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Old 02-26-2008
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Originally Posted by R2000 View Post
Me and i subscribed to a meeting site but still nothing
Well R2000 the main problem of WHY you aren't meeting any ladyboys would be the approach you use in the site you have signed up to. Basically ALL ladyboys who sign up to meeting sites want to meet a western man for a LTR (Long Term Relationship) that could possibly lead to marriage. What you have to understand is, if they just wanted sex or to be used by a man to carry out a fantasy, then they can find a man within their own country to do it, but if they want a serious LTR then they have to look for men in other countries, because (i am basing my information on ladyboys from the philippines here mainly, this has been my experience with them) in their own countries, 1. homosexuality is looked down upon because the entire country is heavily catholic religious, 2. men in their own countries, as a result of nation-wide homophobia, will not want a relationship with a ladyboy because it is frowned upon, and they want children, so once they have fulfilled their sexual desires with a ladyboy, they move on to have LTR with GG's.

If you want some idea of what to write in your ad, you can read over my personal ad on Dragoncastle (to find it, go to search, then say you are ladyboy seeking a western man age of 19 to 19 in australia, and search for profiles only with pictures, then search for the profile that says 'BlueRaven88' under the headline [easiest way to do this is to hit ctrl+f to do a page search]). But ask yourself this: if you search your heart, do you truly want a LTR with a ladyboy, or would you just be lying to them and yourself? My words that I type in my profile are 100% my own and I have put alot of thought into what I say in there, so it is relatively easy to meet ladyboys there because I am genuinely what they are looking for, but if you say things that aren't true, then you will only hurt the ladyboy that fell for you because of your words.

On a side note, anyone is welcome to peruse my profile on DC (dragoncastle) by following the instructions I listed, but please do not just copy and paste my words into your profile. If you intend to do this please do not look at my profile because I am trying to be helpful to the members of this forum by giving them an idea of what they should be saying on their profiles to get a ladyboy, but you need to search your own hearts and type your own words, otherwise the ladyboy is basically falling for me, just having a different age and picture, and odds are if/when you do start talking to her or when you meet her, if you don't have the romantic mind or the intelligence to say and elaborate more than what I have already said in my profile, she is going to know you lied about who you are anyway. Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy.

Hope this helps some people in their search
(ಠ_ృ) I say they seem to be letting all SORTS of riff raff into the internet these days!
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