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Old 07-07-2012
Posts: n/a

I of course would answer NO with almost all of you. But i suppose in the end, the whole question is about semantics, an exercise in which we can loose a life of mouth twisting acrobatics.
Anyone heard about the Kinsey scale ? As you probably pretty much all already know, Alfred Kinsey is an entomologist who decided to start researching sexuality in the US in the 40s. He definitly was the greatest precursor to the sexual revolution in the Western World, from which we all benefit on this very forum. The two reports he published revealed facts nobody could then possibly envisioned about the sexual practices of americans.
Anyways he created a scale which illustrated the potential sexual orientation of individuals. It is divided in six vertical columns, the first one to the left representing people exclusively heterosexuals, the one to the extreme right people exclusively homosexuals. Now the four remaining columns were of course to represent what's left in between: the second one to the left, people who for instance had gay fantasies at time, or one or a few gay experiences in their youth, in other words those who were, as he said, more or less "incidently" gay, and so on in a gradual progression to the column next to the last at right, which designated people with only more or less limited experiences in heterosexuality. Kinsey found that a surprisingly moderate proportion of the population fitted, according to age, in either of the two extremities. The bulk of it belonged to the four remaining ones. In other words, a majority of people had at least some kind of inclinations towards bisexuality !

What seems to me even more interresting about that scale is the indeniable fact (still denied nontheless to this day by moronic, thight asses moral extremists) that nothing is either black and white when it comes to human sexuality; everything is blissfully grey. And in the end it's so much like us, human beings. It's part of our beauty ! such diversity and creativity, such differences !
Don't know why we constantly have to make it the root of our dissensions...

(I simplified things a bit, here. I have to admit i'm not sure i understand enough Kinsey's methodology to explain it remotly properly in english. In any case, here's the link to the scale at Wiki: -I'm sorry i'm not pc cleaver enough neither to post it here myself).

Last edited by dan; 07-07-2012 at 08:19 AM.
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