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Old 02-26-2008
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Victoria Victoria is offline
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Originally Posted by BlueRaven88 View Post
I wouldn't really call Breaking Benjamin alternative metal. It's more indie rock than anything. Alternative metal would be bands like System of a Down, Soil, Disturbed etc.

I know I have already posted a response or 2 in this thread, but I feel I should update my list of bands (well technically I should ADD a list of bands), but here goes (in alphabetical order)

Bleeding Through
Breaking Benjamin
Doomsday Refreshment Committee
Ill Nino
Lamb of God
Parkway Drive
System of a Down
The Butterfly Effect
Three Days Grace

Wouldn't be surprised if you guys haven't heard of half of the bands I listed. None of them are on the radio here in Australia, and none are on the supposed 'Top 40' or whatever crap they're trying to pull these days with music listings. I absolutely HATE Rap, Hip Hop, R'n'B and Pop. I don't mind JPop sometimes, but even then it gets irritating after a while.

I don't know how it is in Australia but most of most of those bands you listed....are not only mainstream........ BUT did you know nickleback is played on every radio station in Canada with the exception of classical stations you can hear nickle back , System of a Down , 3 days grace , evanesence , seether on top ten along with britney spears.... lol

BTW I would rather listen to ACDC any day anywhere over anyone. Anyone who insults ACDC has no idea what they are talking about.
You really aren't a fan of are just a fan of what YOU like. You don't think your fav bands would drop whatever they are doing to meet Angus Young or be at the fiming of mettalicas ONE you know your bands would drop their panties to be at the recoding for Thunderkiss 65 or even thunderstruck lol! You were born in 1988 for christs sake do you even know what huge albums were out in 88?

Ok I got something for you if you like listening to what is new The absolute biggest and one of the best radio stations in the world...period.
They have a live feed

If you are a TRUE fan of the history of will click > SHOWS > ON GOING HISTORY OF NEW MUSIC > PAST SHOWS

And this site has no live feed but if theres anyway to pick up their signal I highly recomend it
htzfm DOT COM

I don't know guys lol....people always claim to be fans of music but then I ask them who are the Shirelles are or what was that wicked music in the chopper scene in Predator....they have no clue !

I have seen tons of live concerts from mettalica to linkinpark to acdc and I saw KISS 5 times....while all those bands were wicked.....none of them even compared to Bob Seager.

Anyways guys no need to be rude to each other...there is so much awesome music out there for everyone....the day everyone opens their minds to see what others like and why they like it...that will be an awesome day.

You just have to find out what your favorite bands listen's not always what you think it is lol...have an open mind.

Who the hell knew that some guy from Alexis on fire would have like one of the biggest albums in Canada now and be making people all over the country cry over some song about home lol! Not I lol.

Last edited by Victoria; 02-26-2008 at 03:47 PM.
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