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Old 04-11-2009
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Default Why so many LB in thailand?

I`ve been asking myself this question many times.
Cannot find tread in here about this.
1 reason I think (I know) the ladyboys who live in tourist places and are hookers they get more payed than girls.
One time I had a girl in my hotel and she wanted 1000 bath.
Another time I found a LB and took her to my room, and she wanted 3000 bath.

One of the bargirls told me that som boys in LOS become LB to survive.

Other people in here who knows something I dont know bout this?

One time I come in a girl only becouse I imagine she was a LB
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Old 04-11-2009
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Originally Posted by rollon View Post
One time I had a girl in my hotel and she wanted 1000 bath.
Another time I found a LB and took her to my room, and she wanted 3000 bath.
that's life mate

Originally Posted by rollon View Post
One of the bargirls told me that som boys in LOS become LB to survive.
that's very true

... however I do asking myself too that question and find no answer
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Old 05-21-2009
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Well.. I honnestly don't know. Survivel is one of the reasons but I think it is got to be more!
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Old 05-21-2009
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I thought I'M NOT gay,but when i see the thai-gays or shemales THAN i'm SURE i'm gay,cause( never really have a girlfriend,but I LOVE GIRLS AS FRIEND AND CUDDLE ) ..but i was NEVER in asia and ya..its sad..

..i have 3 times Sucked femboys/shemales in GERMANY(prostitute) and << this TIME i know i DON'T want another's NOT JUST THE SEX!!! << i want a t-girl for my life....

...cause i think she understand me too,cause ...i'm unlucky ..cause ..i think i'm a girl or femboy or ..i don't know... too.... life was everytime unlucky and i know it if i was other than the most people,when i was 8 years old.and in this age i knowing i'm for the rest of my life alone ..and NOBODY understand me !

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Old 05-22-2009
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I kinda doubt Thai people are genetically more likely to be transsexual or anything like that. I think they're just more visible. Most people have no idea how many transsexuals are in all countries who either try to be masculine or else live very reclusive lives. Asians have a big advantage.

Thai TS girls are more comfortable in public because the culture is more comfortable with them. Asians are also more comfortable in public because they're just more feminine. I know some white TS girls who are attractive, young, thin, and even a few that have spent $40K on facial surgery and had hundreds of hours of electrolysis and still are easier to read than many Asian TS girls who have had no actual surgery or hair removal.
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Old 05-22-2009
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Originally Posted by racquel View Post
I kinda doubt Thai people are genetically more likely to be transsexual or anything like that. I think they're just more visible. Most people have no idea how many transsexuals are in all countries who either try to be masculine or else live very reclusive lives. Asians have a big advantage.

Thai TS girls are more comfortable in public because the culture is more comfortable with them. Asians are also more comfortable in public because they're just more feminine. I know some white TS girls who are attractive, young, thin, and even a few that have spent $40K on facial surgery and had hundreds of hours of electrolysis and still are easier to read than many Asian TS girls who have had no actual surgery or hair removal.
I'm not completely sure that the reason for Southeast Asian transsexuality is not genetic... nobody really knows and there are diverse theories. Actually, the reason for transsexuality is not fully known yet. Being culturally more open to transsexuality could also be an explanation but it doesn't really explain the vast difference in numbers of transsexual women in the East and West.
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Old 05-22-2009
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Why is there so much sand in the desert? Why is there water in the ocean? Dont question it people just enjoy it. lol In all seriousness asian cultures are more tolerant of gay and trans people so people are not afraid to live as they choose.
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Old 05-22-2009
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Originally Posted by rockabilly View Post
Why is there so much sand in the desert? Why is there water in the ocean? Dont question it people just enjoy it. lol In all seriousness asian cultures are more tolerant of gay and trans people so people are not afraid to live as they choose.
I think that questioning things is the only way to get ahead - and questioning transsexuality and its whereabouts CERTAINLY doesn't prohibit me from thoroughly enjoying it...

I agree and I disagree with your statement of Asian tolerans of gay and trans culture. Yes, it's more prevalent here and as such more visible, however, I cannot really say that the tolerans is much greater than for example Denmark where I come from. And trans*tolerans in Denmark is basicly non existing...

Besides, the gay tolerans and the trans tolerans are two very different matters.

However, you are very right in the sense that there appears to be many more gays here in Asia (and obviously many more trans*ppl than any where else) and that in this regard the "openness" is seductively "real".

But true acceptance? I'm not so sure about that. I live in Asia, I'm surrounded by my little gorgeous trannies, and most of them make a living from prostitution... the lucky ones become hair dressers... and only a very tiny minority makes it into academics... so the socalled "openness" here is questionable...
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Old 05-22-2009
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At least in Asia i bet they dont get harrassed by Bible thumping zealots screaming " Your going to hell!! " and here i thought Christians were all about forgiving and loving your neighbor. Or get beaten by drunk rednecks who park across from the only gay/trans friendly club to " Smear us a queer! " Thankfully its Nascar season and they get drunk someplace else. Living in the biblebelt sucks. And i have family obligations so i cant up and leave. The worlds not perfect but someplaces are better than others..
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Old 05-22-2009
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Originally Posted by rockabilly View Post
At least in Asia i bet they dont get harrassed by Bible thumping zealots screaming " Your going to hell!! " and here i thought Christians were all about forgiving and loving your neighbor. Or get beaten by drunk rednecks who park across from the only gay/trans friendly club to " Smear us a queer! " Thankfully its Nascar season and they get drunk someplace else. Living in the biblebelt sucks. And i have family obligations so i cant up and leave. The worlds not perfect but someplaces are better than others..
I understand, and living in Geo Bush-land must be horrible - I realize that it was imprudent of me to make a comparison between Denmark and Asia as a true comparison between the West and the East :-)

Just vote Democrat :-)

Best wishes

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Old 05-22-2009
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Always do ... If i were rich i'd buy a chain of islands and make a Tgirl utopia. Surf , Sand , Sun and equality and acceptance for all. Leave your discrimination on the mainland, just have fun and relax ... but what to call this oasis? Oh well i can dream.
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Old 05-22-2009
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Originally Posted by rockabilly View Post
Always do ... If i were rich i'd buy a chain of islands and make a Tgirl utopia. Surf , Sand , Sun and equality and acceptance for all. Leave your discrimination on the mainland, just have fun and relax ... but what to call this oasis? Oh well i can dream.
I think this "oasis" of yours is called "Sincerety Island". And I also think that it can be found every where... if we wish! The point is to bring our dreams into reality. If your dream is being with a trans*woman, then make your "string of open-minded islands" with HER! Even in a small apartment :-)

If you truly want her, go get her!

You are SO ripe for a meaningful relationship with a sweet little tranny-girl... FIND HER! Make her happy! She's waiting!

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Old 05-23-2009
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Default My two cents....

I'm thinking that trans-genders, being human, are probably fairly evenly distributed around the world. What happens after that is a mix of upbringing and the environment.(accepting/non-accepting). In environments where its more accepted, (for whatever reasons) you will probably find more.
Its a shame to hear that one of the prime motivations, at least in Thailand is money. I think Thailand and places like the Phillipines, etc., have been pleasure destinations for many, many years,(if not centuries),
for the worlds military, businessmen, and sexual adventurers. Lots of prostitution of all kinds.
So at least in Thailand, the motivation seems to be more about money, tourism and survival, than honest acceptance.
Such a shame. It seems to me that trans genders have always been part of the human spectrum of sexuality, and as such, will always be with us. Some ancient (and even some contemporary) cultures had a distinct niche or place for transgenders. At least mtf. The American Indian culture comes to mind, where they were revered, respected or at the very least accepted as a part of the group.
That being said, maybe(?) the world will become more accepting again as transexualism is slowly mainstreamed into the culture. (via the internet, television, etc.), and people realize that its a normal part of the human condition and come to appreciate their unique contribution to society.
Just look at the U.S. Ten or fifteen years ago, there were a few tgirls on a little thing called the internet, or you could go to a club if you lived in a big city, or find some in a few adult magazines. Now they are appearing in bigger numbers all the time; the internet has exploded with them, and you can find real tgirls all over the world. I think they have always been there, but now are starting to feel more open, more accepted, and they are coming out.
Not to say that its an easy thing-I know its not. But its easier now than in, say the 1950's.
To me, it just adds spice to life, and who dosn't like a little spice now and then?
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Old 05-23-2009
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Default How about...?

Originally Posted by rockabilly View Post
Always do ... If i were rich i'd buy a chain of islands and make a Tgirl utopia. Surf , Sand , Sun and equality and acceptance for all. Leave your discrimination on the mainland, just have fun and relax ... but what to call this oasis? Oh well i can dream.
Makes me think of the old TV show "Fantasy Island" . Every week a new group of tourists would come on the island and Mr. Roark (Ricardo Montalban) and his sidekick, Tattoo, would try to make their fantasies come true.
Now that would make a great idea for a tgirl tourist destination!!
Just replace Mr. Roark with someone like Joanna Jet.... and let the fun begin!
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Old 05-23-2009
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Along the lines of what has already been said, I think another big difference vs. the eastern world is that even when people in the USA are tolerant that they still have a total lack of understanding of transsexuality.

I hear Native Americans had respect for the concept of two-spirit people and transgendered pepole in general. I think eastern culture has this as well. It just sounds to me like people are more accepting of the fact that different people "find themselves" in many different ways.

In the USA there are plenty people who are tolerant of gays and even transsexuals, and people tend to understand at least a little bit the concept of gayness. But in my experience most people simply don't understand transsexuality. They don't believe in it. If anything, they think it's a mental illness. As nice as people may be, most of them think that inside I'm really just a confused gay man.
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Old 05-27-2009
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Tolerance in religion, at least from my experience is a misnomer.

They talk a good talk, but don't walk their talk.

I've been threatened with physical harm by them.. So where's that "Love thy neighbor" crap?

Originally Posted by rockabilly View Post
At least in Asia i bet they dont get harrassed by Bible thumping zealots screaming " Your going to hell!! " and here i thought Christians were all about forgiving and loving your neighbor. Or get beaten by drunk rednecks who park across from the only gay/trans friendly club to " Smear us a queer! " Thankfully its Nascar season and they get drunk someplace else. Living in the biblebelt sucks. And i have family obligations so i cant up and leave. The worlds not perfect but someplaces are better than others..
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Old 05-28-2009
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Originally Posted by twistedone View Post
Tolerance in religion, at least from my experience is a misnomer.

They talk a good talk, but don't walk their talk.

I've been threatened with physical harm by them.. So where's that "Love thy neighbor" crap?
The Lord be praised! Find me the place in scripture where Jesus Christ condemned transsexuality...

Don't bother to try to find it...

I'm christian, and I do believe in the good message of Jesus Christ.

Most of my trans*lovers have been muslim, and they claim to believe in the words of Muhammad, peace be upon him.

I've been a nasty missionary and have made more than one little ladyboy cry from frustration of me refusing to accept her muslim faith... and to challenge her theological approach...

As Fey wisely said to me: darling, why do you ALWAYS have to challenge my faith... I'm not a terrorist... why do you dislike muslims that much?

Well, maybe because muslims seem to have a love for killing things... just like right wing Republican Americans...

No, ofcourse Fey was right, and in complete fairness, I've only met completely nice and very non-violent people here in muslim Indonesia. So I've had to take my anti-muslim approach a little bit up for reconsideration. Not that I love the way, but fair is square. And I don't want to be an asshole that makes little muslim ladyboys cry because of my hateful remarks.

I admit that I cannot truly trust Islam - the muslims have too much blood on their hands for me to truly consider that religion particularly peaceful. And my problem is that moderate muslims never REALLY opposed the fanatics enough... they seemed to either ignore them, try to excuse them or silently approve of their actions.

I don't think in all fairness that Islam is particularly "good news" for democracy.

But I don't think Geo Bush was either...


Barack Obama is.

Hanky Panky
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Last edited by hankhavelock; 05-28-2009 at 01:53 PM. Reason: missed a term
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Old 05-28-2009
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Post I prefer being spiritual

Theres bloodshed in almost all religious history. Lest we forget The Crusades or the many Inquisitions or the Salem Witch Trials. How many people died because they were branded heretics or witches? No religion is truly free of violence , thats why i prefer being spiritual rather than religous. I can appreciate what diverse religions offer w/o being bound to Dogma and Doctrine. I respect others views and beliefs but the world would be better if everyone treated others as they would like to be treated. Peace
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Old 12-01-2009
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Default Why so many Lqadyboys in Thailand

First I have lived in Thailand for several years. Visisted many times before that.

I think there are several factors - I will try to put in order.

1. Gays and Ladyboys are accepted and not stigmatised in Thailand. This means that there is no discrimination against them and most people accept them.

2. Like the girls, Ladyboys- especially from the north - need to earn money to support their families. Children are expected to support their parents. That is why there is so much proistitution in Thailand. Strictly it is illegal, but this is not enforced.

3. The Farang - western visitors - seem attracted to this concept of ladyboys. This may drive the price up. There are still fewer Ladyboys than girls. The specially beautiful ladyboys can be expensive - there are not so many.

4. Also there are many Ladyboy bars - as well as gay bars- in Bangkok and Pattaya. So they are easily accessible. Girls, gays and Ladyboys are allowed into nearly all hotels as well - for some you may have to pay a fee.

5. In my oppinion Asian Ladyboys are the best looking - especially the Thais. I may get flack on this one. It is a matter of oppinion. But see how many Thai pictures are posted in this forum.
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Old 12-01-2009
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Theres also a lot of ladyboy in Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines....

ive been to Ho chi Minh City (Saigon) once and ive seen so many ladyboy there thousands all in every street corner. many are so passable and stunner. Ive also been in Bali, Indonesia twice and seen so many ladyboys there so many. Maybe its just that ladyboys in Singapore, Malaysia,the Philippines, Indonesia... etc werent given much exposure than the Thai ones
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Old 12-01-2009
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The awser is simple, because the HEAVEN there is at thailand.
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Old 12-10-2009
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Originally Posted by nadiecomoyo View Post
The awser is simple, because the HEAVEN there is at thailand.
I live in heaven, then.
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Old 12-10-2009
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I can't believe I'm living in Thailand and I have never sucked a shemale dick... what a shame...
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Old 12-10-2009
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Default James Cordon thoats 8 inches in heaven (Thailand)

murkh said
"Gays and Ladyboys are accepted and not stigmatised in Thailand. This means that there is no discrimination against them and most people accept them."
Are you sure? In all of Thailand?
NO discrimination at all.
I watched a couple of pop TV UK travelogues this year (Paul Merton and Saira Khan) suggesting that the Travesti in India and Pakistan have a hellish life. Should they goto Thailand?
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Old 12-10-2009
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Thailand is MUCH better than India or Pakistan. No comparison.

Gay pride march in Thailand does produce dead bodies. It's not like EVERYONE in Thailand is gay tolerant.

Gays and Transvestites are safe as long as they don't go around making noise demanding their rights and stuff. Just be pretty and quiet, everyone loves you.
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Old 12-11-2009
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I came across this interesting explanation. It was originally posted by a Thai Ladyboy in her blog. What follows is a reproduced an edited version:

The Economical Reason

Unlike the West the bonds between family members are much stronger. If somebody in your family is in trouble (i.e. debt, hospital) the other members of the family have to help them out. Also, there is no kind of public old age pension. The younger family members have to support the old as much as they can.

But if a boy grows up, he will have his own family that he has to provide for and who can therefore spend less money on his parents and grandparents. However, if a boy grows up and becomes a Ladyboy, he who is then a she won't have a family. They will just work for their own livelihood and are able to support their parents much more than their brothers. So it's an economical advantage for the parents if their son becomes a daughter. And even if they stay in their home, they can still work in the rice fields like the other women and men do too. But other than their male siblings they usually won´t spend their money on fast motorbikes and whiskey.

The Religion Reason
94% of the Thai population are Theravada Buddhists. Together with Buddhism Thai people also believe Animism and Spirits a belief that is thousands of years old and had been there already before Buddhism came to Thailand. Animism was believed in all over the world. Europe, America, Africa and of course Asia. In all of these ancient animist cultures a member of the "Third Sex" was someone special. Many of them where fortune tellers, shamans and highly spiritual people and therefore well respected.

Only when the monotheistic religions became more powerful, the animist belief lost their influence.
In the new religions, there was no place for a "Third Sex". Since Buddhism is not a theistic religion and most tolerant, the Buddhism did not overpower but mostly integrate the old animism. Also, in Buddhism there is no prohibition to a "Third Sex".So the animist culture with their dancing, spiritual transgender members became Buddhist and still kept the "Third Sex".

In Thailand and there especially in the rural areas where the animist belief is still strong, modern Ladyboys are as much members of the religious community like everybody in their village too. In fact, many of the Ladyboys get even more involved in the daily religious life. They then of course behave like all the other females

The Traditional Reason
In Thailand and especially in rural areas the old traditions are still strong. There's hardly a week without a religious ceremony, a wedding, a Ngaan Buat rite or a funeral. At most of these events the village's Transgenders play an important role.

While the Ladyboys in tourist capitals like Phuket and Pattaya are rather employed in gastronomy, cabaret-shows and in red light entertainment, in Bangkok you find them also connected to their original professions. No film set is complete without Ladyboys as make-up artists, costume designers or choreographers. The Tomboys, the female counterpart are rather involved in assisting the director or in the light crew.

In villages this is even more clearer to see. Weddings are almost completely organized by Ladyboys. The bride gets her make-up done by Ladyboys, gets her dress put on by Ladyboys, together with her groom she gets her wedding pictures taken by Ladyboys. Ladyboys prepare the food, arrange the flowers, dance and sing on the wedding stage.

At religious celebrations Ladyboys are most often fully involved, decorate the parade floats and organize the mandatory beauty contest. Ladyboys are hence a important part of a village's daily life in Thailand and are respected accordingly. contest. Ladyboys are hence a important part of a village's daily life in Thailand and are respected accordingly.
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Old 12-11-2009
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They are well suited to it (some are stunning) survival and choice i think are the main two
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Old 12-11-2009
WudLuv2try WudLuv2try is offline
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Nicole, that is a very accurate account of ladyboy situation in Thailand.

I agree with all of it.
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