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Old 09-18-2017
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Default I am so sick of being identified with politics.

It really sux. I have been belitittled. I have had other trans call me names and invalidate me. I hate politics so I should not vote or vote the way other trans tell me to vote? Sometimes and it is sad this is the way communities react.

I am a trans woman. I have been a trans girl since puberty and now a trans woman. I have been trashed on a supposed support sight because I did not vote Hillary.

This sight may not be a support sight and sometimes I do cry but not here. Whoever anyone voted for I don't care. Should that validate anyone really? I don't need validation. No one here needs validation either. I did not vote for Hillary, big deal because it was my vote. Whoever did then big deal. It was only an election.

but I have been trashed for not voting Hillary. I have been invalidated and called names on other sights.

When it comes to shemales and trannies and I am not ashamed to be called either. which both seem to "trigger" others on some sights. Call me whatever.

So some sights you guys my visit may not welcome you. Honestly and lovingly I call guys stupidly ignorant. God bless them in all their glory and I would date every one of them.

In all honesty it sux when you can't even vote without the fear of triggering someone.

Since when did shit get this bad? I think it is a piss poor world when you can't even vote without the repercussions of politics. I am a she male for Christ's sake. I could give a fuck less who voted for Hillary or Trump. What does that have to do with me? Why the fuck do I even care and what fucking business is it of mine anyway? But on one sight I am invalidated for being trans because I voted wrong according to the LGBT community. That really sux since I spend time every morning shaving my legs and underarms, fixing my hair and putting on makeup and so on.

A song says it is hard to be a woman, Double that to be a trans woman. To be honest these fucking sights and sorry for the bad language are supposedly support sights?

To be honest I am a bitch and if someone tells me left, I will go right. If someone tell me up I will go down If someone tells me blue I will say red. I am a bitch and I will not follow "in step". I am a tranny of another color but god I hate politics but even if someone voted Hillary or Trump I can no more hate them if they like the color blue or pink. But apparently some sights do though. hat kind of hurts. validation and your validation being called into question because of how you voted sux. It does for me.
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Old 09-19-2017
marriedhoustonbiguy marriedhoustonbiguy is offline
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It's not only the LGBT community that is that way, it is every place and every group of every kind today - hell, even the churches are bashing each other ! Today, it's either you believe and say what I believe or I'm going to throw a fit and call you names. Keep on being you it is refreshing and appreciated.
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Old 09-19-2017
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Originally Posted by marriedhoustonbiguy View Post

It's not only the LGBT community that is that way, it is every place and every group of every kind today - hell, even the churches are bashing each other ! Today, it's either you believe and say what I believe or I'm going to throw a fit and call you names. Keep on being you it is refreshing and appreciated.
Yeah I know. It does still suck though. Is this how the human race has evolved? Seriously if someone voted Hillary I don't hate them. I don't hate anyone for their views and love to talk about differing views and everything else under the sun and moon. I love talking religion also. I don't get mad but maybe I am a glutton for punishment though. Every now and then though you meet that one person that can talk sensibly and with due respect and then I learn something and I hope they do too. I probably won't change my views but they may evolve though.

I love this sight in particular because I am a trans woman. I came to terms with that a long time ago. Generally I am happy and secure most of the time. I know who and what I am and will never make apologies because I should not have too. Sometimes it sux being trans but sometimes life sux in general for both men and women, trans or cis, gay or lesbian and so on. I have been on quite a few trans support sights but all of my support seemed to have went away when people find out that I like shooting and going to the range. That even though I am a Log Cabin Republican I still have an R for politics.

I just really can't understand the hate though. I have never been one to march in step. Maybe it is just me. I don't need a president to make my life better because it is pretty good right now. But I do however want one that will keep me safe from those that want to throw me off of a building, hang me from a crane or shoot up a club in which I am a patron of.

If I offended anyone I am truly sorry. I sometimes can't not offend because I am very rarely offended at anything.

Yes I was drinking a little too much Merlot yesterday and was told to leave a support sight because I did not agree with an agenda and was triggering certain people. I guess I don't need support anymore or have nothing to add or help someone that is where I used to be.

It is truly sad when others think I should be a certain way, think a certain way and march lock step with them or I am not one of them anymore.

The Election of 2016 was truly a wake up call. "Do unto others as you want others to do unto you." I don't remember any foot notes being involved in that saying though.

And thanx. I will always speak my mind and if I am hated for it then so be it.
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Old 09-20-2017
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Hopefully Trump won’t grab you by the pussy. Oh wait, that won’t happen unless you’re a 10 and could afford GRS. Piss off OP, on a trans forum, you’re an uncle Tom.


You’ll get the same reaction on any other minority forum, unless you’re a fake puppet... which wouldn’t shock me, you could totally be a guy that gets his shit off by pretending. If anyone backs you up, I still think you should fuck off until you align with your trans sisters more. It’s how I feel, sorry.

I didn’t identify you with politics, but I do now and I don’t think highly of you.

Last edited by Smoothie; 09-20-2017 at 09:01 AM.
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Old 09-20-2017
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In YOUR words, more than once, you’re a bitch.

You’re a bitch. Deal.

So since the OP had admitted she (unlikely a real she) is a bitch, most forums with any sense have the foresight to stop the instigation of political or religious discussions. Hasn’t this forum? It’s a golden rule even for most newbies. Don’t expect a forum to go better than a Thanksgiving dinner.

Please feel free to double check her identity, photoshop is easy.

Religion & politics don’t go well on any forum, but especially when this “girl’s” views directly conflict with the actual views of the authentic trans community. I smell a troll, a few years mean nothing if you’re just here to fap based on a fake account.

At the bare minimum, lock this thread. No good will come of it.

Last edited by Smoothie; 09-20-2017 at 10:12 AM.
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Old 09-21-2017
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Jesus Smoothie. So you hate me? You have to trash me?

Is there a certain set of rules and laws that transwomen have to follow in order to be tans?

So in other words you have to belong to a certain political class to be authentically trans? That makes no sense in a free world. I have to agree with you or I am a fake?
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Old 09-28-2017
St. Araqiel
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Constantly getting labeled for the most trivial things. Attacked in the streets. Division, atomization, annihilation. It's like Weimar Germany all over again.
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Old 09-29-2017
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Originally Posted by St. Araqiel View Post
Constantly getting labeled for the most trivial things. Attacked in the streets. Division, atomization, annihilation. It's like Weimar Germany all over again.
Pretty much. My whole point was why label someone or try to delegitimize them if they don't agree.

MistressStevie just with that one link and I wish I would have been smart enough to have used it proved my point with the politics thing. George Carlin was right. If you think your life means more than just a vote for a politician on any side, then you are just fooling yourself.

I am like this, I have a lot of cops some still working and quite a few ex cops and either retired or flowed the money and did other jobs. Most of my uncle's are ex military most Navy and my cousins too bet most are Army or Marines and yes even me, I served four years and hid the fact that I was trans and the hardest four years of my life. So I vote the way that will keep people alive and think about those men and women and yes even LGBTs too. At one time I was almost a cop and chose trans over that.

And let me tell you something about cops, You break the law then you are breaking the law. I have never broke the law and been mistreated by a cop. If it was questionable about me then they went out of their way to ask me how I would like to be addressed. But I only break speed laws and DOT laws in my business. Does anyone know how many LGBT cops are out there? I have a close number and it is most likely dead even with the rest of society. But then again I have dated a couple of cops too in my life. Believe me a cop would rather pull over a tranny for speeding than a gang member any day in the middle of the night. Even in my case, a tranny with a CCW. But all I am guilty of is speeding or a light being out. I don't drink and drive and I sure don't go around robbing anyone. As a matter of fact when a trans woman or man is killed that take it just as seriously as anyone else and no your identity or sexuality is a factor. Your job may make it harder if you are escorting or prostituting or whatever else but you are still as important as anyone else cis or trans. That job just makes it a little harder on them and the first 48 hours are the most crucial in any investigation, even burglaries, auto thefts, rapes and car jacking.

But it is all the same throughout history though and Pre WW2 Germany is a good way to look at it. The Roman empire also with the "barbarians" Mao's China, The Russian Revolution and so on. It is OK to be different and think different. When it comes down to one thing and one thing only, I don't need any rights or privileges from the government, I just want to go to a nightclup without being shot up by a religious Zealot that hated himself and used a religion to justify it in the case of the Pulse Nightclub. I don't want to be thrown from a high building or hanged from a crane if I am visiting a country on business and I have long hair and both ears pierced or out and out trans. I want them to know I am and American and if they mess with me, they mess with all of America. Even if others don't agree with my life and the way I live it.

So let's look at some of the progress we have made around the world so far. In Saudi Arabia, women can now drive. Yes Trump rescinded the ban on trans military personnel but that is not up to the president to do but rather Congress and the Senate and eventually it will be before the Supreme Court the constitutionality and since the constitution only mentions a well armed and trained militia and also mentions specifically life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness they will probably judge in our favor to serve openly. when I served I wish I could have grown my hair long and either got a bob or put it up into a "dog turd" like the other women but I signed the contract and knew what it meant and it sucked but showed me a few things like... Did I mention I was a bar girl in Korea for roughly a year and a half while stationed there for two years. I lived off post and had a Korean boyfriend and worked for Mama San out of town on the weekends.

It sounds messed up but find your own way in life. If you wait for a politician to make your life better then that probably won't happen ever. Chances are it will likely never happen so don't wait on them and never put your trust in them either to make your own life better.

I have the right to life and the second amendment secures that right to protect my life in the way of having a CCW and packing in my purse. My liberty to live my life who I want to be is also secured but not necessarily in the Bill of Rights s that is where the Supreme Court comes in and deciding what is constitutional or not and LGBT is not specifically mentioned in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution as a whole, just rules and regulations. My pursuit of happiness is also a right secured in the Constitution but not necessarily in The Bill of Rights. That again is for the Supreme Court to decide the Constitutionality and they usually make the right decisions per the Constitution. So now we have Same Sex Marriage. So instead of Religious Doctrines deciding, the Law of the United States decided. States still reserve the right to issue licenses but they have to recognize the marriages so if your state don't want to issue the license then take a road trip or a vacation. States still have the Tenth Amendment.

The whole deal is complicated and I don't know one person that wants the United States to have a dictator to make their lives better because a Dictatorship in the United States and a total disregard of the Constitution and the rights held within and the lack of limitations of the Government, no one would really want. So now who tells me I can be a woman and feminine now? Me only and markers can be changed Hell with my name and the way I look I have F on my license now. My BC still has M though. Hey, the DMV or the Doctor might have made a mistake so...

I have worked really hard to be a woman. I was socialized young as more girl than boy by the girls that I grew up around and family members I grew up with. Biology sort of played a role too in that I grew small boobs during puberty. Something else did not grow though. So just because one party is in charge now does not mean there will not be a coup. So should a political party tell me I can't be a woman even though I have tits and a small dick with the balls of a five year old boy?

To be totally honest right now I am horny as hell and it is less than this long:

"-------" Wow that is really big. I Don't want SRS, I don't need it even. But one thing I do not want or need ever is the government dictating who I should be and what surgery I need to conform to their Ideals.

If anyone is in question about my mental identity, just count the words I write. In nature the female identity talks roughly three times more than male identities. I think I got that beat just in the one post.
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Old 10-08-2017
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Originally Posted by JamieTS View Post
If you think your life means more than just a vote for a politician on any side, then you are just fooling yourself.
Mark Twain also pointed out that "We have the best political system that money can buy." [brainyquote confrims]

Politicians are after our votes for the money and power. What ever else comes our way is secondary to that for the most part. This is why the wise founders of the USofA included mostly limits on the power of government in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. We should be cautious when a politician of any stripe tosses a favor the way of our special interest no matter how close it is to our heart for they will want us to accept some compromise that grows their power in the end.

JamieTS, from what I can read your posts are thoughtful and you would be pleasurable to spend time and conversation with. It is the character that one presents and the action delivered and deliverable that should be the measure of a person. Where we are going from here is really what counts the most.
It is equally shortsighted to judge people by politics alone. I have good friends from the left and the right, the anarchist and the statist too. Intelligent people can agree to disagree on move on.

Where one has been is less important than where one is going! No people have the same backgrounds, experiences, biology, or abilities. The opportunities of where one goes from here is what really counts. And again, it is what we have in common and can accomplish together the determines more of the future. Those seeking to divide, may also have some motive with less than pure intentions.

Although it is not as biting as Carlin, John Wayne did an interesting spoken work piece on the hyphen dividing or bridging back in 1973.

Build bridges not walls!
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Old 10-08-2017
franalexes franalexes is offline
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Not that it matters now, but I didn't vote for that @%#$&^@$*##$%&# ^%$#@&# HILLARY BITCH either !
Everyone is diverse and you have to pick and choose what the stepping stones are for you as you travel through life.
We had 17 people run for that office and in the end we chose the worst two.
Hillary thought it should have been given to her; like it was "her turn".
Well she got her arrogance showed right up her patuttie.
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Old 10-24-2017
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Originally Posted by franalexes View Post
Not that it matters now, but I didn't vote for that @%#$&^@$*##$%&# ^%$#@&# HILLARY BITCH either !
Everyone is diverse and you have to pick and choose what the stepping stones are for you as you travel through life.
We had 17 people run for that office and in the end we chose the worst two.
Hillary thought it should have been given to her; like it was "her turn".
Well she got her arrogance showed right up her patuttie.
Yeah well Franalexes, me too. My best friend's step dad did the detail deal and like all kids, we wanted to know what the "grownups" were saying before we snuck out. seriously when one of your best friends step dad is State Police then you want to eaves drop before you sneak out.

Thanx Fran.
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