Thread: Phimosis
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Old 06-25-2009
liesjeversteven liesjeversteven is offline
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Originally Posted by CuriousGirl View Post
I'm too new here to be able to post a link to an example, but I guess just about everyone here knows what Phimosis is.
Anyway, I've noticed that a lot of Tgirls, especially Asians, seem to have this condition. Some, even when erect, still have the foreskin tightly concealing the head of the penis.
From experience in my hetero mode, sex with guys, I can say that such a condition is a total gag and turnoff, just like guys who have normal foreskins but aren't prepared, hygiene-wise, for intimacy. I pretty much prefer circumcised guys for that very reason.
Some of the ladyboys I've found on the net seem to have suffered from this to an extent that their penises seem stunted and abnormally small. It's a shame, really, because this cheats them of more normal pleasures and probably repels prospective sex partners. I know I'd be repelled!
Why they don't undergo circumcision I cannot understand. I've also seen a few who underwent a sort of circ'ing that is simply slitting the top of the foreskin. Well, that alleviates some problems but leaves an unattractive wad of flesh under the head of the penis.
Oh well. What do I know?
OK, I know this; If I had a penis instead of my pussy, I'd make darned sure it was as "kosher" and attractive as possible.
You really seem to have a knife fetish don't you? Almost everytime you post anything it seems to have to so with cutting away one or another body part. No offense intended, but really? What???
As a lesbian I have no experience with sex with males (or transwomen until now) but unless a body part causes no physical or psychological distress I see no reason why anyone would want to remove it. If one has certain hygienic standards I really don't see how having it could cause any problems.
I am aware that in certain cultures it is the habit to remove the foreskin because of religious reasons or just because it's fashion (like in the states, but i'll probably never really understand the inner workings of americans), and it probably doesn't cause any problems to remove it, but for the same reasons in certain parts of the world they remove the female clitoris, and I'm quite sure you wouldn't be very happy if they did that to you!
In the case of phimosis, however, I do understand. It just might deprive the person of having a pleasurable sexual experience, and in that case something should be done about it indeed.
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