Originally Posted by Matty
I have been looking at some new post and I'm personaly getting mad about people saying stuff about others its rude an just disrespectful I love this place I want to feel comfy here not scared about people judging me an others..... Don't tell me to grow thick skin so I dont get disrecpted by someone thats some bull why don't you instead make people feel good support them be their bud (I would really love to have someone to talk to on yahoo messanger) its fun sharing stories because i know they wont judge me for what i do! SO BE NICE jeez is that so much to ask...?i
Hang on, Matty. Don't judge this forum by one or two slag-masters whose main pleasure ( apart from Sex -Sex - Sex ) seems to be the delight they get from putting down other members ! If you read around a bit, you will find that those members who are being targetted are mostly long-established ' veterans ' of the forum who are more than capable of holding their own in a name-calling or slanging match. The fact is that it is highly unlikely that you'd get picked on by any one of those as it is the verbal tussle that they enjoy, and anyway a simple rejoinder such as " please pick on someone with a mouth the same size as yours " should put a stop to it. Of course, if it doesn't, then there are plenty of other members, including myself, who would tell them to cool it and lay off the character assassination / browbeating etc. etc. If that didn't work, then likely a Moderator would step in, particularly if you sent one of them a request to do so. ( List of Moderators at bottom of first page )
The prime purpose of this Forum is the fair-sharing of pleasure and opinions. A secondary ( and I think of nearly equal importance ) is to provide support and encouragement to those members, particularly new ones, who might need it.
I hope this helps to reassure you that we're not all out to bite your head off or to sneer at you.
Enjoy your visits.