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Old 08-15-2011
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Additional information on the plot rumors to oust FDR.

The American Liberty League
By Richard Sanders, Editor, Press for Conversion! Lurking in the background behind the plot to oust FDR was the American Liberty League, a pro-business think-tank and ultra-right wing lobby group. Its treasurer was Jerry MacGuire?s boss, Grayson Murphy, a leading J.P. Morgan broker. One of its top donors was Robert Clark, who also tried to recruit General Smedley Butler into the conspiracy to oust President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The origins of the League were very closely tied to an earlier organization of multi-millionaires, motivated entirely by greed and self-interest, that concerned itself with repealing the alcohol prohibition laws, The Association Against the Prohibition Amendment.
General Butler testified to the MacCormack-Dickstein Committee that when he asked whether anything was ?stirring? with regards to Jerry MacGuire?s wealthy backers? plans for a ?superorganization? to coordinate the coup against FDR, MacGuire predicted the American Liberty League?s emergence, saying: ?Yes, you watch; in two or three weeks you will see it come out in the paper. There will be big fellows in it. This is to be the background of it.?
Jules Archer, in The Plot to Seize the White House (1976), said the ?link between the conspiracy and the powerful interests?in the background? was ?the most significant? part of Butler?s testimony. However, MacGuire?s foreknowledge of the League and its links to the fascist plot were deleted from the Committee?s published report.
It's an interesting story. Could it happen now if the economy fails to recover? So far the rich are just getting richer so why should they want to kick out Obama?
"Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible; but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary." R.N.
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