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Old 08-23-2012
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Originally Posted by EdwardSinclair View Post
...but, alas, herein lies my biggest question/confusion:

Please explain what the universe is expanding on?

"Surely even the greatest painter needs a canvas in which to draw his masterpiece!"

Or is there something beyond the universe that we cannot measure, and thus cannot see? Perhaps in a different plane or dimension? Is this "canvas" infinite? If it is not the universe will come to a halt...
These things are way outside our everyday experiences and so we have no intuitive way to imagine this. We're so used to space being a place where things exist and move we have no concept of what it means to be outside of that. And not just outside of space, but outside of spacetime, where there is no time either. Try and imagine that. I can't. There is something called M-Theory that does explain mathematically (and I'm using that term loosely because it's WAY beyond any math I've seen in my graduate physics classes) what is outside our universe.

It has been explained though in simpler terms. Imagine a balloon expanding. There's dots on the balloon and as it's expanding they're moving apart from eachother - like galaxies do as the universe is expanding. The surface of the balloon is a curved 2D surface. Replace that 2D surface with a 3D surface on a 4 dimensional sphere (which we can't imagine) and you get an idea what's going on.

Originally Posted by EdwardSinclair View Post
Furthermore if our universe resembles a white hole, would it not further validate the theory of "multi-verses"?
Yes, and there is more and more indications that there are multiple universes. Also there is the question, why is our universe tuned so perfectly for life to exist? There's 6 constants: the charge of an electron, gravitational constant, hubble constant, etc, where if any of them were off even very slightly life as we know it would be impossible. Atoms couldn't exist, the universe would collapse within a millisecond, etc. How did we get so lucky to have a universe made just for us? It must have been designed by God.

Or there are countless universes where most of them do collapse within a millisecond or are completely uninhabitable for whatever reason. But within those countless universes there may be one or two like ours that can support life. And that life would be marveling at how "fine-tuned" that universe is for them. Well if it wasn't suitable for life, there would be no life to say it's suitable for life.

Originally Posted by EdwardSinclair View Post
"To every action there's an equal and opposite reaction"
Whatever comes in, must come out, hence theoretically it should be possible for the rip in the very fabric of space itself to be made to transfer bodies in between "multi-verses", or is that reserved only to science-fiction?
The idea of wormholes came from Einstein and Rosen. It's called an Einstein-Rosen bridge. So yes, it's possible. Although you'd need exotic matter lining the wormhole to make it safe to traverse.

Originally Posted by EdwardSinclair View Post
Just food for thought!
Question everything
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