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View Poll Results: did u ever had a relation with shemale
yes, a relation 15 36.59%
only, sexual contact 10 24.39%
never, all fantasy 16 39.02%
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Old 02-19-2015
student1983 student1983 is offline
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Default How many of you honestly had a relation with shemale?

just curious,

who of all the visitors seriousely had a relation or a longer ongoing sexual relation with a shemale?
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Old 02-19-2015
student1983 student1983 is offline
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i voted for relation, as iam in a relation with a thai gf, since almost 3years now
i mean real love, nothing different than with a female.

its so much better than watching shemale porn allday
i wouldnt mind having sex with a female or i not prefer any of these two. i choose for sympathy.

so good luck for you all.´
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Old 02-22-2015
LovinThaTSLadiez LovinThaTSLadiez is offline
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I have had quite a bit of sexual contact with t-girls, but there was a girl that I was talking to for a while. She and I were getting pretty serious, but the long distance between us made it too difficult to be together.
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Old 01-14-2017
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Currently in a relationship, approaching 1 year anniversary with my beautiful transgender gf
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Old 01-15-2017
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I met with a tgirl escort a few yeas ago and after a while she told me we can have sex for free if I wanted to.

We still hang out and watch movies and stuff like that,it's like a "real" relationship.

It's really a matter of luck,she liked me and I liked her so that was it.
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Old 01-16-2017
lordscott lordscott is offline
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Default Here's my honest answer

To be honest i never been in a relationship with a shemale or a ladyboy sexual or not but however i admit that i do want to be in a relationship with a shemale i doubt she'll like me anyway because like i said I'm cursed i have a small penis no no it's not a micropenis i still considered myself small & I'm a virgin man.

& no I'm not complaining pretty much it's not really my rant+answer type answer just saying how i feel & to end it here or at least for now i don't know am i in the closet or open about my attraction to shemales & ladyboys & i don't know yet should i stay in the closet or be open about my attraction to shemales & ladyboys & i don't know how to be out of closet of my attraction to shemales & ladyboys yet anyway.

& there you have it here are some of my answers if you want me to go farther in my answer feel free to let me know or ask me & if any of you wish to share your advice & tips about how to be out of closet of my attraction to shemales & ladyboys then feel free to share your advice & tips through PM me only if you want to thanks.
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Old 01-16-2017
virtualflowe virtualflowe is offline
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Default I would love to

I've been with several escorts but do wish I was in a relationship with a transexual, which ideally would turn into "friends-with-benefits".

I've watched documentaries and some Youtube of people going through transition, that transexuals have serious mental issues. Since I've never been in a real relationship with one, I can't say how true this might be.
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Old 02-06-2017
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Default Well. I have a really really close intimate relationship with a shemale.

The title says it all. I know what she thinks how she feels and what hurts her and so on.

Yeah it is me.

@ lordscott. It isn't the size of the "pencil" but how well you write with it.

OK I don't want to go to the gutter but... I just can't help it. I have had some above average cocks. Big deal. It hurts and they usually know they are hung and have gotten too many oohs and ahhs from everyone which taints there whole ideals of romance. Women love romance. The dick is just another appendage lie a finger. A personality can't be measured in inches either.

This is what you men need to understand. With Trans women we don't care about your cock size. I mean shit we don't really even care what you look like. Have any of you guys seen Bailey Jay's husband? he is no Greek Adonis. But I bet he has one hell of a compatible Personality with Bailey. He may not even have a really big dick but she thought enough to marry him.

Look I don't know how much I can say it but the dick does not define the man. As a matter of fact I can tell you that within 10 minutes of talking to you that we are either turned on by you, YOU and not your dick or turned off by you.

I may be totally different than other transwomen and all women talks the same shit as guys do with dick and pussy. But that is not the norm when a girl meets a guy and even vice versa.

So for all you guys out there, if you met me in a bar would really care about what my pussy looked like? If you are not a self hating homophobe would you really care what I had between my legs if you were attracted to me. Jerry Springer is filled with guys attracted to trans women and then suddenly find themselves disgusted. Well the guys are the disgusting ones, not the girl. The Trans woman's mouth has the same amount of saliva as a cis woman' mouth. As a matter of fact, the trans woman probably know how to suck ? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, smells like a duck and feel like a duck then it is a duck. OK so I watch Springer and you can not tell me that most if not all of these guys didn't know. I am honest but I have a CCW so...

I was also lucky enough to be able to accept it at a young age, so I knew what and who I was back then and today too. I don't really want to fall or become emotionally attached to anyone that may want to hurt me physically so I am honest. But I hang around bars and clubs that it is natural. In a totally straight bar then I will let guys buy me drinks but that is all. Maybe talk too and always remember where I am at. So no BJs in the parking lot or bathrooms. If my friend say something about the dude being trans and or LGBT friendly then I will kind of slide it into their court and let them make the decision.
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Old 02-07-2017
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Originally Posted by virtualflowe View Post
I've been with several escorts but do wish I was in a relationship with a transexual, which ideally would turn into "friends-with-benefits".

I've watched documentaries and some Youtube of people going through transition, that transexuals have serious mental issues. Since I've never been in a real relationship with one, I can't say how true this might be.
About the mental issues stuff,well I've never noticed anything weird.Like I said it's not like we hang out everyday,we just meet,have sex,watch a movie at her place,go for coffee sometimes and that's about it...

Transgender people have to live in a hostile society so it's not an easy thing to stay "normal" mentally when you have everyone pointing fingers at you I guess.
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Old 02-08-2017
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Originally Posted by virtualflowe View Post
I've been with several escorts but do wish I was in a relationship with a transexual, which ideally would turn into "friends-with-benefits".

I've watched documentaries and some Youtube of people going through transition, that transexuals have serious mental issues. Since I've never been in a real relationship with one, I can't say how true this might be.
Yeah the first part? We are like other women. Friends with benefits works when we may be a little younger and drinking a little too much but... In the end though, friends with benefits is nothing but a booty call ( literally with us ) when no one else better is around or after the clubs have done last call. We do look for more intimate and lasting relationships like most women do. Now if you pay to play that is a little different. That is business. And we may actually use you as a "fill my booty call" too. Remember that Porn is not a real life situation but more or less a fantasy situation. So I have never in real life had a pool guy hit on me and I automatically spread my legs for him and had sex next to the pool. I mean most of the Transexual porn stars abd or porn stars in general have boyfriends, girlfriends and or married even. Last I knew of even Bailey Jay was married to a guy.

The second part though baby. We have been through some hellacious shit in our lives. It is OK to be gay now. It is OK for a woman to be a butch lesbian and wear guy clothes. But try being born a man and a trans woman dressing and presenting as a female with people that knew you were born a male. Growing up everyone thought I was gay or a little bit of a sissy but... I lost all my friends except one and most of my family even though I have some really butch and a couple of trans men cousins. But the lesbians and the trans men are more accepted than I am just because we live in a paternalistic society. I mean who the hell would want to be a woman when men have it so made? It is not something that we can control and our hands are tied but it is who we are. It is way easier if you can do like I do and say "Fuck Society and the norms." I figured out long ago who I was and I tried to go the other way and failed miserably. I make no apologies and am not ashamed of it. It is just as big apart of who I am as an individual as the color of my eyes, hair, skin and so on. And yes I lost a lot of old friends but made new ones in the process. I lost a lot of family but still have a few family that could give a shit less. And particularly I could care less, because I am who and what I am and I will be damned if I let anyone make me feel bad about it. But.... there are a lot of us that do and feel guilty for expressing ourselves. Maybe it is because we feel we let others down. Maybe it is because certain socially accepted perceptions of ourselves do not coincide with what society will accept. When we can't feel like we can be ourselves without letting our mother's, father's, friend's and family's expectations then it has a way of effecting us mentally. This is in no way limited to transsexuals but everyone else too. It is more predominate with us because of societal perceptions of normalcy between the genders. Society understands sex way more than gender. We like what we like when it comes to sexuality but when it comes to gender we are stuck between genitalia. Then you go into more of a psychological aspect between both parties.

Sorry for the long post but that sweetie is why so many of us have mental issues. There is also another aspect of it and that is that we all wish we could choose to be what gender we are. I will never be a cis woman. I will always be a trans woman. That doesn't make me less feminine though. Same with the trans men. Buck Angel has bigger balls than a lot of the men I dated and he has a vagina.

But some of us are so psychologically damaged either by hiding it so long or the shit we had to put up with. I mean Jazz Jennings puts herself out there as a trans girl and idiots talk shit about a teen trans girl that most people would find offensive. She can pass and I am sure that the money is/was good with the show but she is a trans girl that will grow into a trans woman. She knows this and doesn't hide it. So the mental issues usually come with not fully accepting it and a sort of internal guilt because of the environment you grew up in and refusing to totally accept who you are. She truly is a brave girl.

Again sorry for the long post but it is kind of hard to explain where the mental anguish comes from without trying to explain it.
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Old 03-13-2017
Stefanmlc Stefanmlc is offline
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One you've been in a true relationship with a transgender / ladyboy, you never want something else anymore!
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Old 01-22-2018
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Originally Posted by student1983 View Post
just curious,

who of all the visitors seriousely had a relation or a longer ongoing sexual relation with a shemale?
No. Never. Still a virgin in his 30's. Time is running out. Just too shy around women, barely make minimum wage, sit around all day masturbating to porn, fat and out of shape, have a micropenis, live in one of Indianapolis poorest neighborhoods, and drive a junk car. There's no hope for me...
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Old 01-25-2018
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This is why I can't get laid.

Last edited by a9127; 09-20-2019 at 09:43 PM.
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Old 01-26-2018
escierto escierto is offline
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I had been fantasizing for so long about having an actual experience with a trans woman and it finally happened.

I met a trans woman on a dating site and arranged to meet her in Hong Kong. I had seen her photos and talked to her on cam but seeing her in person was different. She was definitely passable and looked like her pics but she was a lot skinnier than I would have liked and I like a skinny girl.

I wasn't sure how things would go when we actually got to the room but we got down to it as soon as we were there. I had always wanted to be topped and she did it with her small hard cock. I thought I might be freaked out but it felt really natural to suck her cock and take it in my ass. In fact I really loved being fucked and she was a willing partner.

It was kind of strange actually - if she had been a guy I really wouldn't have been interested in having sex with her at all. I would have been revolted at the thought to tell the truth. Yet since she was very feminine and I couldn't think of her as anything other than a woman, it did not feel weird to play with her cock or take her up my ass. It surprised me how natural it felt really.

The only thing was she was rougher than I would have liked. She liked to just ram it in my ass and then fuck it hard - I would have preferred her to be a little more gentle. Don't get me wrong - I liked her pounding me with her cock and cumming in my ass - I just wished some of our sex together had been more loving and gentle.

I fucked her a few times too and I could tell she really liked being fucked. She was very enthusiastic about getting fucked. I asked her if she preferred being a bottom but she said that she was happy both ways. For me it was ok fucking her - like fucking a woman anally actually - but I loved being fucked.

I wish the chemistry between us had been better and I am not sure if it was her fault or my fault or just how things were between us. We had a pleasant few days together but I was hoping for more between us.
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Old 06-30-2018
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Originally Posted by JamieTS View Post
So for all you guys out there, if you met me in a bar would really care about what my pussy looked like? If you are not a self hating homophobe would you really care what I had between my legs if you were attracted to me. Jerry Springer is filled with guys attracted to trans women and then suddenly find themselves disgusted. Well the guys are the disgusting ones, not the girl.
Jerry Springer is an ass. BTW is he even on anymore? The last time I heard about him was in that Korn song "All In The Family." "You call yourself a singer, you're more like Jerry Springer." That was 20 years ago.

(I hope you don't judge all guys by these jerks... )

Last edited by a9127; 06-30-2018 at 11:25 AM.
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