Thread: I give up
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Old 10-07-2008
Posts: n/a

Bionca, I guess I cannot offer you any better advice than anyone here has already given you. On one hand I hate to say "don't give up" because it sounds so banal, but on the other hand such cliches have become over-used for a reason: they're true.

I know I cannot even pretend to begin to know what you have gone through (and sadly seemingly continue to go through) in dating, but as a fellow human being I can empathize, and my heart does go out to you.

I myself am sick of being single, and yet I hardly ever even put myself out there and make myself available anymore. I'm not exactly a "catch" and am not getting any younger, but I realize I need to at least try here soon and see what the future has in store for me as far as a significant other.

Sorry, I did not mean to make this post all about me (and thus steer it into a severly boring tangent!) but just wanted you to know there's at least a reason (other than the simple milk of human kindness) that I feel for you.

You have A LOT to offer (and that's an incredible understatement!) Don't give up (sorry to say it again, but you will see why I did so!) because if you do you will not only be cheating yourself but you will be cheating the one who is meant for you as well.

Much and
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