Thread: Barack Obama
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Old 10-21-2008
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Originally Posted by CreativeMind View Post
In short: it's NEVER a good thing to lecture Americans on "true liberalism" or to lecture us on how we need to become a more "socially just" place. True ultra left liberalism is NOT who we are at heart. It's NOT a political philosophy that our country was founded on back in 1776 -- in fact, it's the polar opposite, which is why the average American voter...even to this day...still opposes it so much. So saying things like that -- as Obama has now found out -- only acts like a bucket of cold water to the face, at which point Americans remember that we LIKE being capitalists and we DO believe that our ways are superior. At which point we'll vote for the President who will give the middle finger to the rest of the "liberal and socialist" countries of the world because we, as Americans, want NO part of that.
Well, thats true, every country has its own way to see things depending its own historical heritage, most americans are people comming from Europe flewing poverty, political and religius opression toi create themselves a new life free of all that they left behind..
In contradictionary to that many European countries(not the easten ones) the word socialism have stand for something very good, justice, equality, fairness when its achived in the democratic socialdemocratic cote, not of cuz in the twisted comunist/socialist cote that comes from the former Sovietunion, thats another story.
In many western european countrues like in Scandinavia and Germany has
succeeded to create strong welfare states who has combined the econmical strengt of the efficient capatalist market and good social security and benefits for the citizens by economical transformations by taxes,
This kind of politic should be totally political impossible to achiv in America cuz of its historical traditions and heritage and the opposit, Americas politics should be totally political impossible to archive in many westeurpean countries cuz of their traditions and historical heritage..
Americans often see Comunism and twisted socialism in its Soviet version when they hear about liberalism, socialism etc they are not able to separate socialdemocrats from Soviet comunism, who is two total different things.. Europeans instead often see fairness and justice when they hear about american liberalism and they often see the average Americans opinions as egoistic, primitive and brutal..there people are left on their own and blamed if they failed in life as always their own fault..
This total different views often creates collisions and missunderstandings between it ever possible to make a bridge between this two mentallity gaps and create a constructive dialogue..?
