Thread: Who gets high?
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Old 08-27-2008
rhythmic delivery
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Originally Posted by GRH View Post
Here I would have to COMPLETELY disagree! A large portion of the pantheon of psychadelic/dissociative drugs are POORLY understood at best. In my last reading of the relevant pharmacological literature, even the best renowned scientists didn't have clear-cut theories regarding how a given substance works...

If anyone cares to challenge me to this point, I invite them to a pharmacological debate about how Kappa Opiod receptors differ from Mu receptors, and the role of Serotonin in the neurological construct of what we consider "Normal."
why do you have to dissagree, its only a theory. but halucinations can be enuced naturaly without any drugs, or with other non psychadelic drugs ie absinth/buckfast/canabis. as you said the understanding of these psychadelic drugs is poor at best, so unless you have a theory of how the same afect's of psychadelic drugs can be enduced naturaly, why feel the need to dissagree.
i like the idea that your brain has all the drugs you'll ever need stored away, and all you need is the key to unlock it
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