Listen buddy,everybody has an opinion and that's fine with me.
If you believe escorts are the finest people and all punters as you call them are just people who can't fuck someone without paying them then again it's your opinion-not a general fact/truth.
I really like this thread but don't start making general comments because it's just not correct.You say you have escort friends and that could be true but still it doesn't mean all escorts are ''nice'' people as your post suggests.
Also,I am a punter as you say but I never follow anything like a gospel or think all non-punters are idiots who just don't know what's happening in real life.
I have a 10+ experience with escorts,brothels,street prostitutes,shemale prostitutes,massage parlorls,strip clubs-you name it-so don't make comments about me like you know me
Most importantly,don't generalize.