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Old 08-21-2009
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KittyKaiti KittyKaiti is offline
Senior Ladyboy Lover
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: New York, USA
Posts: 189
KittyKaiti is a splendid one to beholdKittyKaiti is a splendid one to beholdKittyKaiti is a splendid one to beholdKittyKaiti is a splendid one to beholdKittyKaiti is a splendid one to beholdKittyKaiti is a splendid one to beholdKittyKaiti is a splendid one to behold

1. Apparently while your account is not activated for public use, you may still private message people.

2. What hateful expression? Calling you ugly? If you are going to call me ugly, why shouldn't I call you ugly? For someone with a supposed 150 IQ, you sure are immature, talking and calling me names like a little child. You would think that an intelligent person wouldn't have said anything at all. It wasn't even one post either. You came back a few times. Real smart.

3. While religious leaders try to spread peace and love, religion in general even today still is the primary cause terrorism, hate crimes, discrimination, corruption and war. You would think that in the 21st century people would be smart enough to stop the BS but religion continues to push hate into the world. Transsexuals are repeatedly denied rights in this country (USA) because of Congress' obsessive Christian beliefs. "Transgender is evil and Satanic. It is perverted and a slight against God. Don't give them rights." ENDA was going to end workplace discrimination in this country but guess who cut transgender out of protected classes: Congress. They wouldn't pass the bill if TG/TS were included. Religion and the dumbass ex-Nazi Youth Pope only breeds the lies and hate about the LGBT community, especially the T and with nothing but Christianity obsessed government officials, human rights will be denied over and over again. Obama claims to want to change this but outside of completely illegalizing religion, we aren't going to be treated with respect. Islam is even worse. These countries execute and murder transsexuals. Hell, they still execute and murder normal women. All of this is caused by Islamic law and belief, where violence is taught to children, women are abused and supressed, children are violated and terrorism prevails. We invaded and changed the government in Iraq but guess who is executed for being gay under Iraqi law. Gay Iraqi citizens. Religion once again, destroying this planet. Now we have religions that are undermining and attacking governments and people. Scientology, a completely fake religion (actually just a business enterprise) has committed espionage, blackmail, Treason and terrorism against various world governments since the 1960s. Every single religion has caused some sort of severe suffering towards humanity. Maybe religion causes some people to be good but the overall majority of religion destroys the planet. The disadvantages of religion severely outweigh the benefits.

4. I couldn't care less about my mother at this point. She openly discriminates against me (her religious views) calling me possessed by a demon, a worker of Satan and claims transsexuality as Satanic and evil. She blames me for the bad things that happens to her. Jehovahs Witnesses are psychopaths and they have turned my mother into another drone of religion, spreading lies and hate. There is no repairing anything with her. She is totally lost. As for hating Arabs/Middle Eastern people, whatever you prefer to call them, I don't hate them. I hate their religion. I hate all religion. Hating their religion does not mean I hate their race. There are non-Muslim Arabs. I don't hate Arabs. I hate Islam. And as you said, I wouldn't survive the encounter if I told a Arab I hated Islam. Islam teaches violence and hate. Religion of peace my ass. He'll fly a plane into my house. Just the same if I told off a Christian, he'd burn me at a stake. It's what Christians did then. Speak out against the crimes of religion and you get killed. Your scenario only proves that religion is evil. That's why I hate religion. It is violent and lawless.

5. It seems you don't know or understand the definitions and meanings of transgender. Crossdressers are not transsexuals. A transsexual doesn't even have to be on hormones to be considered transgender or transsexual. A crossdresser is just a simple man or sometimes woman (gay, straight, bi, doesn't matter) who dresses up in women's clothes (or men's) for sexual pleasure, fetishism or other wierdo behavior. Transgender and transseuxals are men or women who are transitioning and changing from their biological sex to another because they know and feel they are and should be the opposite. I am not and never was a crossdresser and find it offensive when someone calls me a crossdresser because CD/TV is not TG/TS. I am not a man who dresses up for a sexual fetish. I am a woman and live as one and am working to repair and become one physically to match my emotions, mentality and personality. I am not aware of any websites or pages that claim I am a crossdresser. If they do, its because of stupid people once again that have no idea what the difference is between CD/TV and TG/TS. I consider myself a woman. Is the urinal thing supposed to be an offensive joke? Are you trying to embarass me or something? So ing what, I tried out watersports. It's just a mix of water, salt and urea (sweat contains the same mixture).

6. Everyone who knows me and all of my webpages and profiles state and know that I am a lesbian. I like women (which includes other TS/TG). I do not HATE men. I am not sexually attracted to them therefore do not have sex with, date or have romantic relationships with them. I have male friends. My long time best friend is a man. But what does my lesbian status have to do with anything?

PS: I can't tell whether you're ugly or not because your photos consist of flash photography that reflects off of caked on makeup, hiding all of any flaws you may have.