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Old 05-16-2010
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racquel racquel is offline
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racquel is just really niceracquel is just really niceracquel is just really niceracquel is just really nice

A lot of guys like being submissive now and then, and watching "shemale domination" porn is part of that. Lets be honest, most porn with aggressive genetic women is ridiculous. It's vinyl-clad dominatrix porn or girls fucking with strap-ons who obviously don't know what they're doing. There are whole niches of porn that I just can't take seriously because what I've seen of it never takes itself seriously -- like most lesbian porn where the best you can hope for is girls that want to show off for the camera but never truly seem to be into what they're doing and end up giggling half the time.

So I get the definite impression that many guys who like shemale porn basically just want a girl who knows how to be dominant. The sad part is that most transwomen (like genetic women) want to be the more sexually submissive ones most of the time, even if roles do get reversed now and then, but most guys want a tranny for their tranny-related fantasies and would much prefer a genetic woman the rest of the time to actually treat like a woman. It's often a borderline taboo-chasing compulsion. They don't actually like transwomen at all; they only like shemale porn because to them it's deviant and exciting. I suppose even guys who prefer to always be in the dominant role still often seem to only like shemales for the dirty feeling it gives them. Kinda like guys like anal more for the taboo than the actual sensation, they like trannys for the taboo and would never have any love/respect for one of the girls.

Get together all the guys in the world who like shemale porn, and 99% of them would never be seen with a tranny unless she was 100% passable (so they can hide the fact that they're with a tranny in the first place), and they would certainly never want to get dinner with a 6'0" girl like me.

I get hit on plenty in a dark bar. Average guys. Hot guys. Rich business guys. None of them want to take me out. They just want to take me back to their hotel, and that's not going to happen. There's a place I go now and then where there are usually other traans girls. Not to brag, but I'm usually getting the most attention. But the only guy who is sweet and wants to actually hang out with me is mentally disabled. Seriously, he's the janitor at the courthouse and he's a little slow. But he's the nicest guy in the world and I usually just hang out with him and play pool with him while I'm there. I get plenty free drinks from guys, but nobody else has asked me out to dinner and a movie.

I guess my point is that you're normal. I didn't mean to get going on a soapbox. There are lots of guys like you. Guys will be guys and even the ones who like shemale porn don't usually really like transgendered women. My advice to you is don't worry about it. Don't worry about whether or not you're normal. It's just porn and you like the feeling different porn gives you at different times. And you don't have to worry that it makes you gay (which is probably what's really bothering you). Gay guys don't watch tranny porn. Gay guys don't like sex with girls whether or not they have a penis. Were you in show choir in high school? Do you want to make out with a man with itchy stubble? I didn't think so. So lighten up.

If you are going to worry about something, worry about being a good person. Remember that these girls have feelings and have often experienced an incredible amount of pain because of their gender issues. And don't spend the whole rest of your life around the type of bigots who would beat you up for looking at the porn you want to look at.
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