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Old 07-13-2008
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ShemaleFan_UK ShemaleFan_UK is offline
Apprentice Ladyboy Lover
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Sussex, UK
Posts: 38
ShemaleFan_UK is on a distinguished road

Hear hear!

One thing that does bother me, and this applies just as much to Christians and others as it does to Moslems, is that they insist in putting their religious beliefs and dogmas above all else. In the UK, Moslems and Christians want their religious beliefs to enable them to ignore any laws which they see as offensive. When will these people realise that the UK, in common with most other countries is a secular society, and rekligious beliefs cannot be permitted to come before the laws of the land?

Regarding the drink theme, this is a true story....
At one time I worked as a manager in the civil service and one of my staff was from Afghanistan, but of Pakistani origin. One lunchtime some of us went out to the local pub for a drink, and I noticed that he was knocking back the beer good style.
"I thought good moslems didn't drink," I said.
"Yes," he replied, "but I'm not a good moslem"

Just goes to show that some of them do have a sense of humour.
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