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Old 03-25-2017
RyRy77 RyRy77 is offline
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Default Learning about myself

Hello thread clicker.

First off, I want you to know that I'm not kidding when I say I don't have anyone I can tell this too...and to be totally honest i should reword one would listen to me, they would except it and just disrguard it. It sound worse than it looks. My friends actually love me a lot, but their hippies and just accept tho he without listening.

So thanks for taking your time to read this .
I apologize in advance for any spelling errors. Im doing this on a cell phone with the worst auto correct ever!

Isn't it amazing, and a little sad when someone who over analyses everything in his life never notices or thought that he was never truly happy sexually, or knew what made him happy in a relationship. Its a very long story filled with questions like...."Somethings missing??" "why do am ok with not cumming" and "I'm healthy, she's hot, why do I need viagra to have sex with her?" But I won't bore you with that.

Those were the types of questions I had always asked myself in ever relationship.

Everything was ok...i was always with a sexy woman that i loved and was attracted to, plus I communicated my needs very well, but I never felt fulfilled.

That was until about a year after my divorce, when I discovered what a transgender person was. I mean I knew what they were, males wanting to be females or women to men. But I never knew "WHAT THEY WERE" (I still may never truly know, but I understood it better now).
Something snapped in my brain one day. I was talking to my roommate, who identified her self as queer. One day, she explained what it ment to be queer. Holy shit, my freaking head exploded! But what really happened what i had a better understanding.
It was around that same time that I saw a movie (sorry I don't remember the name) where the main character (who is transgender ) said one line "why limit your pleasure". That was the first time about the possibilities in mu own life.

I quickly went to Google and found some of the hottest fucking porn ever! TS! wow! I was amazed at how feminine these girls were, how sexy they were, how they moved, how they touched, and how liberated I felt watching and jacking off to it.
The biggest thing I learned was...i now know what I'm attracted to!! Oh My God....after 25 years of dating girls did i finally figured out that much But I felt so amazing to finally know that, and to say it and tell people without shame....

3 years later I still have a hard tine telling people. but I'm here on this site telling my story and hoping to meet some amazing people and hear their stories.


Last edited by RyRy77; 03-25-2017 at 02:33 AM.
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Old 03-26-2017
RyRy77 RyRy77 is offline
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RyRy77 has a little shameless behaviour in the past
Default Here's the junk....nothing to brag about but I like it....

Maybe some dick pics will help haha
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Old 04-20-2017
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There ain't no turnin back now!!!

Thanks for the pic of your cock and balls - always good to see!
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