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Old 07-21-2012
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Default You didn't build that

Obama lets his true feelings show about entrepreneurs in America

That right... extend the recession with your policies, propose a tax increase on the drivers of the economy, and then insult them by telling them they didn't build their businesses. Steve Wozniak, you didn't build that Apple computer in your garage.

Any time in the past this would be the death knell for his 2nd term, as would his policies. But his policy of trickle down poverty is not just incompetence. There's an actual alterior motive there. Increase the number of people on unemployment, the number of people on food stamps, the number of people who don't pay taxes to a certain critical mass and you will have complete victory over republicans. You'll have created a large population that needs the government and is large enough to demand that the rich pay to support them.

Obama says businesses use the roads and bridges tax payers paid for. Why do we even have roads? Because Henry Ford invented the automobile. The government may have invented the internet... let's be specific - the military invented the internet... but it was private industry that brought out its potential and expanded it. Wherever the government builds infrastructure that's paid by tax payers. Tax payers who pay tax for income they receive from their employers.

Obama has no love for American businesses and he has successfully grown our welfare population to the point where he doesn't feel he has to hide that fact anymore.
A lesbian trapped in a man's body
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