Thread: Barack Obama
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Old 01-12-2010
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Originally Posted by randolph View Post
Yes, I viewed the video and yes the concerns are real. However, it is full of distorted rhetoric lies and nonsense. The Democrats are heading for a catastrophe next election. A return of Republicans? They are no more competent than the Democrats. California has failed and the Federal government is very close. So, what do we have to look forward to? Failed governments often lead to Fascism, is it just around the corner? Immersed in perpetual war the country would eventually go the way of all fascist countries. Our beautiful prosperous country is on the verge.
Failed governments can lead to anything, depending on why it failed and what's left over. Republicans have not given this country perpetual war. If you're whining that we were engaged in war after the 9/11 attacks I would tell you to get real. That is the obvious result after an attack like 9/11. If Bill Clinton was in office, we'd have the same war. I'd hate to see how BO would have handled it though. Hopefully we don't have to find out. Republicans are more likely to stand their ground rather than going around groveling, kissing hands and apologizing for anything and everything. This is a good thing. If a country shows weakness, other countries will be happy to trample over you. Now I am not advocating going to extremes and becoming a militaristic fascist state. There are ways to stand your ground via the moral highground, economically, diplomatically, and yes, a big stick (wasn't that a democrat who said that?).

I hope the republicans return to power after BO's BS. Competent or not they will be much better. I'm hoping for competence though because it can be a lot better, and this country can be put on the right track. What we need are real conservatives, not RINOS. We need replublicans who aren't afraid to stand their ground when their opposition is a black person. We need republicans who will deal with the illegal immigration problem - and not by making them US citizens. And among these awesome republicans, we need a leader who can connect with the American people. The problem is, I don't see those qualities in the republicans we have now. Maybe the teabaggers will find some, I don't know. But even a RINO is better than the dems we have now - a fact that would have saved this country if voters realized that last election.

BTW, the so called liberals in power now, are not really liberals. Liberal is closer to libertarian. The "liberals" we have now are the progressives (from the early 1900s) that have hijacked the party.
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