View Poll Results: prefer the cock large or small
This poll will close on 11-27-2009 at 02:55 PM |
4inch, aa2239, adamw, alice, Allava, altevil, aries, arizonaboi26, aussiepride, avoild, bailaidan, BBboySingle, bigman_m_m, BigToy4Asia, camluvshemales, careless, christy, Collant, coolmainx, CuriousMattUK, danawny, darkstargemini, debbiemay, Demonika50, Dongo69, drakow, dw26, enfield1972, femboy, footfetis, fuckstudent, futacum, German Ladyboy, girlsgirlsgirls, givemets, goozer, gungnir, Hannes, Heather Anne Peel, Howsoon, hsv, hugecocklover, hype7, iloveshemalecum, indianTG, jacky365, jb67, jblast01, jedthejew, jimmyblaze1, jizzmmm, jjaveel, johndowe, K2theF, kchile, lancelotq, lblovur, lbluver, libanese, lidor1, loves black shemales, luvmedo, Mad_Nad, mastermoco, maximilian, maztex, michaoun, Mussio, mykel73, naturr, Nielsholgerson, O'Sully TS Hopeful, Optical, paulat, pawelsky, pip, ponzio, Pssh, random1q, redevil7, redlightxxx66, Reslemock, robbo971, robby_mn71, rosebb, sashafreak, set123, SexycdRenee, shemalelover87, shemaleluver, shemale_sub, Silencio, sissyneha, Skied-Ops-Gash, Smiling_Bob, SmithBoy, sparta, stfulol, T-licious, tapestry, TheBiGuy, TheCatfordCat, TheCrystalKing, The_Void, threnn00, tim4lb, tm255809, tomfr, trannylover20, trannylover3, tslover586, tslust, tsluvit, twfs21, txlovinshemales, vibesfan, whatwhatwhat, xxxtslovexxx
143 |
50.35% |
الدكتور العراقي, 2small2, 5inchHard, alfonsopais, Arctic, ashenhurst, AssMassage, bathingcaplover, bernybudmon, Be_my_nude, bigguy101, BigRitch, blade136, BoiJewell, bruce1ee, bulla, Calgarypantyboy, captjb, ccxdresser, chieninac, chronicfreeze, citoyen, crisean, dcalove, delsolengel, derrylad, dguy, Dimano, diosporo, ditto356, doug lopes, DrDarryl, electronicpun5, ElizaFeet, ene45, equis, erika_burner, frieder2, gorilla, Hardtime, harley1066, hector.hector, Holden1443, indodickss, Jake Loganno, jet8, Joe79, jogjog, jonEboy, josfoso, JPVRJPVR, JWRIAMS, Kimmy_t, liesjeversteven, loverboy6, madrelle, mancubraj, man_errant, Marta21, mat751, mcginlay, McLuvinladyboys, megalops, michael39, Mikey000, mladyboy, mvn007, natandreita, Nicolle, novicetgirllover, pata2108, peacesells25, petermuffin1, platocoot, porky804, rjziggy, rquadro, SarahAspen, seajack, sephpeaches46, seraret, slipper, spank, Special Services, spike_40, stevethepirate, StrappingYoungLad, suebone, sujja, sxian, TGirl lover, timbob101, timhaas, tommtomm, tonytnt, Topcat72, toraksel, tz007, VeronikaNoir, wannabecut, whtsox86, wolfordf1, zecretx, zobo42, zulun
141 |
49.65% |
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