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Forum Rules
  1. The language of Trans Ladyboy forum is English. Please do not post in any other languages.

  2. You obviously must be over 18 to access this board.

  3. All images must be posted as attachments using the Manage Attachments function. To get there, scroll down to the "Manage Attachments" button and click it. Use of BB [IMG] tags is not permitted. The exception is for content producers who host their own copyrighted images on their own sites.

  4. Do not post people's personal information, or attack people personally, stick to the issues. Do not threaten or put down other users. We strive to make this a friendly place.

  5. Do not post fakes. Don't post links to illegal sites (beastiality, kiddie, and alike). This includes copyrighted files shared illegally via torrents, rapidshare, tube sites containing stolen full-length videos. Do not post links to copyrighted erotic videos that are lengthier than 5 minutes.

  6. Do not post more than 3 pictures from any single set or a video clip, whether in one post or across multiple posts. (Note that this rule went into effect in mid-October 2009, and posts prior to that date may have more than 3 pictures from a set.) We suggest you rather pick the hottest and most interesting pictures.

  7. Don't post links to any sites containing malware (viruses, trojans, fraudulent codec, and toolbar installers etc).

  8. Even though it's a free shemale porn board, you're NOT allowed to post or exchange passwords to premium sites. Stealing is bad and Karma is a bitch.

  9. Do not spam. If you post a link to a gallery, please take your time to describe what in particular you loved about it.

  10. We warn you against cluttering up the site by making useless and meaningless posts (such as "wow" or "cool" or "nice pics" or "thanks for sharing" or even full sentences that contain nothing more than these sentiments). This will not increase your reputation or picture downloading limits and may lead to an infraction. Moderators will routinely delete such posts.

  11. If you post pictures, please do your best to mention the name of the paysite they originate from (not the free sites you downloaded them from). In addition, if you know them, please mention the names of the models in the pictures you post.

  12. For those of You who run their own sites, yes You ARE allowed to have links to them in your signature. As a matter of courtesy, kindly link to from the sites that you are advertising.

  13. Do not post links to other boards.

Disclaimer. All messages, opinions, advice, statements or other information contained in any messages posted by any third party are the responsibility of the author of that message and not of administration/owners of Trans Ladyboy Forum. The fact that a particular message is posted at this web site does not mean that the owners of Trans Ladyboy endorsed that message in any way or verified the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message.

Board FAQ
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