Thread: pics of you?
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Old 09-09-2007
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Ogryn1313 Ogryn1313 is offline
Senior Ladyboy Lover
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Ogryn1313 is infamous around these partsOgryn1313 is infamous around these partsOgryn1313 is infamous around these parts
Default Gasp!

Well we agree on something then. I think Reagan was the best president since FDR. Its easy now for some in the media to tear him down but the man did handle the Cold War perfectly. When he uttered those famous words that spelled the end of the Soviet Union. All the while he kept us out of actually going to least that concept of WW3 now.
It used to be I didn't so much care about politic, left or right, dem or rep, etc. I didn't care about Christianity, Islam, that so called Satanism religion. It's not really a religion, more like a counter culture movement with a hate group slant to it. All I believed in was my ideas of right and wrong. And it seems to me there's more wrong in the world than right. Take for example Bush. Ok, he makes mistakes. He won't known for being the best foreign policy guy. Or border security. But I do think he'll be known for fighting terrorism. But honestly...can you recall any single president ever getting the level of hatred and disrespect than Bush? The media and such is so bitter and is encouraging a disrespect for the office and not just the man. In my 32 years I've not seen any president take this much flak. And I don't think its just because he's screwing some things up. I think it is the result of shift of thinking on the parts of many.
But yeah...right now a tgirl giving me nice back rub sounds mighty damned good. One of these days I'll experience that love thing you're talking about.
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