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Old 05-26-2009
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Default Best SCI-FI tv shows

Ok we have two threads about SCI-FI movies going so why not a thread on the best SCI-FI tv shows, Thinking more of live action shows to get the ball rolling here's my top 10 in order and to keep it intresting i added a curve ball choice Jennifer
  1. DR WHO
  3. SPACE 1999
  4. UFO
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Old 05-26-2009
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1: star trek tng
2. star trek voy
3. star trek tos
4. star trek ds9
5. dr who original
6. stargate atlantis
7. stargate sg1
8. star trek TAS
9. star trek enterprise
10. dr who new
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Old 05-26-2009
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1. Firefly
2. Battlestar Galactica

They, were two good frakin' shows.
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Old 05-26-2009
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NuBSG or the original? The new one was epic
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Old 05-26-2009
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Default Top Sciffy

My faves...In no real order:

1. The Twilight Zone (original)
2. Red Dwarf
3. Battlestar Galactica (remake)
4. The Outer Limits (original)
5. Lexx
6. Lost in Space (for the kitsch factor)
7. The X-Files
8. Star Trek (original)
9. Star Trek: Next Gen
10. Mystery Science Theater 3000

honorable mentions: Time Tunnel, Land of the Giants, Project Blue Book, My Favorite Martian, Primevel, Sliders, The Six Million Dollar Man, The Bionic Woman.....:D:D
UFO...I don't remember the show, but I did have some cool S.H.A.D.O space toys!

Last edited by violet lightning; 05-26-2009 at 09:49 PM.
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Old 05-26-2009
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how could i forget red dwarf!?
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Old 05-26-2009
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Default Viva la Red Dwarf!

Red Dwarf was great!!!!!
My favorite has to be the "JFK" episode, where they solve the whole conspiracy theory!
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Old 05-26-2009
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Originally Posted by NCC-1701 View Post
NuBSG or the original? The new one was epic
Do you even have to ask?

The best you could say for the original is it was a product of its time.
At worst, its everything that marginalizes the genre.
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Old 05-26-2009
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Cool My Top Ten

1. Doctor Who
2. Sliders ( first three seasons )
3. Star Trek
4. Battlestar Galactica ( new )
5. Primeval
6. Stargate
7. Firefly
8. The Invisible Man ( Quicksilver gland i want one )
9. Torchwood
10. Farscape
I have many more but ten is the standard.
Honorable mentions
Buffy/ Angel / Dark Angel / Twilight Zone / Outer Limits / V
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Old 05-26-2009
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I think Buffy/Angel is more of a horror/adventure then SCI-FI if horror is counted then i would have added Kolchak the Nightstalker [75 series] great show but only lasted one season Lost in Space is another great show just skip season 2 and watch season 1 and 3 Jennifer
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Old 05-26-2009
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Kolchak was great and lets forget the remake ever happened.
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Old 05-26-2009
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Originally Posted by violet lightning View Post
UFO...I don't remember the show, but I did have some cool S.H.A.D.O space toys!
Well, you're about to get a refresher course.
UFO has just been optioned for a big screen remake...
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Old 05-27-2009
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I loved X-Files.
Just because I'm telling you this story doesn't mean that I'm alive at the end of it.

If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.

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Old 05-27-2009
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Default Yet another love...

SCI FI. My top ten are (and this is in no particular order):

The Star Trek Saga (I'm a fan of it all TV, Movies, & Books)
The Stargate Saga
Babylon 5 (truly a complete story)
Firefly (killed before it reached its true potential)
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (Was good in the 80's would love to see an updated version)
Space Above and Beyond (The concept was sound but the show had poor writers. I can't wait to see a update version or movie)
Dark Angel (This story needs to be continued)
Terminator: The Series
Roswell (This needs to story needs to be continued)

Ok it more then ten, but then I can easily make it to 20:D
I love SCI FI

The Twilight's Zone & Outer Limits of course..
T-girl Aficionado...
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Old 05-27-2009
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Originally Posted by violet lightning View Post
UFO...I don't remember the show, but I did have some cool S.H.A.D.O space toys!
UFO was a show by Gerry Anderson before he did Space 1999, UFO was his first live action series till then he used puppets in THUNDERBIRD and CAPTAIN SCARLET and a few others like Stingray Jennifer
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Old 05-27-2009
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Originally Posted by violet lightning View Post
UFO...I don't remember the show, but I did have some cool S.H.A.D.O space toys!
Originally Posted by transjen View Post
UFO was a show by Gerry Anderson before he did Space 1999, UFO was his first live action series till then he used puppets in THUNDERBIRD and CAPTAIN SCARLET and a few others like Stingray Jennifer

Actually, a little fun trivia for you: UFO was actually the genesis for Space:1999.

Most of Gerry & Sylvia Anderson's series only lasted 39 episodes or less, as financier Lew Grade was more interested in making a brand new series than continuing old ones. So, when UFO finished filming 26 episodes in the fall of 1970, it wasn't even expected that there would be a second season. And sure enough, Lew asked Gerry to start filming the detective/crime-fighting series "The Protectors".

In America, ITC syndicated UFO over 136 TV stations during the 1972-73 season, two years after filming had been completed. This was not part of a network showing, although many articles at the time associate it with CBS because it was shown on CBS stations in the largest markets of New York and Los Angeles. UFO did very well in the ratings on these two stations for the first several months. It did so well in fact that CBS was thinking about ordering a second season.

As a result, Gerry Anderson and his team began pre-production on a sequel series which would take place in the year 1999. The battle with the Aliens would have escalated, and SHADO HQ would have been moved to the moon in a much larger moonbase. Models, sets, and costumes were prepared, but then the ratings began to fall and the series was canceled. However, Gerry used this pre-production work for a brand new series, which turned out to be SPACE: 1999.
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Old 05-27-2009
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Originally Posted by CreativeMind View Post
Actually, a little fun trivia for you: UFO was actually the genesis for Space:1999.

Most of Gerry & Sylvia Anderson's series only lasted 39 episodes or less, as financier Lew Grade was more interested in making a brand new series than continuing old ones. So, when UFO finished filming 26 episodes in the fall of 1970, it wasn't even expected that there would be a second season. And sure enough, Lew asked Gerry to start filming the detective/crime-fighting series "The Protectors".

In America, ITC syndicated UFO over 136 TV stations during the 1972-73 season, two years after filming had been completed. This was not part of a network showing, although many articles at the time associate it with CBS because it was shown on CBS stations in the largest markets of New York and Los Angeles. UFO did very well in the ratings on these two stations for the first several months. It did so well in fact that CBS was thinking about ordering a second season.

As a result, Gerry Anderson and his team began pre-production on a sequel series which would take place in the year 1999. The battle with the Aliens would have escalated, and SHADO HQ would have been moved to the moon in a much larger moonbase. Models, sets, and costumes were prepared, but then the ratings began to fall and the series was canceled. However, Gerry used this pre-production work for a brand new series, which turned out to be SPACE: 1999.
Thanks for the info as i never know this, The idea shows promise kinda wish they made it but then SPACE 1999 was a great series i alway like the shapeshifter they introducted in the second season, UFO is on my next to buy list Jennifer
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Old 05-27-2009
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Default Best Sci-Fi on Television

Key word here is "best"! There have been so many tacky, cheaply produced, corny Sci-Fi television shows that just do not stand up to the "test of time". I am going to go with "best" as opposed to "favorite" shows. Shows like Lost in Space, Voyage To the Bottom of The Sea, Knight Rider (original), Six-Million Dollar Man, etc, etc have a certain nostalagic charm about them, but quality TV...I think not!

That said, this list is purely subjective in nature, since it is my opinions. There will be shows missing from this list that I am sure are quality shows, but if I have not seen them, then I cannot pick them!

Twilight Zone (1959-1964)
Outer Limits (1963-1965)
Star Trek (1966-1969)
The Prisoner (1968)
Lexx (1997-2002)
Firefly (2002)
Battlestar Galactica (2003-2009)
Fringe (2008-????)

I would like to put "Wild, Wild West" (1965-1969) on the list, but it has been so long since I have seen it. It was a very imaginative
"western/action/comedy" series. Set in the old west, but the agents (Robert Conrad and Ross Martin) had very advanced weapons and gadgets. I think it classifies as "sci-fi", but others may disagree.
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Old 05-27-2009
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1 - Babylon 5
2 - Firefly
3 - Eureka
4 - The Org 80s Transformers Cartoon
5 - Star Trek VOY

I know Ill think of one or 2 more after I push post lol
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Old 05-27-2009
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Originally Posted by ARIES666 View Post

I would like to put "Wild, Wild West" (1965-1969) on the list, but it has been so long since I have seen it. It was a very imaginative
"western/action/comedy" series. Set in the old west, but the agents (Robert Conrad and Ross Martin) had very advanced weapons and gadgets. I think it classifies as "sci-fi", but others may disagree.
Wild Wild West is one of those shows that are in the grey area some consider it in the same area as Gunsmoke basicly a western, Other consider it a SCI-FI show due to like you mentioned the futurelistic gadgets and plots of the villians, I consider it a James Bond traped in the wild west but it is a fun show to watch, Oh i tend to like the old out dated camp SCI-FI shows over most of the darker hasher SCI-FI shows as the newer shows are geared towards FX and little story and i find most to be depressing, Just my opion Jennifer
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Old 05-27-2009
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Anyone who doesn't have the new Battlestar Galactica in their top ten should be sent to a funny farm.
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Old 05-27-2009
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Originally Posted by SluttyShemaleAnna View Post
Anyone who doesn't have the new Battlestar Galactica in their top ten should be sent to a funny farm.
Sorry but it's not on my top ten, not sure where i'd place it but it would be in the top 25 but not top 10 Jennifer
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Old 05-27-2009
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Default Battlestar Galactica

Originally Posted by SluttyShemaleAnna View Post
Anyone who doesn't have the new Battlestar Galactica in their top ten should be sent to a funny farm.
I assume you are referring to the "re-imagined" B.S.G.?

Top Ten? More like Top 5, "S.S.A."!! That said, personal tastes being what they are, there are bound to be a few folks who don't like it. As for me, it is #2 on my list (Original Twilight Zone is my #1). B.S.G. & Twilight Zone are as different as day and night. One is a "continuing series", the other was comprised of unrelated "stand-alone" episodes.

As for B.S.G., I cannot recall a televison show that spawned so many discussions, day after day, week after week at my local Starbucks. I only met one person who did not like BSG! A video store clerk...she referred to it as "Mormons in Space".

By the way, "S.S.A.", what did you think of the final episode of B.S.G.? Will you be watching "Caprica"? I am looking forward to the feature that Edward James Olmos directed. It will focus on the Cylons' side in all this craziness! I think it is broadcasting in the fall.
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Old 05-28-2009
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I saw most of BSG season 1 when it first aired and never really followed it after that watching it here and there afterwards to me it wasn't bad and it wasn't the greatest ever, But it was a lot better then STAR TREK THE NEXT GEN but that's not hard to do Jennifer
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Old 06-01-2009
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I love Battlestar Galactica! Great writing, acting, casting, superb effects, original in so many ways. I thought casting Katee Sackhoff as Starbuck was a stroke of brilliance. The series had its slow parts, but all in all was very strong.

I'd like to mention "The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy", which was a BBC extended mini-series, so I guess it qualifies as a tv show. The effects were kitschy, but it held to the books quite well, and told the whole story, not just part of it.

Also, does "Futurama" count as sci-fi? :D
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Old 06-01-2009
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Four days ago, "transjen" wrote the following:

transjen I saw most of BSG season 1 when it first aired and never really followed it after that watching it here and there afterwards to me it wasn't bad and it wasn't the greatest ever, But it was a lot better then STAR TREK THE NEXT GEN but that's not hard to do Jennifer

Aaaaah, and I think therein lies the "problem". In my opinion, BSG is one of those series that you cannot watch "here and there". Too many plots and variables going on and each epsisode so dependent on the ones before it. I have all the DVD sets from the very beginning up until the first half of season 4, and watching them in this format has been incredible. So much better than on brodcast TV.

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Old 06-01-2009
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Originally Posted by violet lightning View Post
Red Dwarf was great!!!!!
My favorite has to be the "JFK" episode, where they solve the whole conspiracy theory!
Yep, original Red Dwarf rocks! One of the funniest shows ever! :D I'm so disappointed with the new series in the UK... it's complete shit compared to the original. My fave episode is "Ouroboron", it basically explains how Lister was born. Classic, and quite a clever plot too.

Also gotta give shout-outs to Star Trek (all series apart from TOS), Stargate SG1 (not Atlantis), and Battlestar Galactica (new series, not original).
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Old 06-01-2009
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Default I was the only one to pick......


Sorry....I double-checked....of course....VioletLightning picked it as well!
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Old 06-01-2009
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Thumbs up

YES!! Xenia Seeberg is so sexy. Lexx was a great show ... and i think they had a living ship before Farscape did.
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Old 06-05-2009
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Robotech:The Macross Saga. The Robotech episodes after that kinda sucked. Roy Fokker and Max Sterling were my heroes!
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Originally Posted by TheAngryPostman View Post
Robotech:The Macross Saga. The Robotech episodes after that kinda sucked. Roy Fokker and Max Sterling were my heroes!
The next chapter was good i think it was called 'SOUTHERN CROSS' ,it's be a long time but LT DANA STERLING was my fav, Now the chapter after was the worst and unwatchable, just my opion Jennifer
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The concept behind the third Robotech series " next gen " was cool, Earth overrun by the Invid forces. Only small cells of resistance fighters scattered around the planet, all w/ the same orders " get to reflex point " and take the fight to the Invid queen and wait for back-up from Admiral Rick Hunter and the SDF-3. Plus they had Yellow Dancer/Lancer the only known crossdresser in the Robotech universe. And those Bike Mechs were sweet. ( Armored Cyclones )
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Default Question for Rockabilly, VioletLightning, SluttyShemaleAnna

Okay, beleive it or not, I have not seen "Babylon 5". When it was airing, I was always working. The DVD box sets are avilable, but very expensive. It is not in re-runs here in Canada. Our sci-fi/fantasy network "Space" sucks. Endless repeats of all the Star Trek series and a few other series that they show over and over. A good friend of mine is going to lend me the first season on DVD. He and his buddy both tell me that Babylon5 is far superior to Battlestar Galactica (the new one).

My question to you three (and others) is...which is better???
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Babylon 5 is definitely worth watching but for me i'd rather have BSG in my permanent collection. ( i got seasons 1-3 and the miniseries and BSG Razor ) Your in Canada? Do you still have Eds night party? It got yanked off a looonnng time ago here, and was replaced w/ Cheaters and Cops re-runs! Ah i miss Lianna Kerzner
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Default Ed's Night Party

It is still on. However, I stopped watching years ago. It first aired on a local community cable channel. Back then it was just 30 minutes. The co-host was a local stand-up comic. It was very edgy, raw, seemed to be unscripted at times and shot on a barebones budget in a small studio. It then went to Much Music (a national cable network. They had more money, an hour to fill and the co-hosts were terrible. Endless clips of babes in bikinis and wet t-shirt contests. I wish I had taped those first shows...they were amazing!
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Does anyone know the name of that Outer Limits knock-off show that Henry Rollins introed and closed ala Rod Sterling style? And remenber Tales from the Darkside?
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Old 06-06-2009
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Default its just my opinion...

I had forgotten all about that show!! I think it was called "Night Visions"...? I was almost thinking henry could be a more ripped version of the cryptkeeper!

As per the new Battlestar Galactica" vs "Babylon 5"...only my opinion, but I never liked B5 very much. I never liked the actors, the characters or the storylines...( I know it has its fans)
But on the other hand, I liked "Battlestar G" very much, even though I thought I probably wouldn't. ( a female StarbucK??)
The writing was excellent, very original, kick butt special effects, (really, some of the best I've seen) It looks and feels much more like a movie, than a tv series. Lightweight it is not. It also electrified viewers and spawned discussion in ways B5 could only dream about.
C'mon Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell and Katee Sackhoff vs Bruce Boxleitner, Tracy Scoggins and Jeff Conaway, the choice is clear...:D
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Old 06-06-2009
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Default Thanks Rockabilly, VioletLightning...

Too bad you guys don't live in my night(s) every weekend? Hanging out at the local "T-Girl" club we could fit I am sure. Still would like to hear "SluttyShemaleAnna's" opinion. You three all thought BSG was great.

Hey "transjen"....I know you did not like BSG that much. What about Babylon5?
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Default See for yourself...

A side by side comparison....
Cool, sexy Battlestar Galactica cast

vs. Lame, wierd Babylon 5 cast!!

(I kid, I kid..):D
Attached Thumbnails
BSG1.JPG   cast3.jpg  
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Default Battlestar Galactica (2003-2009)

Okay....I just have to ask these questions....let's face it....we are....BSG....
uhhhh...."geeks"?! Man I hate that word...sorry!

Who was/were your favorite character(s)?
Who was/were your least favorite character(s)?

The series finale...."thumbs up" or "thumbs down" or "still collating"?

Were there any issues, characters or plot lines, etc. that, in your opinion, were not dealt with properly or were ignored? This applies to the entire series not just the finale.

These questions should get the ball rolling. Have a "frakking" great day!!
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Yeah i got one what the hell was up with the Cylons looking human? Jennifer
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Old 06-06-2009
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Originally Posted by ARIES666 View Post
Okay....I just have to ask these questions....let's face it....we are....BSG....
uhhhh...."geeks"?! Man I hate that word...sorry!

Who was/were your favorite character(s)?
Who was/were your least favorite character(s)?

The series finale...."thumbs up" or "thumbs down" or "still collating"?

Were there any issues, characters or plot lines, etc. that, in your opinion, were not dealt with properly or were ignored? This applies to the entire series not just the finale.

These questions should get the ball rolling. Have a "frakking" great day!!
I liked the show too. My favorite would probably be Admiral Adama, with Starbuck running a close second and my least favorite is Tom Zarek. Overall I liked the finale, it was pretty cool.
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Default Cylons looking human....

Originally Posted by transjen View Post
Yeah i got one what the hell was up with the Cylons looking human? Jennifer
Well T.J.!!....let's see how I can put this in as few words as possible. I will give you the "short version"...very short. I would hate to give too much of the story away in case you decide to watch it on DVD.

The humans created the Cylons(remember, they looked like "toasters"). Eventually the Cylons "rebelled" against the humans and so began the human-cylon war. Eventually an armistice was agreed to and the Cylons and humans "parted ways". Once a year a representative of the humans and a representative of the Cylons were to meet at a specially constructed space station to discuss the treaty, deal with any concerns, etc. For forty years the humans sent someone....the Cylons sent no-one. Until...Tricia Helfer (#6) shows up, looking "spectacular" I might add! She is accompanied by two "bodyguards" who do not look human. Basically, for 40 years the Cylons have been very busy "tweeking" and "improving" their "race" (for lack of a better word). The Cylons have created 12 models that look human (I won't tell you any more than that) of which there are multiply copies of each model. And those "clunky" toasters that were in the old series? They are much improved!! So, there you have it, T.J.! If you love Sci-Fi, then I suggest you rent "The Battlestar Galactica Miniseries". It is the 3 hour debut. When I was writing the part about #6 (Tricia Helfer) arrival on the space station in the paragraph above, it gave me goosebumps!

That is the short form...very short!
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Default could I forget!

The animated series "Re-Boot"!! What about "Thomas The Tank Engine"? lol!
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Old 06-06-2009
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Originally Posted by ARIES666 View Post
Well T.J.!!....let's see how I can put this in as few words as possible. I will give you the "short version"...very short. I would hate to give too much of the story away in case you decide to watch it on DVD.

The humans created the Cylons(remember, they looked like "toasters"). Eventually the Cylons "rebelled" against the humans and so began the human-cylon war. Eventually an armistice was agreed to and the Cylons and humans "parted ways". Once a year a representative of the humans and a representative of the Cylons were to meet at a specially constructed space station to discuss the treaty, deal with any concerns, etc. For forty years the humans sent someone....the Cylons sent no-one. Until...Tricia Helfer (#6) shows up, looking "spectacular" I might add! She is accompanied by two "bodyguards" who do not look human. Basically, for 40 years the Cylons have been very busy "tweeking" and "improving" their "race" (for lack of a better word). The Cylons have created 12 models that look human (I won't tell you any more than that) of which there are multiply copies of each model. And those "clunky" toasters that were in the old series? They are much improved!! So, there you have it, T.J.! If you love Sci-Fi, then I suggest you rent "The Battlestar Galactica Miniseries". It is the 3 hour debut. When I was writing the part about #6 (Tricia Helfer) arrival on the space station in the paragraph above, it gave me goosebumps!

That is the short form...very short!
Thanks for the info but i kinda liked the 'toaster version as you call em, Maybe it's due to when i was in highschool i use to play dungeons and dragons a lot and the DM put Cylons in the game as villians silly yes but we were like 13 and 14 at the time Jennifer
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Default Cylon Centurians

T-J, I will admit that the "Centurians" from the old show looked pretty cool. But the show as whole was horrible. Tacky, cheap, typical 70's hoky sci fi. Tha annoying kid! That annoying dog! But the Cylon Centurians looked great!

Okay, TJ, you asked for it! "[SIZE="4"]By your commandSIZE]"
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Default Centurians??!!

Sorry....Centurions!! Frakk!!!!!
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True Boxy and his robot dog Muffit were annoying but the clyon and the ships were nice and the show had humor like Boltar talking to his second in command 'Mock my words' And the second in command replies back " Don't i always" Jennifer
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Originally Posted by ARIES666 View Post
Sorry....Centurions!! Frakk!!!!!
That was Starbuck's catch fraze Jennifer
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Default Let's make a deal, TJ!!

I will "re-visit" the old Battlestar series (it must be on "Space" or in the local video store, or maybe online). On one watch the new BSG?!
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