Thread: Movie Quotes
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Old 10-04-2008
St. Araqiel
Posts: n/a

Gil Grissom: Mercedes, I presume? We're with the Las Vegas Crime Lab, and we're looking for somebody.
Mercedes: Isn't this where you say my PO would be interested to know that I'm hustling, and you ask for a freebie?
Gil Grissom: I'm actually not interested in your ass, but the person we're looking for is a human butcher who might be.

Calleigh Dueqesne: Do you believe her story?
Horatio Caine: I don't know. I guess that depends on how you like seeing men dress up in your underwear.
Calleigh Dueqesne: Personally, leather chaps. Nothing else. [pauses, looks at Horatio's expression] That was a joke.
Horatio Caine: I know.

Horatio Caine: Nice work. Have you considered a transfer to SWAT?
Calleigh Dueqesne: I don't look good in all-black.
Horatio Caine: I beg to differ.

[a fetus' hand grabs House's finger and he stares at it]
Cuddy: House.
[House looks at Cuddy]
House: Sorry. I just realized I forgot to TiVo Alien.

Yonatan: We'd like a different doctor.
Cuddy: I assure you that Dr. House is our best.
Yonatan: Then we will settle for second-best; someone who doesn't think my wife is sick just because she's religious.
House: If you prefer, I can give your wife my second-best diagnosis.
[Cuddy turns around to look at him expectantly]
House: Do you know Wilson's dating Amber?
Cuddy: I have reviewed the chart—someone on your team must have pointed out that cryoglobularnaemia also fits the symptoms.
House: Yes, it fits many of the symptoms.
Yonatan: My wife's body is sick, her mind and soul are fine.
House: You live according to God's six-hundred commandments, right?
Yonatan: Six-hundred and thirteen.
House: You understand them all?
Yonatan: It takes a lifetime of learning.
House: But you follow the ones you don't understand because the ones you do understand make sense and you believe that the guy who created them knows what he's doing.
Yonatan: Of course.
House: You will trust my diagnosis, you'll let me treat her—because in this temple, I am Dr. Yahweh.
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