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Old 07-27-2017
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Default Early Experiences - What turned you on?

I've noticed quite a few posts on this forum about the things that we found sexy back in the day. Everything from our first "t-girl pic" to who our first "celebrity crush" was.

Even who our first girlfriend or boyfriend in real life was.

Yes there are many threads where these types of posts exist but I thought it might be fun to share them all in one place.

Pics of course are welcome so long as they are public or you have permission to share them.
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Old 07-27-2017
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This is a great idea for a thread! Thanks for starting it, Andy, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you and everyone else has to say on the subject.

So yesterday I revealed that opera singers were an early source of excitement for me. They are the original divas and their beauty and glamour are still a source of pleasure. As much as I like nudity and hardcore, seeing a pretty woman all dolled up and wearing sexy costumes really puts the lead in my pencil. I attached a few pictures of the ladies who did for me back in the day and a couple more current ones.

The first couple are of Maria Ewing, one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. That issue Opera News with her on the cover still does it for me.

The next two are Beverly Sills looking very sexy in her Thaïs costume.

Then we have British bombshell Lesley Garrett. I didn't discover her until later but think she's totally hot
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Old 07-27-2017
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I know I've bored everyone with my revelations but what I'm really curious about is how we all came to like the special ladies we do. I know it my tastes in porn switched as soon as I saw Gia Darling but it took me a while to admit to myself I liked seeing cocks. I used to try blocking them out when looking at tgirl porn.

Then I saw Tonya and her awesome tool. It was all over then.

I'm wondering if others here went through a similar process.
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Old 07-27-2017
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Tonya also sealed the deal for me. I would have loved to have been one of her kept lovers to be used by her everyday.
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Old 07-28-2017
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Originally Posted by cumshooter69 View Post
Tonya also sealed the deal for me. I would have loved to have been one of her kept lovers to be used by her everyday.
Tonta was not the first transwoman I was attracted to but, like I said, she was the first model I saw that had me really enjoying the sight of a penis. I mean did like seeing the others but it was more "I don't care if she has a dick" than "I really like seeing her cock".

I'd like to hear if others had a similar experience. I mean if you told the twenty year old me that the forty year old me would be into seeing a penis I'd have told you that you were nuts because I'm straight. I still consider myself straight because I'm not into guys but when it comes to porn I don't care if I ever see another vagina. Tonya was a huge part of that shift.

Anyway, here's a couple more of Tonya and her delicious cock
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Old 07-28-2017
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I figured out that the first non-genetic female I ever pleasured myself to was Tootsie from the movie of the same name. I knew it was actor Dustin Hoffman playing the role but that red sequined dress got me all hot and bothered back in the day. I can't say I ever wanted to wear women's clothing but sexy outfits have always been a huge turn on for me.
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Old 07-28-2017
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Some interesting posts so far. Thanks for reminding me about "Tootsie" I had forgotten about that one, Boner. While not necessarily things that turned me on, the following are some of my earliest memories and helped shape who I am today.

Probably the first time I ever heard the term “transsexual” was in regards to Christine Jorgensen. She underwent SRS (back then it was called, somewhat callously, a “sex change” operation). This took place in 1952 almost 30 years before I was born so I’m trying to remember how I first learned of Christine. I believe it may have been in a high-school Sociology or Psychology class. Or I might have heard my parents talking about it.

“The World Acording to Garp.” John Lithgow as Roberta Muldoon. A 6’4” former football player no less. I did not see the movie until much later (probably early to mid-nineties). While not sexually attracted to Roberta, I liked her. She was one of the first transgender characters that I remember that was portrayed as a real person. In the movie Roberta becomes close friends with Garp (Robin Williams). Roberta could easily have been one of my teammates!

“The Crying Game” a sad movie, although with excellent performances. Jaye Davidson plays Forest Whitaker’s transgender girlfriend, Dil. I remember Jaye mainly as “Ra” from “Stargate.” My favorite pic of Jaye is this one. Very hot.

Described as “the worst movie ever made.” “Myra Breckinridge” from 1970, starred Raquel Welch as “Myron” who undergoes SRS. Based on a novel by Gore Vidal, I remember reading somewhere that Vidal condemned the movie and wanted nothing to do with it. I have only seen it once. It was at a friend’s house in the late 80’s. While his parents were gone we watched a VHS tape (anyone remember those?). Supposedly rated “X.” For a bunch of horny kids the main attractions were Raquel Welch and a very young Farrah Fawcett. I hesitated to even include it here as it looks like it was probably offensive to the LGBT community. I do so only because it was one of my earliest memories of a transsexual character in a movie.

Again, some years before I was born, several episodes of “All In The Family” featured Lori Shannon (a real life female impersonator) as “Beverly LaSalle” a woman Archie rescues in his cab and forms an uneasy friendship with. Beverly was also one of the first characters I can recall that was portrayed as a person and not a parody, although with humor. I was very young when I saw these episodes in repeats and if you have seen them you know Beverly tragically is murdered trying to stop a robbery. I cried over this at the time. Last summer I watched the episode on cable with my wife and we both cried! I had forgotten that Edith is so shaken she renounces her faith in God. Also the implication is that Beverly may have been killed because she was transgender. A very powerful and moving episode. Sadly Lori passed away in 1984. RIP
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Last edited by a9127; 07-28-2017 at 11:55 PM.
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Old 07-29-2017
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There never was any one model that “caught my attention.” The pictures and anecdotes from my above post are just some of the earliest examples of transwomen that I was aware of. This was from a very young age. I also was aware that some “guys” liked each other the way most “guys and girls” did (I was still young enough that whatever it was they “did” I wasn’t exactly sure… ). The first “t-girl” porn pics I ever saw were from the earliest days of the Internet when I was a little older. Among the first names I can recall were Camila Saenz, Victoria Holyns, and Tara Emory. But that was years later. I've whacked off to all the pics below (notice a trend? ). Looking back, I never thought it was “weird” or “strange,” ever. It was just the way they were.

My first “girlfriend” would have to have been a little girl that I used to walk home from school with. She was in second grade and I was in third. All we ever did was hold hands and she is the first girl I ever kissed. This would have been the Fall of 1988.

We moved back to Michigan and I never saw her again. My dad had received a big promotion and we lived in a very “upscale” neighborhood. Very different from where we had lived previously. At first it was difficult “fitting in.” Incidentally, this is the neighborhood where I watched “Myra Breckinridge” with my friends (wonder if I can find it on Netflix? ) During that time I went through a major growth spurt which worked out really well for football. Suddenly I was getting a lot of recognition. By then I had figured out how things “worked” and had made out with several girls. No, we didn't do that… but most of the other stuff.

Then something happened that would totally change my life. When I was 11 or 12 I became friends with a boy who lived down the street from us. He was very feminine acting, super smart, and very cute. He really did look like a girl.

At first we were just friends. I didn’t think much about it either way. A lot of the kids used to make fun of him and for the most part I was able to put a stop to it. The “rumor” at school was that he was gay. His dad also worked in the auto industry and they were pretty well off. Our families were friends. What I remember most about him initially is that I felt the way I did around girls. I had never had feelings like that for another “guy” but there was just something... I still was attracted to girls however. Anyway I decided not to worry about it. We liked each other (a lot) and that was that. No, I never felt I was “gay” and it didn’t matter to me anyhow.

I’ve already written about her elsewhere on TLB and you can find the story of that summer on my WordPress site. Her name was “Stephen” which she later changed to “Stephanie.” She was the first girl I was ever really in love with. She now lives in New York. We dated through high-school and parted friends. We kept in touch for a while. I consider our relationship the primary reason why I am the way I am. I’ve been married twice since then and had many girlfriends. Being attracted to a “girl with a cock” is totally normal. So is being gay, although the two don’t necessarily go together.
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Last edited by a9127; 09-21-2019 at 12:20 AM.
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Old 07-29-2017
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Thanks for your posts, Andy. The first one was very informative. And I always liked reading about your friendship with Stephen/Stephanie. I never had a friend like that.

I don't know how old I was when I became aware of transwomen but it wasn't until I was older. I wrote about getting turned on by them in other posts elsewhere on the board at random times, like with "Tootsie", but it wasn't until I was much older that the t-girl bug really bit me.

I'd always loved porn and one day I was browsing in the adult section of the local video store. The place was overflowing with those oversized boxes that VHS porno tapes came when I stumbled on to one with Gia Darling on the cover. I had a similar experience a couple years before when I saw Karen Dior as Peg Bundy but this was different because Gia got me hooked on tgirls. Two days later I found "Bob's Tgirls", joined, and never went back to regular porn.

That was a very confusing time for me. I never meant to imply liking transwomen was weird or there's something wrong with being gay. But in my own case I didn't know what to make of my attraction. The "Am I Gay?" threads on various boards helped me understand that I like what I like is all. I still consider my attraction to tgirls private for various reasons.

Thanks for starting this thread. I'm hoping others will join in
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Old 07-30-2017
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I like ciswomen too. In fact I'm married to one. I mentioned in another thread some actresses and models from the past I had huge crushes on. Blake Lively, Margot Robbie, and Gal Gadot come to mind when I think about current actresses.

But my #1 celebrity crush might surprise a lot of people especially since I'm a big fan of heavy metal and hard rock. A few weeks ago I was pleased to see Hayley Williams featured in the "Sing Along" thread. I've added a couple of my favorite Paramore songs to it. You know "Misery Business" is one of them...

Hayley is beautiful, talented, seems like a really down to earth person, shuns drugs, and is a big supporter of LGBT rights. Plus she is SO fuckin' cute!

Last edited by a9127; 09-21-2019 at 01:51 PM.
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Old 07-30-2017
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Originally Posted by Boner View Post
Thanks for your posts, Andy. The first one was very informative. And I always liked reading about your friendship with Stephen/Stephanie. I never had a friend like that.

I don't know how old I was when I became aware of transwomen but it wasn't until I was older. I wrote about getting turned on by them in other posts elsewhere on the board at random times, like with "Tootsie", but it wasn't until I was much older that the t-girl bug really bit me.

I'd always loved porn and one day I was browsing in the adult section of the local video store. The place was overflowing with those oversized boxes that VHS porno tapes came when I stumbled on to one with Gia Darling on the cover. I had a similar experience a couple years before when I saw Karen Dior as Peg Bundy but this was different because Gia got me hooked on tgirls. Two days later I found "Bob's Tgirls", joined, and never went back to regular porn.

That was a very confusing time for me. I never meant to imply liking transwomen was weird or there's something wrong with being gay. But in my own case I didn't know what to make of my attraction. The "Am I Gay?" threads on various boards helped me understand that I like what I like is all. I still consider my attraction to tgirls private for various reasons.

Thanks for starting this thread. I'm hoping others will join in
Glad you've enjoyed my posts. I think it's cool that we all share basically the same interest... But we each seem to come at it from a different perspective. I have learned a lot from reading what others have posted even before I was a member here. Several years ago I went through a nasty divorce with my first wife and believe it or not this place helped me out.

Stephanie truly did change my life. Not only because she was a wonderful person but I was involved in a loving, intimate relationship with someone who was transgender. I saw many things from a totally different perspective. Never again can I look at any LGBT related issue without considering what we shared together. It's like everything for me is focused through that. She's the main reason I'm so active in LGBT causes outside of this forum especially anything involving discrimination or violence toward transgender people.

I'm going to back off posting for a while so maybe others will feel like contributing and discussing their own experiences. As always, I'm looking forward to your next post!


Last edited by a9127; 07-30-2017 at 01:18 AM.
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Old 07-30-2017
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Originally Posted by a9127 View Post
I like ciswomen too. In fact I'm married to one. I mentioned in another thread some actresses and models from the past I had huge crushes on. Blake Lively, Margot Robbie, and Gal Gadot come to mind when I think about current actresses.

But my #1 celebrity crush might surprise a lot of people especially since I'm a big fan of heavy metal and hard rock. A few weeks ago I was pleased to see Hayley Williams featured in the "Sing Along" thread. I've added a couple of my favorite Paramore songs to it. You know "Misery Business" is one of them...

Hayley is beautiful, talented, seems like a really down to earth person, shuns drugs, and is a big supporter of LGBT rights. Plus she is SO fuckin' cute!
She is cute. I can't say I ever paid much attention to Paramore but I like the girls of Fifth Harmony a lot, especially Normani. It makes me feel like a dirty old man
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Old 07-30-2017
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Originally Posted by a9127 View Post
Glad you've enjoyed my posts. I think it's cool that we all share basically the same interest... But we each seem to come at it from a different perspective. I have learned a lot from reading what others have posted even before I was a member here. Several years ago I went through a nasty divorce with my first wife and believe it or not this place helped me out.

Stephanie truly did change my life. Not only because she was a wonderful person but I was involved in a loving, intimate relationship with someone who was transgender. I saw many things from a totally different perspective. Never again can I look at any LGBT related issue without considering what we shared together. It's like everything for me is focused through that. She's the main reason I'm so active in LGBT causes outside of this forum especially anything involving discrimination or violence toward transgender people.

I'm going to back off posting for a while so maybe others will feel like contributing and discussing their own experiences. As always, I'm looking forward to your next post!

I look forward to your next post too. You always come up with great stuff so I hope it's not too long

That's cool that you had that sort of awareness with your friend and that it changed you for the better. My own contact came through other channels and I have very little practical experience due to my circumstances. Either way, my attraction to transwomen remains. It was something I had to come to terms with and I hope by sharing my experiences it may help someone else who feels weird about their attraction to t-girls.

Hopefully we'll hear from some others here
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Old 08-01-2017
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Originally Posted by Boner View Post
She is cute. I can't say I ever paid much attention to Paramore but I like the girls of Fifth Harmony a lot, especially Normani. It makes me feel like a dirty old man
Yes, I know Fifth Harmony. They were in one of my classes last semester… Sorry, bad joke…

Seriously, it’s OK to like whoever. Fifth Harmony ARE really cute. I looked them up and they are all over 18. Normani is 21. I bet most of the women we post pics of on this site are like 18-25. Do a search for “celebrity age differences” and you’ll find that it’s not uncommon for there to be a 20 year or greater age difference for couples. Often the man is older but not always. Demi Moore, JLo, and Madonna immediately come to mind. One who surprised me was Dick Van Dyke (45 year age difference). My feeling is if both partners are over 18 and there’s no sort of “influence” or “coercion” (like that teacher who ran away with his student earlier this year) it’s nobody’s business.

There’s someone I workout with now and then who’s well into his 50’s. He’s in great shape, a really nice guy, owns a company, and looks 20 years younger. He used to be a bodybuilder. His girlfriend is 25.

Anyway, regarding celebrities, literally anything goes because it’s not a real relationship. And you can be a fan of their work or appreciate their talent. I know a woman in her 60’s that can’t stop gushing over Justin Bieber. She’s a very nice person, loves music, is happily married, and a grandmother. I think it’s harmless and cute.

The only time it’s a problem is when it crosses the line and someone becomes a “stalker.” That’s entirely different and can involve a fan of any age. I think of the murders of John Lennon, Selena (not Gomez), Rebecca Schaeffer, and last summer, Christina Grimmie. I think even David Letterman had a female "fan" that believed she was his wife or something. There was a 50 year old man that wanted to marry Miley Cyrus and kept showing up at autograph signings (she was like 14 or 15). I believe her family got a restraining order. Miley also has a “fan” in his 40’s or 50’s that has god knows how many tattoos of her and I think constantly contacts her. All of that is bad of course and not typical of how most fans are.

My wife’s “celebrity crush” is Jason Statham. I’m sure she would leave me for him…

She’s also a fan of Paramore. When they were on James Corden earlier this summer, I was in my den working. She said “Your girlfriend’s going to be on…”

Last edited by a9127; 08-01-2017 at 05:14 PM.
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Old 08-01-2017
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Originally Posted by a9127 View Post
Yes, I know Fifth Harmony. They were in one of my classes last semester… Sorry, bad joke…

Seriously, it’s OK to like whoever. Fifth Harmony ARE really cute. I looked them up and they are all over 18. Normani is 21. I bet most of the women we post pics of on this site are like 18-25. Do a search for “celebrity age differences” and you’ll find that it’s not uncommon for there to be a 20 year or greater age difference for couples. Often the man is older but not always. Demi Moore, JLo, and Madonna immediately come to mind. One who surprised me was Dick Van Dyke (45 year age difference). My feeling is if both partners are over 18 and there’s no sort of “influence” or “coercion” (like that teacher who ran away with his student earlier this year) it’s nobody’s business.

There’s someone I workout with now and then who’s well into his 50’s. He’s in great shape, a really nice guy, owns a company, and looks 20 years younger. He used to be a bodybuilder. His girlfriend is 25.

Anyway, regarding celebrities, literally anything goes because it’s not a real relationship. And you can be a fan of their work or appreciate their talent. I know a woman in her 60’s that can’t stop gushing over Justin Bieber. She’s a very nice person, loves music, is happily married, and a grandmother. I think it’s harmless and cute.

The only time it’s a problem is when it crosses the line and someone becomes a “stalker.” That’s entirely different and can involve a fan of any age. I think of the murders of John Lennon, Selena (not Gomez), Rebecca Schaeffer, and last summer, Christina Grimmie. I think even David Letterman had a female "fan" that believed she was his wife or something. There was a 50 year old man that wanted to marry Miley Cyrus and kept showing up at autograph signings (she was like 14 or 15). I believe she finally got a restraining order. Miley also has a “fan” in his 40’s or 50’s that has god knows how many tattoos of her and I think constantly contacts her. All of that is bad of course and not typical of how most fans are.

My wife’s “celebrity crush” is Jason Statham. I’m sure she would leave me for him…

She’s also a fan of Paramore. When they were on James Corden earlier this summer, I was in my den working. She said “Your girlfriend’s going to be on…”
I was kind of kidding when I said I felt like a dirty old man who liked 5H but I know there's no way I could have a real relationship with someone that young. Sure I'd like to have sex with a 21 year old and maybe we could be great friends but I'm not sure there'd enough of a common basis for a lasting relationship. The French have a rule of thumb where someone is too young for you if there less than half your age plus seven. That'd put a lot of my favorite performers out of reach

This is all in fun anyway so who cares!

Anyway, while I really like the Normani and the other girls, I've always had a thing for older women too, especially growing up. I always preferred buxom, zaftig women to young girls but it's weird because it's totally different when it comes to tgirls.

I have to say my biggest celebrity crush at the moment is Mariska Hartigay
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Old 08-01-2017
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Originally Posted by Boner View Post
I was kind of kidding when I said I felt like a dirty old man who liked 5H but I know there's no way I could have a real relationship with someone that young. Sure I'd like to have sex with a 21 year old and maybe we could be great friends but I'm not sure there'd enough of a common basis for a lasting relationship. The French have a rule of thumb where someone is too young for you if there less than half your age plus seven. That'd put a lot of my favorite performers out of reach

This is all in fun anyway so who cares!

Anyway, while I really like the Normani and the other girls, I've always had a thing for older women too, especially growing up. I always preferred buxom, zaftig women to young girls but it's weird because it's totally different when it comes to tgirls.

I have to say my biggest celebrity crush at the moment is Mariska Hartigay

Mariska Hargitay is the reason I used to watch "Law and Order SUV."

Did you know Mariska is the daughter of Jayne Mansfield and bodybuilder Mickey Hargitay? Tragically Jayne was killed in a car crash in 1967. A baby Mariska was asleep in the backseat and lived.

If you haven't ever heard of Jayne Mansfield, I think you would like her. She really epitomized the "retro" look of the 50's and 60's that we both like.

There is a pretty good TV movie starring Loni Anderson ("WKRP in Cincinnati") and Arnold Schwarzenegger. I've seen it on cable. It's an interesting look at 60's glamour and "Hollywood." Long before "Arnold" was "The Terminator."

Yes. I have heard of that "rule" but as you say it's all in fun. I did a little reading up on it and I hope people don't take it too literally. Although as a "guideline" for dating it's probably fine--at least for having common interests. I read that it goes back to the 50's. I am not sure it would apply to most couples today. They also used to say that people of "different races" shouldn't date and marriage was only for a "man and a woman."

I think age in a relationship is one of those things that "just depends." Besides being over 18 of course. My first wife was 6 years older than me. My current wife is five years younger than me. I've never dated anyone outside of a 10 year age range. But I can't say it would never happen (if I wan't married).

I read somewhere recently that Kate Beckinsale was dating a 21 year old. Lucky guy. And Arnold doesn't seem to be letting an almost 30 year age difference bother him in the picture below. It's all good...

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Old 08-01-2017
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For Boner. One final post for tonight. Jayne Mansfield, Mariska's mom.

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Old 08-02-2017
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Three women that I would leave my wife for...

Aubrey Kate

Nicole Ferri

Taryn Elizabeth
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Old 08-02-2017
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Originally Posted by a9127 View Post
For Boner. One final post for tonight. Jayne Mansfield, Mariska's mom.
Thanks Andy

I knew about Jayne Mansfield before I knew Mariska Hartigay was her daughter. She was iconic. Mariska is beautiful too but in altogether different way.

When it it comes to the age thing, when I was kid I remember being more interested in older women than girls my own age. I always fantasized about being a virginal teenager seduced by an experienced older woman. I still have fantasies like that.....except now she has cock

These pictures of Renee, Elizabeth, and Tara sort of go with that thought......
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Old 08-02-2017
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...When it it comes to the age thing, when I was kid I remember being more interested in older women than girls my own age. I always fantasized about being a virginal teenager seduced by an experienced older woman. I still have fantasies like that.....except now she has cock...

My "older women" to have been seduced by would of course be these three: Loni Anderson, Heather Thomas, and Farrah.

Do you know how old Renee, Elizabeth, and Tara are? Just curious. As you know I'm also a fan of all 3. My guess is they would be considerably younger than my three below. Farrah passed away in 2009 , Loni is 71, and Heather will be 60 in September. By the way I personally think that picture of Farrah may be the most beautiful picture of anybody, ever. RIP Angel.

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Old 08-02-2017
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Hayley in concert with Paramore earlier this summer when they played the Royal Albert Hall.

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Old 08-04-2017
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Originally Posted by a9127 View Post
My "older women" to have been seduced by would of course be these three: Loni Anderson, Heather Thomas, and Farrah.

Do you know how old Renee, Elizabeth, and Tara are? Just curious. As you know I'm also a fan of all 3. My guess is they would be considerably younger than my three below. Farrah passed away in 2009 , Loni is 71, and Heather will be 60 in September. By the way I personally think that picture of Farrah may be the most beautiful picture of anybody, ever. RIP Angel.
I used to love Loni Anderson on "WKRP in Cincinatti". Do you remember the episode where she was photographed while changing by a sleazy photographer? Farrah was iconic.

I don't know how old these ladies are and would never ask

I just think of them as mature women and when I fantasize about them I picture myself as the virginal, lust filled teen I used to be and them as sexy, seductive, older women who sympathize with my plight, like my Spanish professor.
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Old 08-05-2017
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Jeez, I suppose my first ladyboy crush was when I first discovered what an LB was! Well I'm an LB myself so it's kinda' silly reflecting.
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Old 08-08-2017
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For Boner and any others who remember these beauties from the 70's (originally or in repeats):

I never realized Cathy Lee Crosby played "Wonder Woman" in a 1974 TV movie.

(Note: I wanted to add that one reason for all the "ciswomen" in this thread is that for some of us--especially if you were born before say, 1990--they were the first women to influence what we found attractive. Needless to say, my Mom did not look like Loni Anderson or Farrah, nor did Heather Thomas look like my Kindergarten teacher... Also for me, it's the overall person I'm attracted to, it doesn't matter at all whether or not she has a cock, or if she's a "femboy," or even a cute gay man.)

Anyway whatever you feel like contributing. It's all good!

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Old 08-09-2017
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Originally Posted by a9127 View Post
For Boner and any others who remember these beauties from the 70's (originally or in repeats):

I never realized Cathy Lee Crosby played "Wonder Woman" in a 1974 TV movie.

(Note: I wanted to add that one reason for all the "ciswomen" in this thread is that for some of us--especially if you were born before say, 1990--they were the first women to influence what we found attractive. Needless to say, my Mom did not look like Loni Anderson or Farrah, nor did Heather Thomas look like my Kindergarten teacher... Also for me, it's the overall person I'm attracted to, it doesn't matter at all whether or not she has a cock, or if she's a "femboy," or even a cute gay man.)

Anyway whatever you feel like contributing. It's all good!
I remember Cathy Lee Crosby from the TV show "That's Incredible!" I wasn't interested in girls when it was on though. Same thing with "Wonder Woman" and "Charlie's Angels". My earliest TV crushes were from "Batman" although I didn't know what to do with myself then!

One of my current favorite models is Russian beauty Dilyara Larina
When it comes to cis-girls, I like them plush!
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Old 08-09-2017
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I guess if there's any one word I'd use to describe the ladies I'm attracted to it's statuesque. Waifish girls are cute but I've always been more drawn to more powerful women. My buddies would joke around about how women like Cory Everson and Chyna (RIP) looked like men but I bet they wanted to feel those sexy muscles as much as I did
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Old 08-10-2017
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Originally Posted by Boner View Post
I guess if there's any one word I'd use to describe the ladies I'm attracted to it's statuesque. Waifish girls are cute but I've always been more drawn to more powerful women. My buddies would joke around about how women like Cory Everson and Chyna (RIP) looked like men but I bet they wanted to feel those sexy muscles as much as I did
Strong and beautiful is sexy as hell. Cory was a six time Ms. Olympia. I used to have that middle picture of her from Muscle and Fitness on the wall of my room.
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Old 08-11-2017
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Originally Posted by a9127 View Post
Strong and beautiful is sexy as hell. Cory was a six time Ms. Olympia. I used to have that middle picture of her from Muscle and Fitness on the wall of my room.
That picture of Cory is probably my favorite one of her. That pink leotard is awesome!

I didn't have any pictures of her on my wall growing up but I did have these magazines stashed under my mattress along with Opera News. Reggie Bennett and Rachel McLish are the cover girls

Hoping others join in but I'm really enjoying this thread. Let's keep it going!
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Glad I said age didn’t matter… Was watching “Descendants 2” with my 9 year old niece yesterday. Was bored and not that interested until the main female character goes totally badass and travels to some “island of evil” where she gets a makeover and purple hair. Suddenly it gets interesting again. Being a Disney movie, there is a choreographed “fight scene” which seemed more like a song and dance number and she and her friends eventually prevail over her rival and “crew” who are sort of like pirates but are much better looking and not creepy. OK. Whatever. When I was not much older than my niece I hoped some big guy called a “Terminator” would come back to 1991, become my best friend, and teach me how to ride a Harley.

My niece explained everything to me so it all makes sense now. Including who my “future Mrs. a9127” with the purple hair was. (Dove Cameron, who I was relieved to find out is actually 21--almost 22--and not 14.) Ms. Cameron is very beautiful and talented, and pretty much stole every scene she was in. It will be interesting to see what kind of acting career she will have after Disney. Likewise for the girl who plays her “rival.” I hope they are able to avoid the pitfalls that often trap other young actresses associated with Disney. I will be rooting for them. I know my niece will be too.

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She looks adorable. Disney has a lot of cute girls over the years. Little too young for me though
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Originally Posted by Boner View Post
Reggie Bennett and Rachel McLish are the cover girls
Here's a few pics of Rachel you may haven't of seen. For example I never knew they made a pinball machine as a tribute to her. You'll have to get one for your den...

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Originally Posted by a9127 View Post
Here's a few pics of Rachel you may haven't of seen. For example I never knew they made a pinball machine as a tribute to her. You'll have to get one for your den...
Wow! Thanks for sharing. That middle one

You know, I haven't thought about Rachel McLish in years. Thanks for the memories
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Old 08-16-2017
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Many of the beautiful women we have discussed in this thread were popular in the 70’s and early 80’s before many of us were even born. Most of us including myself discovered them in repeats. They live on forever causing millions of teen age boys to fall in love all over again.

The 90’s were the decade when I really did become a teenager, learn to drive, have my first girlfriend, etc. Now in my 30’s it’s funny that it doesn’t seem that long ago…

Helen Hunt, Christina Applegate, and Jennifer Aniston were my three biggest crushes during the last decade of the 20th century. I was absolutely sure that when I was older and had graduated from college I would marry Jennifer one day.

True story: In March 1997 “Twister” had just been released on DVD. I was watching it with my Dad when he says “You really like her don’t you?” in reference to Helen Hunt. It had to be the scene at her aunt’s house. Don’t know how he could tell…

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Old 08-19-2017
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[QUOTE=a9127;267131]Many of the beautiful women we have discussed in this thread were popular in the 70’s and early 80’s before many of us were even born. Most of us including myself discovered them in repeats. They live on forever causing millions of teen age boys to fall in love all over again.

The 90’s were the decade when I really did become a teenager, learn to drive, have my first girlfriend, etc. Now in my 30’s it’s funny that it doesn’t seem that long ago…

Helen Hunt, Christina Applegate, and Jennifer Aniston were my three biggest crushes during the last decade of the 20th century. I was absolutely sure that when I was older and had graduated from college I would marry Jennifer one day.

Seems like I'm a little older than you. I was sexually active with women in the '90s but, like a lot of horny guys, I still really liked porn and had celberity crushes. The most exceptional thing about the '90s to me was the internet and the expansion sexually stimulating material.

One of my biggest crushes during the 1990s was singer Cece Peniston. I saw the video for her song "Finally" sometime in the early '90s and have followed her ever since. If anything she's gotten more beautiful over the years.
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Old 08-19-2017
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Originally Posted by a9127 View Post
Seems like I'm a little older than you. I was sexually active with women in the '90s but, like a lot of horny guys, I still really liked porn and had celberity crushes. The most exceptional thing about the '90s to me was the internet and the expansion sexually stimulating material.

One of my biggest crushes during the 1990s was singer Cece Peniston. I saw the video for her song "Finally" sometime in the early '90s and have followed her ever since. If anything she's gotten more beautiful over the years.
I will check CeCe out. You can't be that much older than me. I turned 37 yesterday. I posted a picture taken at my office in my profile. The worst part of the day was attending our "Freshman Convocation" realizing they were all born between 1998-1999.

Speaking of the 90's, this was a "major fuckup" on my part not to include Cindy Crawford in my earlier post. Do you remember this commercial?

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Old 08-20-2017
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I will check CeCe out. You can't be that much older than me. I turned 37 yesterday. I posted a picture taken at my office in my profile. The worst part of the day was attending our "Freshman Convocation" realizing they were all born between 1998-1999.

Speaking of the 90's, this was a "major fuckup" on my part not to include Cindy Crawford in my earlier post. Do you remember this commercial? [/QUO

Cindy Crawford was quite stunning

I'm glad you like Cece! She and I are about the same age, late forties, so it's been kind of cool watching her mature through the years. Her first single and biggest hit, "Finally", has become a club anthem and she really seems to love her gay audience, performing at pride fests.

I always thought she was gorgeous and love that she never shied away from dressing sexy. Her fashion sense has elements of drag which I love. She also really got into fitness as well and has even competed in bikini contests! Anyway, here's a couple more pictures of her I hope you enjoy.
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Old 08-24-2017
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Originally Posted by Boner View Post
I always thought she was gorgeous and love that she never shied away from dressing sexy. Her fashion sense has elements of drag which I love. She also really got into fitness as well and has even competed in bikini contests! Anyway, here's a couple more pictures of her I hope you enjoy.
CeCe is very beautiful and super hot. She sure doesn’t look like she’s in her 40’s are you sure she’s not actually “29”? I was more aware of her back in the day for her looks and sexiness (love the bikini/fitness pictures) but vaguely remember “Finally” so I went back and listened to it. Yes I remembered it. It was a big hit in the early 90’s. I think that’s awesome that she has become active in the LGBT community. I think public support, unity, and activism is needed now more than ever. I would never have thought that would have been the case in 2017.

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, just been swamped with work. Maybe more will contribute to this thread.
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Old 08-25-2017
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Originally Posted by a9127 View Post
CeCe is very beautiful and super hot. She sure doesn’t look like she’s in her 40’s are you sure she’s not actually “29”? I was more aware of her back in the day for her looks and sexiness (love the bikini/fitness pictures) but vaguely remember “Finally” so I went back and listened to it. Yes I remembered it. It was a big hit in the early 90’s. I think that’s awesome that she has become active in the LGBT community. I think public support, unity, and activism is needed now more than ever. I would never have thought that would have been the case in 2017.

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, just been swamped with work. Maybe more will contribute to this thread.
I'm glad you like CeCe!

I can definitely say she's past her twenties because I've had a crush on her at least that long. Not only is she very beautiful, she can really sing too! I fell in love with her voice and then when I saw what she looked like

Anyway, here's a couple more of thegorgeous Miss Peniston in cluding a couple more bikini shots. I think you'll enjoy the view
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Old 08-27-2017
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What a great topic. My earliest memories of what turned me on and what I started masturbating to were some Playboy's that I found of my dad's. It was a playmate of the year issue featuring Jenny McCarthy that I really used alot.
It wasn't until college when I discovered t-girls, Gia Darling in particular. Some of my early favorites were Gia, Vicki Richter, Danielle Foxxx, Vaniity, and Allanah Starr. T-girl porn became my main source and I was hooked.
Tgirls are still my favorite but I also enjoy a wide variety today. I enjoy bbw, hardbodies,and have recently become more interested in CD's.
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Old 08-27-2017
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Originally Posted by Iowaguy82 View Post
What a great topic. My earliest memories of what turned me on and what I started masturbating to were some Playboy's that I found of my dad's. It was a playmate of the year issue featuring Jenny McCarthy that I really used alot.
It wasn't until college when I discovered t-girls, Gia Darling in particular. Some of my early favorites were Gia, Vicki Richter, Danielle Foxxx, Vaniity, and Allanah Starr. T-girl porn became my main source and I was hooked.
Tgirls are still my favorite but I also enjoy a wide variety today. I enjoy bbw, hardbodies,and have recently become more interested in CD's.
Got any pics???

I like all the girls you mention too
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Here's a few that I really like.
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Originally Posted by Iowaguy82 View Post
What a great topic. My earliest memories of what turned me on and what I started masturbating to were some Playboy's that I found of my dad's. It was a playmate of the year issue featuring Jenny McCarthy that I really used alot.
It wasn't until college when I discovered t-girls, Gia Darling in particular. Some of my early favorites were Gia, Vicki Richter, Danielle Foxxx, Vaniity, and Allanah Starr. T-girl porn became my main source and I was hooked.
Tgirls are still my favorite but I also enjoy a wide variety today. I enjoy bbw, hardbodies,and have recently become more interested in CD's.
Seems we have similar tatses

If you don't mind me asking, how did you get in tgirls?

I was into BBWs and muscular women before I discovered my attraction to ladies with something extra. I still like them. It took me a while to get into CDs but the CD thread in this forum is great, especially the ones Andy posts! Hoping he chimes in here too
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Old 08-27-2017
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Allanah and Gia look great together don't they?
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Old 08-27-2017
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The first time I saw a t-girl was on axcident, a porn that I accidentally downloaded. It really didn't do anything for me. But then I saw Gia Darling on a comedy skit, I think it was the man show on comedy Central, and I had to check her out because I didn't really think she had a penis. I found some pics of her and to my surprise, there was a cock hanging between her legs. She was so hot that I didn't even really think about it. I had a huge hard on and jerked off in less than a few minutes. Like I said earlier, I told myself that I wouldn't do it again, but that didn't last long.
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Old 08-27-2017
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Originally Posted by Boner View Post
Allanah and Gia look great together don't they?
Always a great combo.
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Old 08-27-2017
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Originally Posted by Iowaguy82 View Post
The first time I saw a t-girl was on axcident, a porn that I accidentally downloaded. It really didn't do anything for me. But then I saw Gia Darling on a comedy skit, I think it was the man show on comedy Central, and I had to check her out because I didn't really think she had a penis. I found some pics of her and to my surprise, there was a cock hanging between her legs. She was so hot that I didn't even really think about it. I had a huge hard on and jerked off in less than a few minutes. Like I said earlier, I told myself that I wouldn't do it again, but that didn't last long.
After seeing Gia I was pretty much done with regular porn. I still like seeing pretty women though (like CeCe Peniston and Dilyara Larina!)

I know a lot of guys had their first exposure to tgirls through TV shows. Maury Povich used to run these "Male or Female?"episodes where these super hot women would come out and the audience had to guess. I'm pretty sure both Gia and Danielle Foxx made appearances there.
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Originally Posted by Iowaguy82 View Post
Always a great combo.
Vicki and Danielle look great together too!
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Their scenes together are great, and Vicki could drop a nice load. I've spent a lot of hours watching them.
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Old 08-28-2017
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Originally Posted by Boner View Post
Seems we have similar tatses

If you don't mind me asking, how did you get in tgirls?

I was into BBWs and muscular women before I discovered my attraction to ladies with something extra. I still like them. It took me a while to get into CDs but the CD thread in this forum is great, especially the ones Andy posts! Hoping he chimes in here too
Been so busy with work haven't had time to contribute much. Welcome to our new member Iowaguy82! Love the pics of Vicki Richter and Danielle. If I have time later I'll try to post an update to the "CD" thread.

Thanks to both of you for keeping this thread going!


Last edited by a9127; 08-28-2017 at 05:12 PM.
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Originally Posted by a9127 View Post
Been so busy with work haven't had time to contribute much. Welcome to our new member Iowaguy82! Love the pics of Vicki Richter and Danielle. If I have time later I'll try to post an update to the "CD" thread.

Thanks to both of you for keeping this thread going!

No problem Andy!

I really enjoy this thread and what everyone has shared. Hopefully we'll get some folks posting
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