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Old 04-10-2011
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Default Keep shaving, hormones or lazer hair removal

So I am at an ends rope with the hair on my body. I keep shaving. I have to shave every two days whole body to keep it smooth. I am debating on doing laser hair removal or start hormones to see if that will help with the hair issue. Does anyone have any knowledge on this? I am planning on moving onto a hormone regiment anyway is sooner better? Does anyone know any doctors I can talk to in MA USA for this? I would rather have good hormones not ones made in someones kitchen. Please help
Please can you do that again. I cant stop whimpering..... in a good way.
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Old 04-11-2011
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get ipl or Laser , and maybe grow your hair out for abit and get waxed .. will keep you smooth for a few weeks at a time, which will then run into hte cycle for IPL/Laser anyway ..

Liberty Harkness, Model/Producer

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Old 04-11-2011
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Originally Posted by LibertyHarkness View Post
get ipl or Laser , and maybe grow your hair out for abit and get waxed .. will keep you smooth for a few weeks at a time, which will then run into hte cycle for IPL/Laser anyway ..

Thank You on that. What about "Nair" is that as good as waxing?
Also can anyone talk to me about hormones? Is it worth it where i am at in life?
I am 25
150 Lbs
hips are 32
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chest 34
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Please can you do that again. I cant stop whimpering..... in a good way.
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Old 04-12-2011
JodieTs JodieTs is offline
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Originally Posted by trapdyoungtg View Post
Thank You on that. What about "Nair" is that as good as waxing?
Also can anyone talk to me about hormones? Is it worth it where i am at in life?
I wrote this three years ago, which at the time was about two years after starting HRT.
Looking back now, it's pretty good and worth considering.

Things not talked about:

Hormones mid 06 (Initially, self-med, now prescribed)

Hormones really change you. Look at my pics; see how hormones have feminised my body, the soft facial features, the curves, the boobs.

Well, here the thing, the biggest changes, by far, are how hormones alter the way your mind works.
& its fucking scary.
You really don't want to go there if you don't have to.

Nothing makes any sense. All you understand about the world & how you interact, & fit into it,
gets jumbled up.
& ALL your friends & family get hit with the fall-out.
There is a bigger picture than just you but you do not see it till much later.
By then its all falling to shit.
This is why the medical profession make it such a big deal. Because it is a fucking huge deal.

& it takes ages for things to start making any sense, again.
Also, get ready for a mountain of self doubts & insecurity.

I've been on 'mones for over 18 months, & things are only now BEGINNING to fall back into place for me.
Look at my profile & postings, this gives you a small insight on how jumbled up your mind gets.
......& I didn't even mention the health risks...

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Old 04-13-2011
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Originally Posted by JodieTs View Post
I wrote this three years ago, which at the time was about two years after starting HRT.
Looking back now, it's pretty good and worth considering.

Things not talked about:

Hormones mid 06 (Initially, self-med, now prescribed)

Hormones really change you. Look at my pics; see how hormones have feminised my body, the soft facial features, the curves, the boobs.

Well, here the thing, the biggest changes, by far, are how hormones alter the way your mind works.
& its fucking scary.
You really don't want to go there if you don't have to.

Nothing makes any sense. All you understand about the world & how you interact, & fit into it,
gets jumbled up.
& ALL your friends & family get hit with the fall-out.
There is a bigger picture than just you but you do not see it till much later.
By then its all falling to shit.
This is why the medical profession make it such a big deal. Because it is a fucking huge deal.

& it takes ages for things to start making any sense, again.
Also, get ready for a mountain of self doubts & insecurity.

I've been on 'mones for over 18 months, & things are only now BEGINNING to fall back into place for me.
Look at my profile & postings, this gives you a small insight on how jumbled up your mind gets.
......& I didn't even mention the health risks...

Over whelmed by that... And blinked alot.... thank you very much. I am not going to self medicate that is a little crazy i think. I was looking for discussion b4 hand to see if it was worth it at the stage of life i am at. I dont want to go to a random doctor with out questions or doubts or positives untill i have done research I lik to here from people direct instead of reading articles so thank you agin. Is there anything else you can tell me? It would be appreciated
Please can you do that again. I cant stop whimpering..... in a good way.
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Old 04-13-2011
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Not really as its personal stuff.

What about you?
Put your reasoning up and let any trans reply with input.
And do searches on trans support forums
and ask in those places for info you are asking as well.
This site has very few trans on it and even fewer who will post answers.
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Old 04-13-2011
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Originally Posted by JodieTs View Post
Not really as its personal stuff.

What about you?
Put your reasoning up and let any trans reply with input.
And do searches on trans support forums
and ask in those places for info you are asking as well.
This site has very few trans on it and even fewer who will post answers.
thank you again for the input on the situation.
Please can you do that again. I cant stop whimpering..... in a good way.
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Old 04-15-2011
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Since I've been on hormones my body hair grows in less, BUT my facial hair still needs regular attention and if I have a night out planned it's into the cupboard to grab the MAC to hide that shit.
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Old 04-15-2011
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Hormones have zero effect on facial hair
You need to join for free to read / post but this thread addresses hormone effects & non effects on hair growth on ts's on HRT.
Dr Emma {Bluewaterangel} there says it far better than I can.
It is addressed to a tv asking about HRT and its effects on hair growth.
Her answer is slanted thus; so things which a TV would not want a TS would be striving for.
Here is her post:
Thank you for your post. You describe a common problem with trying to minimise unwanted body hair. Much of course will depend on individual hirsuitism to start with as well as skin type and of course lifestyle.
There are several types of hair on our body but to describe the main three (and exclude the special ones such as peri-anal hair, nasal, ears etc.) they would be categorised by their influence from androgen hormones (Testosterone and Dihydrotestosterone [DHT]).

Asexual ? Not influenced by levels of androgen hormones and there in both sexes, genital hair, underarms and eyebrows.

Sexual ? Beard which is strongly affected by high levels of testosterone and once converted to a sexual terminal hair it will remain so.

Ambisexual ? Most body hair. This has a partial influence from androgen hormones so males traditionally have denser and thicker coarser body hair than females. Females also have body hair (we all have the same number of follicles it?s the hair type which changes between the sexes) but less than males. A female during pregnancy will see an increase in body hair but afterwards most of it will usually reverse.

Taking feminising hormones (which compete with androgen hormones, antiandrogens which reduce testosterone/Dht production).

So you are right in your assumption that feminising hormones can reduce the impact of body hair. The most effective are antiandrogens and the most potent is Cyproterone (Androcur) followed by Spironolactone, which is the drug ?Aldactone? you mentioned (which is licensed as a potassium sparing Diuretic). These are used to treat and manage testosterone dependent problems such as prostate cancers and more benign problems which involve enlarged prostate. There are drugs which target the production (or conversion) of DHT and they can be used to treat Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). These are usually seen as Finasteride and Dutesteride.

The big difficulty with these though is the impact they have on other things. Significant changes which can have a significant effect on a relationship such as impotency, loss of libido and other changes. Once the drug is discontinued much of the change will reverse. There are more sinister risks too and as the metabolic rate diminishes, muscle mass (and strength) reduce, the blood values change too. There are increased risks of Deep Vein thrombosis (DVT) and Cholesterol levels change. The body must manage and process the drugs and this can create an increased burden on organs such as the liver. This is one of the reasons why anyone considering taking feminising hormones or any medicament which can influence endocrinolgical values should have regular blood test to monitor health and well-being before an irreversible problem occurs.

Many people do this regardless and it?s true to say many do so without any known problems.

You must though consider some of the other effects too. It would make other changes, breast tissue develops and the nipples and aureole enlarge which would become quite obvious after just a few weeks or months. Swimming, beach holidays even walking around the house without a top could become an issue for some. If growth does become obvious it?s possible that even under clothes such as tee-shirts or shirts it could be seen.
Finally it can also influence the relationship with your wife because what you are doing is beyond occasional dressing as a female to something much more profound, now you are physically, and her opinion may be that you are, embarking on something much more permanent.

There are many options for hair removal which don?t involve medication of this nature.

Have you tried professional waxing?

Epilating, it can be difficult at the start but it does become easier providing it is done correctly and maybe you could start with waxing then move onto a more ?home-based? solution?

Have you tried depilatory creams such as Veet?

Laser and Intense Pulsed Light treatments can offer enormous improvement; example 4 ? 6 (usually 6) sessions on the chest and abdomen spaced six weeks apart can really make a huge (permanent) difference.

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Old 04-19-2011 is offline
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Shaving is rubbish, especially doing it where you can't see! I still get ingrown hair, and stubble everywhere ten minutes after shaving.

Waxing leaves me smooth and looking just how I want, for maybe ten days, then the ingrown hair problems start. I exfoliated a lot, and a little, and I tried the recommended acne cream. You also have to let it grow out so you can wax it again, which means you look good about half the time.

I'm going to do laser, starting Thursday. I'm a little unconvinced and a little apprehensive, since I sunburn easily. I have decided that if it takes 8 visits, at about 4x what waxing costs, I'll catch up in just a couple of years. It is expensive though...

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