to know or like. Maybe unrequited love? And they represent an “ideal” for most of us. Generally, that’s a good thing. They are beautiful, are “perfect” in that we never experience their “down” sides or when they are having a bad day, and they entertain us and make us feel good.

Last week I was watching a couple of early Paramore videos: “Emergency” and “Pressure” and suddenly realized Hayley reminded me of another girl from my high-school I’ve never talked about before. Hayley was just 16 at the time so I’m not sure about posting the videos on here but you can find them easily on YouTube. Anyway, as you know Stephanie was always my girlfriend but there was another girl in high-school I really liked (imagine that… ). She was into theatre and performing arts and she was also an excellent singer. She had dark red hair similar to Hayley’s early in her career. God, even the same style.

Anyway, during the Fall of our Senior year our class performed “South Pacific” and this girl wanted me to play the big sailor who sings “There Is Nothing Like a Dame.” Except that I was too involved with football, had longish hair which I didn’t want to cut, and Stephanie didn’t want me to for some reason…

My friend wasn’t the lead, Nellie, but she stole the show when she came out for a song and dance number later (Ensign Lisa Minelli). I went with my mom and dad to watch the Sunday matinee—Stephanie did not go with us (yes, I invited her). After graduation, my friend would go on to study acting and had some minor roles, performed at theme parks, and did a few commercials. I saw her on TV once. Years later I heard from friends that she had gotten married and had kids. Probably the most talented person I’ve known in real life—later on I realized that if SHE couldn’t make it in show business no one else stood much of a chance.

Nothing ever happened between us but that Christmas she and her friends came over to our house and sang carols then we all hung out. We also went out to the movies together during break. My dad let me borrow his Cadillac. Stephanie of course sat up front with me. They got along but there was always tension between them. And it wasn’t necessarily me. They were both beautiful and talented but ran in different circles. I’ve often wondered if my friendship with this girl helped lead to Steph and me breaking up a year later. Her going to New York and my family moving to Indiana probably had more to do with that. By the way the director was our English teacher from the stories “Freshman English Class" and "Stephanie and I Make Up."

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Old 04-07-2018
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I liked your story!

I wasn't sure whether to post about Beverly here or in the Early Experiences thread. She was my first celebrity crush: Even as a kid, I thought she was just so pretty and I loved her pretty red hair and costumes

You're right. Celebrities are easy for us to imagine being with but isn't that the same as all the other things we like here? They're all beautiful divas!

And in that spirit, in honor of her lovely face gracing the cover of the week's People Magazine, - the supremely beautiful Mariska Hartigay!:
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Old 04-08-2018
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Originally Posted by Boner View Post
I liked your story!

I wasn't sure whether to post about Beverly here or in the Early Experiences thread. She was my first celebrity crush: Even as a kid, I thought she was just so pretty and I loved her pretty red hair and costumes

You're right. Celebrities are easy for us to imagine being with but isn't that the same as all the other things we like here? They're all beautiful divas!

And in that spirit, in honor of her lovely face gracing the cover of the week's People Magazine, - the supremely beautiful Mariska Hartigay!:

Thanks. Glad you have enjoyed my stories. Anything that involves Stephanie is true (yes, I really did tie up a girl in English class... ). Most of the stuff in the "Shemale Fantasy" thread is fiction but with real details regarding locations, etc.

I never noticed the resemblance between my friend from high-school and Hayley until I watched those videos the other day. They were from their first album. I didn't become aware of Paramore or Hayley until a couple years later ("Misery Business" was the first song I ever heard. It's from their second album "Riot" which came out in 2007. Also they did a song for the "Twilight" movie called "Decode.") I've only met one "entertainment" celebrity and that was that girl from the "Fall Guy" when I was a kid. One of my friends met Ozzy Osbourne in an elevator in Los Angeles. Some of my younger friends got to meet Miley and I know several people who have seen Paramore in concert. They can verify that Hayley is awesome.

Mariska is gorgeous. Hope you enjoy the movie posters of her mom. Her dad was a "Mr. Universe" in the 50's and for a while lived in Indiana. During the summer after we moved down here I needed a place to lift for football and we found an old gym near the Motor Speedway. Apparently her dad once trained there. The equipment was ancient but in good shape and the gym was for "hardcore" lifters and athletes so it was great for serious workouts and I learned a lot. I probably used some of the stuff he did.

Most of what I know about Jayne Mansfield comes from the TV movie starring Loni Anderson and Arnold.

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Old 04-11-2018
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I always knew Mariska got her fabulous looks from her iconic mother
But I believe her father was Hungarian and Hungarian women have a beauty all their own- like another one of my early favorites from Opera News- Eva Marton
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Old 04-15-2018
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Carrie Underwood

For a guy who's latest post in the "Sing a Long" thread was "Disturbed," she is the one country singer I know... wonder why?

(Too bad she doesn't like football players. )

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Old 04-17-2018
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Miley! From "So Undercover" 2012. "Safeword"? Wish that was me instead of that guy... And she even rides a motorcycle in it. Why do I think she'd like to go for a ride on my Harley?

"So Undercover" was shot in New Orleans. That is Miley talking to Coach Sean Payton of the Saints.

(Sorry for the poor quality of the first pic. It originally was an "animated" gif. Too big to upload that way. )

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Old 04-17-2018
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Maybe this will bring Boner back.

(This pic reminds me--the Indy 500 is coming up soon. Hope it warms up, kind of hard to run it in the snow! )
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Originally Posted by a9127 View Post
Maybe this will bring Boner back.

(This pic reminds me--the Indy 500 is coming up soon. Hope it warms up, kind of hard to run it in the snow! )
It did! You know I adore the Queen Ru!

Ru Paul's "Supermodel" really blew my mind when I first saw it. I'd never seen anyone quite like her before. Ru was magnificent, majestic, elegant, and sexy. I knew Ru Paul was a guy but in that video.....

Nayway, thanks Andy and keep posting your faves! I like Miley, Hayley, and especially Demi

All hail the Queen!
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To say I "have it bad" for Hayley would be the understatement of the millennium.

Fortunately my wife really likes her too and is a big fan of Paramore. I have written lots about her elsewhere so no need to say it all again. Hope you enjoy her pics!

(Many of these were taken during the Vans Warped Tour 2011.)

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Old 04-19-2018
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Demi Lovato. Especially for Boner. Were you aware she did her own version of "Let it Go" from Frozen? While Idina Menzel was perfect and hers is the version most people know, I actually liked Demi's version better.

I have seen a really cool picture of her with Miley backstage that I'd love to post but can't because they were 16 at the time (both were born in 1992).

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Oh my goodness are those hot!

Thanks Andy!
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Old 04-21-2018
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Cece Peniston! I've been in love with her since "finally", her first single over 25 years ago. Now she has a new single with the very appropriate title "Hot"!She sure is- that last bikini picture of her is from yesterday! Stunning!
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I'm not sure if I should post this here or in early experiences, but I'd have to say one of my favorite divas would have to be Britney Spears. She's experienced some remarkable highs and some well documented lows, but she always seems to come back strong. She's always been a favorite of mine.
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Old 04-21-2018
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Wow! Nice pics Iowaguy! Looking forward to seeing you post more divas

I remember from the other thread you saying you like Sondra Radvonovsky and Joyce DiDonato.....two very beautiful ladies and true opera divas!
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Old 04-22-2018
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I decided to post these in the Divas thread. I've only been aware of Dove since watching Descendants 2 with my niece last summer. Already I think she's one of the most beautiful women that has ever lived.

Hope Dove has an easier time of it than some of the other young stars from Disney. Miley has had a really rough time as did Lindsay, Britney, and even Demi and Selena.

The "I'm Just Unique" one is from the first Descendants (she was 19). Boner said he wished he had a poster. Any of the ones from Descendants 2 can be printed on a hi res color printer. I printed the one where she's kneeling, framed it, and have it up in my office. My wife doesn't care--she thinks Dove is awesome and was a fan of "Liv and Maddie."

I found a really amazing drawing of Hayley that I often use as wallpaper. Probably will run that off and put it up. I also have an autographed pic and birthday greeting from Miley my friends got me. Good thing she doesn't know I was "born before 1985."

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Dove is just so beautiful-especially as Mal!
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