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Tranny Sore-Ass Rex 06-04-2010 10:06 PM

We have a series!! Another 4-3 win for the Flyers and the first back to back losses in the playoffs for the Blackhawks. I hope it goes 7 just can't package that kind of excitement.

shadows 06-05-2010 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Tranny Sore-Ass Rex (Post 148152)
We have a series!! Another 4-3 win for the Flyers and the first back to back losses in the playoffs for the Blackhawks. I hope it goes 7 just can't package that kind of excitement.

It was actually a 5-3 victory for Philadelphia.;):p

I will admit that I am surprised at the sudden turnaround in the series. It is still early and anything can happen, but Philly has dominated their two games at home(and Chicago was better on the road until this series)! I think you are correct about it going 7 games, and I also agree that it is very exciting.:respect::)

GRH 06-05-2010 12:46 PM

I want to see a Blackhawks win, but I too have been hoping that it goes to a seven game series. That makes it more exciting.

ila 06-05-2010 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by GRH (Post 148178)
I want to see a Blackhawks win, but I too have been hoping that it goes to a seven game series. That makes it more exciting.

I want the Blackhawks to win too. I would have been satisfied if it had ended in four games. I'd rather see Chicago win in six games now rather than having it go to seven.

smc 06-05-2010 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by ila (Post 148180)
I want the Blackhawks to win too. I would have been satisfied if it had ended in four games. I'd rather see Chicago win in six games now rather than having it go to seven.

I, too, want the Blackhawks to win. My preference is that they win in whatever way will magnify the look of humiliation on the face of Flyers players and make their fans shut the hell up (except for our Jen, who I'm always glad to hear from!). If that means quintuple overtime of Game 7, or a 10-0 blowout in Game 6, or whatever, so be it.

ila 06-05-2010 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by smc (Post 148187)
I, too, want the Blackhawks to win. My preference is that they win in whatever way will magnify the look of humiliation on the face of Flyers players and make their fans shut the hell up (except for our Jen, who I'm always glad to hear from!). If that means quintuple overtime of Game 7, or a 10-0 blowout in Game 6, or whatever, so be it.

I like the way you think. I also agree with your comment on Jen.

shadows 06-06-2010 02:13 AM

I am still befuddled as to why Jennifer isn't saying anything about the Flyers during their entire playoff run!:eek:

Maybe she just doesn't want to jinx it? Of course, I haven't seen much of her in the baseball thread either.:confused:

ila 06-06-2010 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by shadows (Post 148225)
I am still befuddled as to why Jennifer isn't saying anything about the Flyers during their entire playoff run!:eek:.....

If Jen was posting throughout the playoffs just think how many times she could be saying neener neener to us. :):yes: And with every right too as the Flyers are playing far better than expected.

shadows 06-06-2010 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by ila (Post 148245)
If Jen was posting throughout the playoffs just think how many times she could be saying neener neener to us. :):yes: And with every right too as the Flyers are playing far better than expected.

Alas, there will be no neener-neener's happening tonight. Chicago beat Philadelphia 7-4, and now hold a 3 games to 2 lead!:eek:

GRH 06-10-2010 11:43 AM

Well, it's all over. The Blackhawks won a well-deserved Stanley Cup, thus ending the longest drought between wins of the cup.

smc 06-10-2010 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by GRH (Post 148724)
Well, it's all over. The Blackhawks won a well-deserved Stanley Cup, thus ending the longest drought between wins of the cup.

And what a victory it was: the most anti-climactic goal scored in an overtime I have ever seen in hockey!

Still, I'm glad to see an Original 6 team win and especially to see the Flyers lose.

Titivilus 06-10-2010 03:57 PM

Meh, anymore when I hear about the Red Wings I'm not thinking hockey. :eek:

ila 06-10-2010 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by GRH (Post 148724)
Well, it's all over. The Blackhawks won a well-deserved Stanley Cup, thus ending the longest drought between wins of the cup.

It was good to see Chicago win.

The team now with the longest time between cups is Toronto. (Don't say this too loudly near shadows or he'll get depressed)

smc 06-10-2010 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by ila (Post 148789)
It was good to see Chicago win.

The team now with the longest time between cups is Toronto. (Don't say this too loudly near shadows or he'll get depressed)

There's a professional hockey team in Toronto? :lol:

(Of course, being a Bruins fan and given my team's epic collapse in the playoffs, I should probably not be a wise guy about the Maple Leafs.)

ila 06-10-2010 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by smc (Post 148792)
There's a professional hockey team in Toronto? :lol:

(Of course, being a Bruins fan and given my team's epic collapse in the playoffs, I should probably not be a wise guy about the Maple Leafs.)

Who said anything about them being professional? *turns away to avoid shadows' scathing stare*

smc 06-10-2010 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by ila (Post 148793)
Who said anything about them being professional? *turns away to avoid shadows' scathing stare*

The obvious implication of your referring to a "team ... with the longest time between cups" in a discussion of the Stanley Cup is that you were referring to a team in the NHL, which is professional team by design if not by action. ;)

ila 06-10-2010 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by smc (Post 148804)
The obvious implication of your referring to a "team ... with the longest time between cups" in a discussion of the Stanley Cup is that you were referring to a team in the NHL, which is professional team by design if not by action. ;)

I was referring to ability not status granted due to the fact that they are getting paid for (not) playing hockey.

smc 06-10-2010 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by ila (Post 148809)
I was referring to ability not status granted due to the fact that they are getting paid for (not) playing hockey.

You do know that I knew that, right? I just couldn't resist the opportunity to extend the Leaf-bashing! That way, our friend shadows will have more to read when he logs on later tonight.

ila 06-10-2010 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by smc (Post 148812)
You do know that I knew that, right? I just couldn't resist the opportunity to extend the Leaf-bashing! That way, our friend shadows will have more to read when he logs on later tonight.

Yep, I know you knew that. I was using your comment to get in another dig at the Leafs.

smc 06-10-2010 07:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ila (Post 148814)
Yep, I know you knew that. I was using your comment to get in another dig at the Leafs.

Well, we could just keep going, but I'll stop by posting this picture of shadows that was taken when he was a bit younger, all dolled up for the Leafs game he would be going to in Toronto later that day.

Nice hair, dude!! :lol:

ila 06-10-2010 07:15 PM

The 2009-2010 NHL season has ended. There has been some turmoil in the league, in regards to teams moving, this past season and especially in the last couple of months. My predictions for the future of the league are that Winnipeg will have an NHL team in 2011-2012 season and Phoenix won't. Quebec City will have a team in 2012-2013 season and Nashville won't. Hamilton or Halifax will have a team in 2013 to 2015 time frame and Florida will have one less team. Buffalo will move, hopefully to Hamilton.

Feel free to disagree with me.

smc 06-10-2010 07:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ila (Post 148817)
The 2009-2010 NHL season has ended. There has been some turmoil in the league, in regards to teams moving, this past season and especially in the last couple of months. My predictions for the future of the league are that Winnipeg will have an NHL team in 2011-2012 season and Phoenix won't. Quebec City will have a team in 2012-2013 season and Nashville won't. Hamilton or Halifax will have a team in 2013 to 2015 time frame and Florida will have one less team. Buffalo will move, hopefully to Hamilton.

Feel free to disagree with me.

I don't know if your predictions are correct, but each and every one of them would be a positive development -- with one exception. I would like to see the Sabres stay in Buffalo, a city that has suffered so much loss (the steel industry, for example). Other than that, I can't wait for the day when there are no NHL teams in ridiculous places where -- as I've written many times before (and endured a long dispute about with one member) -- hockey is not a "natural" sport.

To that end, in addition to those you mention, I'd like to see Atlanta, Carolina, the other Florida team (you mention only one), Washington, Anaheim, Dallas, Los Angeles, and San Jose all gone, moved to (these are just suggestions): Portland (Maine); Halifax; Saskatoon; Duluth; Fargo; and some other places that deserve (and could even possibly support, other than with TV revenues) NHL teams.

And here's a picture I found that is apropos of your Hamilton mention and our previous Toronto-bashing.

ila 06-10-2010 08:29 PM

^That is one of the best signs that I have ever seen. I shall be sure to mention it to all the Toronto fans around here.

bean 06-12-2010 10:53 AM

Poor Leaf fans, getting ripped by a city that doesn't even have a team

GRH 06-15-2010 01:38 PM

I'd like to see more Canadian teams in the league. In my ideal world, that would involve expansion though, and not taking teams from the south. I'm an Atlanta native, so a nostalgic part of me likes the Thrashers.

shadows 06-16-2010 12:11 AM

*pulls dagger(shaped like a hockey stick) from back*

Et tu, ila and smc?:p:lol:

shadows 06-16-2010 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by smc (Post 148815)
Well, we could just keep going, but I'll stop by posting this picture of shadows that was taken when he was a bit younger, all dolled up for the Leafs game he would be going to in Toronto later that day.

Nice hair, dude!! :lol:

Oy! I may be a Leaf fan, but at least I have a fashion sense(unlike the poor fellow in the picture).;)

MrBig99 06-18-2010 08:49 PM

First off, I love the picture in #1423 - although I think the Leafs could field a lineup from Ice Capades and still sell out.

Some Southern cities don't deserve teams/can't draw, but some do. Nashville and Carolina have dedicated fans, but I don't think Atlanta and either of the Florida teams do. My thought for Florida is to combine Tampa and Miami's teams - play half of the games in each city. Now you have a franchise that you can move somewhere (please don't say Hartford - their 25 fans can't support it). You can move them and Atlanta to Canada, but then you have to reshuffle divisions. Move Nashville to the Southeast, but guarantee them 2 games against Detroit every year. Shift Pittsburgh into that division, and now Ovechkin/Crosby means something. And you can have Winnipeg in the NW, and move Minnesota into the Central; likewise for either Quebec City or Hamilton. But trust me, Raleigh and Nashville don't want to give up their teams.

Remember, in Raleigh, that is the only major league pro team in town. The Durham Bulls are the best minor league team in baseball (3 titles and 4 runner ups in 12 years in AAA); and you've had the last 2 NCAA basketball titles (Duke and UNC); but no major sports except the Canes.

transjen 06-19-2010 12:42 AM

The strike a few years back took a lot of the love of hockey i had and i just started to recapture that love but it's gone after watching a crap team win the cup so you know what let the south keep there teams and the league can fold and die for all i care
i'm done with hockey

shadows 06-19-2010 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by transjen (Post 149672)
The strike a few years back took a lot of the love of hockey i had and i just started to recapture that love but it's gone after watching a crap team win the cup so you know what let the south keep there teams and the league can fold and die for all i care
i'm done with hockey

I must admit that I am a little shocked to hear you say that, Jennifer. Chicago is far from being a crap team(and this is coming from a Leafs fan!), and they are one of the Original Six teams.:) I respect your opinion, and I am not bashing you by any means, I was just honestly surprised to see you say that.

Also, the Flyers made it to the Stanley Cup Finals! They could have won(and if they had won their last game in overtime, they would have been in Game #7!). I hope that you are just irked that the Flyers did not win and that you will someday rejoin our hockey fold here.:(

Captn Sacto 06-29-2010 09:11 PM

NHL Draft
This might not go over too well with some members of this board. There were two born and raised Californians picked in the first round. Only province in Canada with more was Ontario. Not a single one from Quebec. Only states with more were Minn and Mich with 3 each.

Luc Robitaille was quoted as saying this is only the beginning. Junior Hockey in LA and San Jose have a lot of talented kids and there will be more in the future.

shadows 07-01-2010 12:10 AM

The Leafs acquired Kris Versteeg and Bill Sweatt from the Chicago Blackhawks for Viktor Stralberg, Christopher DiDomenico, and Philippe Paradis. I like this trade!

Here is an article from that has more information:


TORONTO -- The Chicago Blackhawks unloaded another key player from their Stanley Cup-winning roster Wednesday night, sending right-winger Kris Versteeg to Toronto in a five-player deal.

The Maple Leafs also acquired the rights to left-winger Bill Sweatt in exchange for forwards Viktor Stalberg, Christopher DiDomenico and Philippe Paradis.

The trade came just hours before the start of the NHL's free agency period. It helps Chicago in its effort to get under the US$59.4-million salary cap for next season, while the Leafs get a much-needed offensive boost without giving up a key player from their roster.

Versteeg, 24, recorded 44 points (20 goals 24 assists) in 79 regular-season games for the Blackhawks. He added 14 points (six goals eight assists) in 22 post-season games.

The deal came a week after Chicago shipped playoff star Dustin Byfuglien to Atlanta along with Brent Sopel and Ben Eager. The Blackhawks also recently shipped Colin Fraser to Edmonton.

Led by Jonathan Toews and Patrick Kane, the Blackhawks beat Philadelphia for their first Stanley Cup title since 1961. Chicago had one of the deepest rosters in the league last season but changes were expected this off-season due to cap issues.

"I've been trying to warn our fans that this team that we've fallen in love with isn't going to stay the same," general manager Stan Bowman said on a conference call. "But no championship team does. It's kind of the nature of the world that we're in.

"We're doing the best we can to keep our core together."

Kane and Toews signed contract extensions in December while Marian Hossa, Duncan Keith, Brian Campbell and Cristobal Huet are also signed to lucrative long-term deals.

Over parts of the last three seasons with Chicago, Versteeg has 101 points (44 goals 57 assists) and 96 penalty minutes in 170 regular-season games.

Bowman said Versteeg really blossomed over the last year.

"He can play really across the board in terms of penalty killing, power play," Bowman said. "A very versatile player, he's got a good attitude, he works hard."

Of the three players going to Chicago, Stalberg is the best bet to crack the Blackhawks' roster.

He had 14 points (nine goals five assists) in 40 games with the Leafs last season, his first in the NHL. The 24-year-old added 33 points (12 goals 21 assists) in 39 games with the American Hockey League's Toronto Marlies.

Paradis, 19, spent the last three seasons with the Shawinigan Cataractes of the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League. He had 44 points (24 goals 20 assists) in 63 games last season.

DiDomenico, 21, had 22 points (seven goals 15 assists) in 12 regular-season games with the QMJHL's Drummondville Voltigeurs. He added 21 points (seven goals 14 assists) in 14 post-season games.

"We've got a plethora of very good players," Bowman said. "But in order to maintain your level as a very good team, you've got to have young players to fill in around those."

Sweatt, 21, was selected with the 38th overall pick of the 2007 NHL entry draft. He has completed four seasons at Colorado College and has 109 points (46 goals 63 assists) in 143 NCAA games.

smc 07-01-2010 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Captn Sacto (Post 150740)
This might not go over too well with some members of this board. There were two born and raised Californians picked in the first round. Only province in Canada with more was Ontario. Not a single one from Quebec. Only states with more were Minn and Mich with 3 each.

Luc Robitaille was quoted as saying this is only the beginning. Junior Hockey in LA and San Jose have a lot of talented kids and there will be more in the future.

Fluke of nature. People are born in the wrong places all the time. I was born in the United States, but anyone who knows me well knows I should have been born and raised in Europe. ;) 09-19-2010 07:11 AM

The preseason is almost here! I'm ready! :turnon:

Sharks didn't make the defensive trades people thought they would, so that's the only worry. Boyle is my vote for captain. We've a plethora of keepers in Nabby's absence. No big changes on offense of course.

I'm less confident than last year, but almost anyone would consider them contenders for the cup.

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