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Old 10-03-2009
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Default Self Defense

I decided to start this thread after I read about what happened to one of our members. Hope we can share our experiences and ideas. No one should ever have to live in fear.

Last edited by aw9725; 10-03-2009 at 10:39 PM.
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Old 10-03-2009
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Default Being Prepared

No one should have to live in fear. Period. That I’m sure, we can all agree on. Since joining this forum, I have read far too many posts about acts of violence towards transgendered individuals or their admirers. While I truly believe our society has become more tolerant regarding race and gender, the harsh reality is that not everyone is so nice and accepting. This was not an easy post for me to write. But after learning about what some of you have had to deal with (most recently our member who was assaulted--by several attackers) I felt I had to.

You are a good person. You are open-minded and very tolerant of others. You probably don’t go around picking fights with others and you would like to live your own life in peace. You probably have friends who are just like you. You and your friends would never ever think of harming anyone. Some of you probably don’t even like watching violent movies. Unfortunately, as we have all-too-often experienced with hate crimes, there are those individuals who because of “racial” or “anti-gay” or “gender” prejudice want to hurt you for no other reason than who you are… In a perfect world, these scum wouldn’t even exist. But the world we live in is not perfect. You do not want to become a victim. Nor should you have to live your life in fear from anybody. Ever. From a practical perspective, what can you do about it?

For starters, I think taking a “self defense” class or studying Karate or some other martial art is a good idea. Find a class or instructor nearby--and make sure you are comfortable with the “style” and method of teaching. You don’t have to become a “Black Belt” either--knowing a few simple but effective techniques is fine. You should practice these basic “moves” over and over until you are sure you can use them against someone. This can even be fun to do with friends--just don’t get too carried away! Also, don’t worry that you are not Jet Li or Chuck Norris or “Trinity” in “The Matrix.” That stuff is better left in the movies anyway. Working out regularly and being in shape is good too. Attackers are less likely to choose someone who walks and acts confidently. If you are in a group, that will further lessen the chances that you will become a victim. You’re probably thinking: that’s easy for me to say since I’m a pretty big guy. But what if you are like 5’5” and 120? And alone? Despite what you see on TV and in movies--there are times when even having a Black Belt isn’t going to do much good against someone who is bigger and stronger or when you are dealing with multiple attackers (which seems to be the “pattern” of many hate crimes).

Which brings us to the most difficult and controversial question regarding self-defense. Should you buy a gun? That is not an easy question to answer. Speaking totally for myself, I am politically somewhat liberal (at least on “social justice” issues--I am a champion of individual rights and freedoms) as are probably many people on this forum. The “second amendment” in the United States gives us the “right to keep and bear arms.” Not everyone agrees with this. Almost all of my colleagues at my university are opposed to anyone owning a handgun. You may be opposed to even the idea of carrying a handgun. If so, you may want to leave it at learning Karate. Nothing wrong with that! My own upbringing included learning about firearms. My dad was a Korean War veteran and two of my uncles served in Vietnam--and were hunters. Yes, I own a handgun (a SIG P229 .40 caliber for anyone who cares or knows about this stuff) and have a permit to carry. Sometimes I do carry. Should you?

First of all you must realize that we are talking about potentially taking the life of another. Are you prepared to do that? Have you ever thought about it? Would you be able to “pull the trigger” on someone? Realistically, most of us (including me) unless we have been in military combat or law enforcement, can’t honestly answer that question until the moment. But you must at least consider the consequences. Shooting a gun isn’t as it appears on TV. Guns are loud (very loud--I was watching “Die Hard 3” the other day where Bruce Willis takes out like five guys in an elevator--his ears would be ringing for weeks), they kick, they are complex to operate (especially automatics), and require (like anything else) training and practice to master. They also, if you don’t know what you are doing, can be as dangerous to yourself as to your opponent! Finally, there are strict laws governing the ownership and carrying of handguns. Believe me, you don’t want to shoot yourself or get “busted”! Look up “Plaxico Burress” for more information on this. Check the laws where you live before you purchase a gun. If you are going to carry it--get a permit. There is also the question of what happens after you have shot someone in self defense. Be prepared to be questioned by the police, maybe even taken in for questioning--assuming your gun was “legal”--otherwise you will most likely be arrested and facing prosecution and maybe jail time. And this last part is the most difficult and perhaps the most serious issue--assuming you have had to use your gun, you have now killed or seriously wounded someone in self-defense… you have to ask yourself if that is something you will be able to live with for the rest of your life.

If you can get all of the above straight in your head… next, you need to choose a handgun that is right for you. My advice is to go to a reputable dealer--one that also has a range and offers instruction--and try several models out--don’t be shy about it! Also don’t be afraid to admit you don’t know anything or that you have never even shot a gun before. There is a first time for everything. This is also a time to check your own head out--does even holding a gun bother you? Do you hold it like you would rather not even be touching it? If so, then maybe this is not the time. If you are OK with it, then my advice for what it’s worth is: 1) Forget anything you have seen in the movies--Clint Eastwood’s .44 Magnum or Arnold’s .45 Long Slide “with laser sighting”--are not for you. 2) Calibers worth considering include: 9mm, .38 Special, or possibly even a .40 automatic. 3) A .22, .25, or .32 can kill but doesn’t have much “stopping power”--shoot someone with a .22 and they will die--after they have taken you out. 4) Make sure the gun “feels” good in your hand--remember it will kick and you want to be able to deal with that. You can always get “custom” grips to fit your hand. I recommend it. 5) Try a few different models out if you can--if you have never shot a gun before--now is the time! Make sure you have your hearing protectors and glasses on. You might be nervous at first but you will find you can do it. I am also assuming you will receive qualified instruction at a range. This is not “backyard practice” time. You can get in lots of trouble firing a gun within city limits most places and what if you shoot someone by accident? 6) Some of the “big names” like Colt, S&W, Beretta, SIG, etc. are very expensive. There is a company called Taurus that makes good quality firearms and has models similar to the others--for a lot less. Don’t buy a cheap “Saturday Night Special”--you want it to be reliable--and legal! 7) Sign up for a course and learn to shoot--they will also teach you about gun safety and how to work your particular model, i.e. loading and unloading, cocking, safeties, aiming, etc. I can’t stress this last point enough--some automatics are complex--remember, you want to be able to carry this thing easily and inconspicuously, and draw it without searching around for it in your purse or bag or catching it on your clothes. If you ever have to draw on someone for real, it won’t be like on TV, and it won’t be like at the range. It will be dark, you will be scared (hey that’s OK--I would be too!), you might be tired or have had a couple of drinks, and now is not the time to be wondering where you put the damn thing or how to aim and shoot.

Finally, I want to emphasize that you stay “legal.” Also practice, practice, and practice some more. And don’t let the fact that you are carrying a gun make you overconfident. Having a gun doesn’t instantly make you a “badass.” Don’t “wave it around,” or show it to everyone at the club and don’t suddenly start going into places you used to avoid. The reason you bought one is to possibly save your life. Never forget that. You are still the same sensible person you were before. You still want to avoid getting into a life-or-death situation if you can. But as we all know, sometimes it can’t be avoided. That’s what you will be prepared for.

Last edited by aw9725; 10-03-2009 at 11:23 PM.
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Old 10-04-2009
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Really good post man! And you're totally right about this.

BTW what's your opinion on carrying guns for self defense?
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Old 10-04-2009
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Well i never had any real hard lessons in street fighting, self defence
that is which is one of the reasons i carry a handgun.
i do have a license to carry a ( class A large capacity for All Lawful Purposes )
which means i can carry it any where execpt bank, post office, police station,
fire dept., anywhere else is fine. if i am approached or harassed in any way all i need to do is just reveal it, like pull it out then put it back that should
make them think twice, i only have just one handgun one is enough.
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Old 10-04-2009
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Originally Posted by Icekiller View Post
Really good post man! And you're totally right about this.

BTW what's your opinion on carrying guns for self defense?
Hi there.

The problem with guns and those who carry them is, that first and foremost, shooting a target is very easy, shooting another human beeing is very hard, even shooting an animal is hard the first time when hunting.

If you are carying a gun, if you pull it out you have to be ready to use it, because most of the slime you will have to pull it out on know that a "normal" person will find it VERY hard to shoot someone.

Which brings me to the second thing, if you pull your gun and you back down you place yourself at even greater risk of getting hurt, and even beeing taken down and shot with your OWN gun.

And third it takes 2 of 3 things to shoot someone (for the first time anyway):

- Alot of stupidity, and disregard for human life.

- Alot of fear for your life and hatred of your opponent.

- And the ability to override your sence of wrong when you are about to squeeze the trigger.

It takes a realy disgusting person to kill someone for the only reason of wanting others to fear him, and such a person would deserve to be killed himself to prothect others from him, but doing so would place you in the same path as he was.

And killing someone is only the begining, you HAVE to live with it for the rest of your life, that and the fact that if he was part of a gang, the others will likely come after you, and then you have to kill them or they kill you, you have to remember that while they ARE cowards, they have been embolden by being part of the gang and the "safety in numbers" it generates, so they WILL come after you.

And the cops aren't much help either, they will treat you as a suspect, and even if they know that you acted in self defence, they cannot do anything to help because of A) They are afraid of the gangs, and B) They are out gunned by the gangs And C) The law is too soft and criminals are not rehabilitated, and the death penalty is alnost never envoqued, and when it is they get stay of execution, after stay of execution, which there should only be 1 or 2 permited afterwards, they would be dis-regarded.

So where are those super heroes when you need them?

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Old 10-04-2009
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John makes some good points. I haven't had to pull my pistol on anyone, but if I had to, I would and I'd use it. My concealed carry instructor told us, "Deadly force must be used only as a last resort." and "This is the most important class you'll ever take. After today, you'll have the power of life and death in your hands and the responsibility not to use it."
Just because I'm telling you this story doesn't mean that I'm alive at the end of it.

If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.

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Old 10-04-2009
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Default Last Resort

Originally Posted by tslust View Post
My concealed carry instructor told us, "Deadly force must be used only as a last resort." and "This is the most important class you'll ever take. After today, you'll have the power of life and death in your hands and the responsibility not to use it."
Hopefully this point was obvious in my original post. But it is still worth repeating. The whole idea of having a gun is as a last resort to save your life.

Also, I'm glad to see that you carry responsibly and have had instruction.

Be safe out there!
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Old 10-04-2009
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Oh yes
i forgot i do use pepper spray for defence also, i cannot use stunguns, the law says no way! stunguns are outlawed in our state.
strange law we have here on guns they are okey to have and stunguns are not,but with some people, pepper spray has no effect on them i herd
which is why i carry either one of them and both holstered.
if i have too i will just cross the street to avoid confrontations in the wee morning hours, but they are probably more afraid of me then i am of them
i worry more when they walk in groups too like 4 am in the morning going to work.
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Old 10-04-2009
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Default Super Heroes

Originally Posted by johndowe View Post
So where are those super heroes when you need them?
Well, that would be me. But you can't find a telephone booth to change in these days!

Seriously, one of my other main points was that if you have any moral or ethical issues with carrying or using a handgun--Don't do it! Learn some basic self defense "moves." Know your surroundings. Travel in groups. Keep your cell phone handy. etc.

We could discuss whether or not the world would be better off without guns but the fact is they are out there and are one option for self defense. Especially if one is small or outnumbered. Your attacker may likely have a gun. I believe that we all have the right to self defense. As I said "No one should have to live in fear. Period."

Last edited by aw9725; 10-04-2009 at 01:32 PM.
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Old 10-04-2009
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Default What to Carry?

Someone asked me for recommendations. Here are two:

The first is a "Smith & Wesson" Model 19 .357 Magnum. But you don't want to load it with "magnums" until you are a more experienced shooter. Try a ".38 Special" hollowpoint instead. Notice the grips.

The second is a "Beretta" Model 92 9mm. Again you can use hollowpoints for self-defense. I used to own one and taught my "ex" to shoot with it. FYI - she was about 5'5" and 125-130.

I couldn't help but include the last picture. Clint definitely has the "biggest"! LOL! Can you spot the "subliminal message"? It's even pointing straight UP!

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Old 01-31-2010
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Originally Posted by johndowe View Post
Hi there.

The problem with guns and those who carry them is, that first and foremost, shooting a target is very easy, shooting another human beeing is very hard, even shooting an animal is hard the first time when hunting.

If you are carying a gun, if you pull it out you have to be ready to use it, because most of the slime you will have to pull it out on know that a "normal" person will find it VERY hard to shoot someone.

Which brings me to the second thing, if you pull your gun and you back down you place yourself at even greater risk of getting hurt, and even beeing taken down and shot with your OWN gun.

And third it takes 2 of 3 things to shoot someone (for the first time anyway):

- Alot of stupidity, and disregard for human life.

- Alot of fear for your life and hatred of your opponent.

- And the ability to override your sence of wrong when you are about to squeeze the trigger.

It takes a realy disgusting person to kill someone for the only reason of wanting others to fear him, and such a person would deserve to be killed himself to prothect others from him, but doing so would place you in the same path as he was.

And killing someone is only the begining, you HAVE to live with it for the rest of your life, that and the fact that if he was part of a gang, the others will likely come after you, and then you have to kill them or they kill you, you have to remember that while they ARE cowards, they have been embolden by being part of the gang and the "safety in numbers" it generates, so they WILL come after you.

And the cops aren't much help either, they will treat you as a suspect, and even if they know that you acted in self defence, they cannot do anything to help because of A) They are afraid of the gangs, and B) They are out gunned by the gangs And C) The law is too soft and criminals are not rehabilitated, and the death penalty is alnost never envoqued, and when it is they get stay of execution, after stay of execution, which there should only be 1 or 2 permited afterwards, they would be dis-regarded.

So where are those super heroes when you need them?

quoto al 100%
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Old 10-04-2009
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Originally Posted by Icekiller View Post
Really good post man! And you're totally right about this.
Thanks Icekiller! Glad you liked it. Yes. I think carrying a gun can be an effective means of self defense. Just remember to "stay legal," get training from a qualified instructor, handle your gun responsibly, and never forget that it should always be your "last resort."
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Old 10-08-2009
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The other side of me.... 44mag. Ruger Super RedHawk (Why have to shoot twice to finish the job!) with a Crimson Trace Lazar sight grip (Shooting in the dark can be fun!) in a holster hung by your bed w/speed loader on alarm clock is very good home security!!! Also great to hunt deer with. (1.5 to 4x Burris Scope on it too reach out and touch someone you don't love)
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Old 10-10-2009
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Hi there.

I am tempted to quote the movie "Shoot'em up" with Clive Owens...

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Old 10-10-2009
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Default Home Defence?

I'm not from the US, so what do you expect happens at your home? Are there so many psychos that want to kill you? Are house invasions really normal? Did you expect bomb belt terrorists or wild animals? Or what is it?
If someone wants to steal something out of your house, they usually do that when nobody is at home. Unless you build a spring gun they have only something more to steal.

In mind it would be nice if "friendly" people that knock your door Saturday 8:00 AM and want to speak about god, and then BOOM but I hate cleaning.
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Old 10-10-2009
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Originally Posted by Tread View Post
I'm not from the US, so what do you expect happens at your home? Are there so many psychos that want to kill you? Are house invasions really normal? Did you expect bomb belt terrorists or wild animals? Or what is it?
If someone wants to steal something out of your house, they usually do that when nobody is at home. Unless you build a spring gun they have only something more to steal.

In mind it would be nice if "friendly" people that knock your door Saturday 8:00 AM and want to speak about god, and then BOOM but I hate cleaning.
I was expecting such a comment eventually. You're European I take it? There are several reasons why someone would want to own a gun, home defense being one of them. Only an idiot would say something like "What are the chances of a home invasion actually happening? I don't really need to be prepared." Unless you live in a gated community with security patrols, your home is at risk at any moment. Now if you're like me and live in the ghetto and are a transsexual, you are at extraordinary risk of assault, rape, murder, home invasion, etc. I highly recommend arming yourself if you fall into this category of "high risk persons", such as myself.

But guns are not only for keeping out criminals but also for keeping out the government. You see, in America, our country was founded on the vital right to owning firearms to secure the nation from threats at home. We used our right to own weapons in 1776 to overthrow a tyrannical government. This right is necessary to keep the government in check. In the event of Martial Law or the establishment of a Police State or Totalitarian Dictatorship, the citizens can fight back and overthrow the corrupt government. In Europe and pretty much everywhere in the world, you have been stripped of your only defense against totalitarianism. Look at Australia and the United Kingdom. These countries are decaying into Police States and the people have no defense. Of course we're seeing this corruption rising in the U.S. too. Civilian gun ownership is vital to the national security of the nation.

Bullshit Laws In The US: This is why we need guns.

*Patriot Act
*Massachusetts Senate Bill 2028
*Kentucky House Bill HB 775

Note that the GIVE Act's original threat to civil rights was removed before it was passed. The original text outraged many people including Congress and the Senate.
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Old 10-10-2009
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Originally Posted by KittyKaiti View Post
In Europe and pretty much everywhere in the world, you have been stripped of your only defense against totalitarianism. Look at Australia and the United Kingdom. These countries are decaying into Police States and the people have no defense.
Nonsense! Their benevolent overlords are only "thinking of the children".
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Old 07-26-2011
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Originally Posted by KittyKaiti View Post
You're European I take it?
Now if you're like me and live in the ghetto and are a transsexual, you are at extraordinary risk of assault, rape, murder, home invasion, etc.

But guns are not only for keeping out criminals but also for keeping out the government.
Look at the United Kingdom. These countries are decaying into Police States and the people have no defense.
Totally spot on.
The state {UK} will not protect us
nor allow us to protect ourselves.
They just don't care.
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Old 10-10-2009
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Originally Posted by Tread View Post
I'm not from the US, so what do you expect happens at your home?
I expect that the sanctity of my home is respected by my fellow citizens. It is not a shelter or a bank; is is the dwelling of another person.

Originally Posted by Tread View Post
Are there so many psychos that want to kill you?
Depends on where you live but generally no. Psychos; NO, however there are criminals that will not hesitate to attack the resident if cornered and they are alot more common.

Originally Posted by Tread View Post
Are house invasions really normal?
Also, dependent on your location. However, it isn't a stretch to say that home burglaries are the most common form of crime.

Originally Posted by Tread View Post
Did you expect bomb belt terrorists or wild animals? Or what is it?
No. Wild animals are usually in rural areas and Bomb-belt terrorists can be found in The Sandbox(Middle East), Europe and any place with a significant Hebrew/Jewish population.

Originally Posted by Tread View Post
If someone wants to steal something out of your house, they usually do that when nobody is at home. Unless you build a spring gun they have only something more to steal.
This is purely based on personal observation but everytime I've had my place broken into, it was at nighttime. Night tends to favor a criminal in that they are alot harder to identify and can make an easier getaway/it's alot harder to track them in the dark as opposed to broad daylight.

Not always true with the "they now have your weapons" arguement. Most folks will have their guns locked up in a safe which can weigh anywhere from +400 Lbs or have a weapon on their person. Unless your average street thug has friends with him or has the body of Paleolithic man, he will not be going anywhere with a giant safe. Only idiots leave weapons where criminals or untrained children can touch them with their grubby little paws.

Originally Posted by Tread View Post
In mind it would be nice if "friendly" people that knock your door Saturday 8:00 AM and want to speak about god, and then BOOM but I hate cleaning.
Whatever floats your boat dude. I personally do not wish anyone grievous bodily harm unless they make it clear that they intend to do so towards me; breaking and entering being one. Afterall, if someone is going to break into another persons house and do god-knows-what, then what assurance do I have that stealing is all they intend to do? A shotgun loaded with 00 buckshot conveys a homeowners intentions and assures a criminal that said homeowner will not put up with his shit.
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[QUOTE=God(from Futurama)]Right and wrong are just words; what matters is what you do... If you do too much, people get dependent on you. And if you do nothing, they lose hope... When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
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Old 10-11-2009
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Default Protection

Originally Posted by Tread View Post
I’m not from the US, so what do you expect happens at your home? Are there so many psychos that want to kill you?
Hi Tread,

KittyKaiti and AngryPostman answered your questions better than I could have. In the United States we have ten amendments to our Constitution known as the “Bill of Rights” that guarantees certain freedoms. It is fundamental to our system of governance--indeed our very “way of life.” The first right is the “freedom of speech” that is so well known. The second is the right “to keep and bear arms.” Our country was founded on the principles of individual rights and the right to be free from tyranny. What is commonly known as the “revolutionary war” was actually a war for independence. One of the ways of insuring our independence and freedom was to support an armed populace. We take this right quite seriously.

When I joined this forum, the last thing on my mind was guns! However, I started this thread in response to the beating of one of our members. Yes, there are sometimes people out there that want to hurt others--even kill. I grew up in one of our most dangerous cities--Detroit. Check it out on the Internet if you like. We lived in a “good” neighborhood by comparison but there were still burglaries, robberies, assaults, rapes, and murders. Yes, there is a police department but the reality is they arrive “after the fact” and typically don’t provide a deterrent for hardened criminals. In the end, you really must be prepared to defend yourself.

Alternatives to guns include Karate or Judo, chemical sprays, “tasers,” or knives. Not all of these are legal in all 50 states and if you are small or outnumbered, aren’t going to do much good anyway. Many of our members are also the target of “hate crimes.” Often these involve some kind of physical assault usually by more than one attacker. There are well documented cases of gay, lesbian, or transgendered individuals who have been beaten or even killed by their assailants.

My original post recommended learning to shoot and carry a gun for self defense. You can read my “profile” for more about me if you like. Currently I live in Indianapolis which is relatively “safer” than Detroit. However there was an incident a few years ago in one of our downtown parking garages where I am absolutely certain that the fact I was “carrying” saved my wife and myself.

Hope this helps you to understand a little more about the reasons for owning a gun. BTW what country are you from? Also I like your avatar!


Last edited by aw9725; 10-11-2009 at 02:43 AM.
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Old 10-11-2009
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Originally Posted by aw9725 View Post
KittyKaiti and AngryPostman answered your questions better than I could have. ...
...Hope this helps you to understand a little more about the reasons for owning a gun.
My question was about home defence and not about owning, or carrying a gun.

Hate crime, murder, rape, violence and so on usually happen on the street and not at home.
I can't belief that someone invades and garrison your home, why should someone do this?

Originally Posted by TheAngryPostman View Post
Depends on where you live but generally no. Psychos; NO, however there are criminals that will not hesitate to attack the resident if cornered and they are alot more common.
I don't understand, there are common cornered criminals that attack uninvolved homes? Why?

Originally Posted by TheAngryPostman View Post
This is purely based on personal observation but everytime I've had my place broken into, it was at nighttime. Night tends to favor a criminal in that they are alot harder to identify and can make an easier getaway/it's alot harder to track them in the dark as opposed to broad daylight.
Yes that's my personal observation. In nearly all cases I know that a Thief's notice that someone is present in the building that they break in, they try to escape. Is that not the case in the US? (I don't know)
A Thief tries to avoid confrontation. It is easier to get away if nobody is there to identify, than at night and wake up the house owner. The best would be at night and nobody is at home.

Originally Posted by TheAngryPostman View Post
BTW Tread, is your avatar of a Beanie Baby? Just curious because I have the Penguin and Koala ones. I'm a dork!
I signed pictures I have made with a, under UV-Light, glowing Scorpion. I don't wonder that other find it scary or disgusting in first, but didn't changed it. For my Avatar I wanted a nice friendly pic combined with the glowing Scorpion. I quick drew little changes, mouth colour, to a stuffed Scorpion I found on the net.
I thought it was a plush animal for $19.95. But you are right, also I didn't find it on their site. And it's only $4.87 with shipping at Amazon, I want to have it.

Last edited by Tread; 10-11-2009 at 10:54 AM.
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Old 10-11-2009
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Originally Posted by johndowe View Post
Hi there.

I am tempted to quote the movie "Shoot'em up" with Clive Owens...

Hi all.

Did you mean the one about "a pussy with gun" thing?

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Old 10-11-2009
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Originally Posted by TheAngryPostman View Post
They are not stupid. What I was trying to say was that the criminal will always try to escape, even if it means that they will have to go through you.
In my opinion they are stupid, there is no way out of a surrounded house, and they are going longer in jail by doing this and even longer (maybe death penalty) if they kill people.

Originally Posted by TheAngryPostman View Post
You wouldn't believe how easy it is to bust through a doorlock. Hell, most doorknobs use the same key. Go to a hardware store and check out the selection of locks and compare the makes and models and the accompanying keys. The keys are varied but they are pretty much the same. The different models of locks even have the same serial number which means that the key from a brass doorhandle will work on a brushed stainless steel doorhandle is the serials match up or are close enough. Not as infallible as most people think.
Usually the lock is the most stabile part of the door, then the door itself and the door angles are the weakest. I don't know how it is with your door knob combined with look. It seems to get easier to the mechanics cause a big part is in front of the door.
There is a big variety of cylinder locks, Pin Tumbler Locks are not the only ones. If the hardware store sells such mass product keys, I wouldn't use it for my main door. But it needs a lot of luck to find a fitting lock that opens with your key if you are on the run after a bank robbery.

If this sort of crime is common, yourself or people you know are victims of this, I can comprehend your home defence point of view.
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Old 10-11-2009
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Originally Posted by Tread View Post
In my opinion they are stupid, there is no way out of a surrounded house, and they are going longer in jail by doing this and even longer (maybe death penalty) if they kill people.
If this is in reference to the robbers who broke into my sisters house, then yes, they are stupid. I won't argue that. But they are the exception, not the rule.

Originally Posted by Tread View Post
Usually the lock is the most stabile part of the door, then the door itself and the door angles are the weakest. I don't know how it is with your door knob combined with look. It seems to get easier to the mechanics cause a big part is in front of the door.
There is a big variety of cylinder locks, Pin Tumbler Locks are not the only ones. If the hardware store sells such mass product keys, I wouldn't use it for my main door. But it needs a lot of luck to find a fitting lock that opens with your key if you are on the run after a bank robbery.

If this sort of crime is common, yourself or people you know are victims of this, I can comprehend your home defence point of view.
Actually the hinges are stronger as opposed to the lock. You have more points of contact on the hinges compared to the deadbolt. Deadbolts and Doorjambs can be busted open by a wellplaced flathead screwdriver and a swift kick(I know because I got locked out of my home once )

Again, what happened to my sis was the exception, not the norm. A smarter criminal would get keys no problem and make for a cleaner job; your run of the mill street thug is rather impulsive and stupid. Home burglaries are common; the occurence of break-ins just depends on where you live at.

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Old 10-21-2009
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if you guys like sexy girls then you will love this
sexy girls with guns

a blonds revenge for all those dumb blode jokes posted
on the internet.

Girl with Benelli 12 gauge auto
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Old 10-21-2009
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Originally Posted by Tread View Post
I know that reality is dangerous, and I know guns have some advantages, and I didn’t want to question carrying or owning
So my first question was: What do you expect happens at your home?
Maybe I don’t know your criminals, but it seems like a rare exception that armed criminals want to hurt you at home.

You seem to collect weapons (I can understand), but why you declare one as home defence gun, and why not your handgun you use already as self defence gun.
Unfortunately depending on where you live it can be very bad. I am relatively well off and live in an affluent neighborhood. Even so, burglaries and robberies are fairly common. One of the contributing factors is the drug problem. Many of these robbers are armed and could well shoot you during the robbery. There have been many cases in the United States of people who were shot or beaten or tied up by burglars invading their home. Most the cases play out the same: the couple surrenders only to be tied up and killed. We recently had a notorious unsolved serial murder case (the "BTK" killer) come to a conclusion a few years ago. I remember this case as a child. I am always amazed at how easily the killers manage to subdue their victims. Almost never were the victims armed.

A little about me. I'm a University Professor and very well educated. I am also a fairly large man and very strong--I posted a picture of me working out elsewhere on this forum. I have always played sports and excelled at football ("American Style"). I was born in Detroit, Michigan, one of the most dangerous cities in the US and started taking Karate lessons at age 6. I have a third-degree black belt. My parents were nearly killed by armed robbers when I was very young. My grandmother's house was broken into several times. Our home in Detroit was vandalized repeatedly. And my aunt and uncle were beaten and hospitalized by muggers. One of my Dad's best friends was stabbed in a Men's room during a robbery attempt. When I was 5 I was beaten up by a gang of older kids.

In my own home, I have a 12 ga shotgun nearby in case someone were to break in and try do me or my family harm. My handgun is kept locked in a safe so it would take some time to work the combination. Have I ever had to use it? No. Fortunately. There were a couple of times when I was married when my wife and I were awakened by the dog barking and I went to investigate. I took my handgun and a flashlight with me. There had been several drug related burglaries in our neighborhood and we were afraid we might be next on the list.

One simply does not know what they might be facing when things go bad. Is it one intruder or attacker? Or several? Are they bigger than me? Stronger? Are they on drugs? Are they armed? I would like to be prepared for whatever... I think a shotgun is a very effective weapon under home defense conditions--especially at close range. Could I disarm someone myself? Probably. But only at close range. I have had training in this. Could someone "overpower" me? Not likely but you never know how big or strong or high on drugs they are. Would I surrender like others have and take my chances? Most definitely NO!

Honestly, I don't go around thinking about this topic that much. I have many other things in my life and I don't live in fear. If you met me you would find that I was very laid-back and easy going. My students love me. I have a very successful career in education and am well respected. I started this thread and wrote the original post because I was outraged at the beating of one of our members. I wanted to encourage those who never had even thought about "self-defense" to consider their options. "Hate crimes" in particular piss me off--I really have zero tolerance for bullies. When I was in college I had a gay friend that had been harassed by some of the other guys in the dorm. I paid them a visit one night--my friend never had trouble again...

As for the real danger from crime... There are many statistics available. Much depends on where you live and where you go. Clearly there is a very real possibility of becoming a "statistic." Others here have shared with you their stories. Nothing in life is completely safe. Statistically, I probably am in a lot more danger riding my motorcycle than I am going downtown. Consider something like this: in the mid-west United States we have a high risk of dangerous storms and tornadoes. The Weather Service issues warnings, there are sirens and shelters, and most people who live here know what to do. But you don’t live in fear of them--you are aware and prepared. Regarding crime--I would much rather be prepared than to be a victim.

Last edited by aw9725; 10-21-2009 at 10:39 PM.
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Old 10-21-2009
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Originally Posted by DSL View Post
if you guys like sexy girls then you will love this
sexy girls with guns
I like the brunette firing the AK-74 with the Bakelite mags.
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I think we should make a website that features trannies with guns. I think Miss Pixie and her shotgun would make an excellent model.
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Old 10-22-2009
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funny you should say that i tried to do a google search
yesterday afternoon but had no luck hope sombody has better luck
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Old 10-22-2009
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Originally Posted by TheAngryPostman View Post
I think we should make a website that features trannies with guns. I think Miss Pixie and her shotgun would make an excellent model.
I'd model for that site too! But I don't know how safe it would be to play around with guns in a porn shoot...
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Old 10-22-2009
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Originally Posted by KittyKaiti View Post
I'd model for that site too! But I don't know how safe it would be to play around with guns in a porn shoot...
If you can remember Col. Jeff Coopers 4 Rules of Gun Safety, you should be allright.
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Old 10-31-2009
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i doubt i could fit one of these in my apartment
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Old 10-31-2009
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Originally Posted by DSL View Post
i doubt i could fit one of these in my apartment
I remember hearing about how a British and a french sub that had both gone quiet had collided with each other.
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Old 11-09-2009
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I feel pretty chipper after this weekend. I had range qualification and I scored a 33 out of 40 targets hit. I know I could have done alot better but I am pretty content with my score overall.
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Old 12-01-2009
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Well i just picked up my new revolver today its the new Taurus .45/410 Revolver it is chambered both for the .45 cal long colt and the 410
shotgun shell! my gun is like the one in the pic. but mine is 3" Matte Stainless 2 1/2" Chamber Crimson Trace Grip 5 shots. i fired it at the range today
and it was awesome hardly any kick, i fired it point blank about 5 feet away into a watermelon 2 shots they was nothing left!. at the price of $425
i will be using this gun as my every day carrying gun i like this gun because of the shotgun shells can be fired out of it.
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Old 12-01-2009
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Originally Posted by DSL View Post
i will be using this gun as my every day carrying gun.
Try not to pull a "Plaxico Burress" with that cannon!

My buddy had an old Army .45 that had been bored out to fit a 12 gauge shotgun shell, it had been machined to lever open and eject the spent casing. It came from Nam and had both US and Chinese serial numbers on it.
I almost purchased it for $100, but really, what's it good for except a few years in jail? I wish I had taken some pictures of it, though.
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Old 12-01-2009
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thanks for the warning i will use the 410 i haven't tried the .45 shells yet
i will pick a box this weekend and let you know the 410 was nice tho
what a mess!...
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Old 12-01-2009
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Originally Posted by jimnaseum View Post
Try not to pull a "Plaxico Burress" with that cannon!

My buddy had an old Army .45 that had been bored out to fit a 12 gauge shotgun shell, it had been machined to lever open and eject the spent casing. It came from Nam and had both US and Chinese serial numbers on it.
I almost purchased it for $100, but really, what's it good for except a few years in jail? I wish I had taken some pictures of it, though.
That's why you never tell anyone that you have that kind of shit. Loose lips sink ships.
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Old 12-01-2009
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Hey DSL! What kind of shot do you have for your Judge? (not that there is much choice) Lemme know how the .45 Colts perform; I'm thinking of getting a Judge, a Tokarev or a 1911 in January.
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Old 12-02-2009
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Well it was the 410 shells i used to fire into the watermelon
thst split it all over the place with 2 shots so i will be useing
the 410 XX shells then after firing i turned and said to my friend
one shot is what its worth!.

Originally Posted by TheAngryPostman View Post
Hey DSL! What kind of shot do you have for your Judge? (not that there is much choice) Lemme know how the .45 Colts perform; I'm thinking of getting a Judge, a Tokarev or a 1911 in January.
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