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Uktony43 09-26-2009 10:03 AM

Bi male wants to be enforced into a shemale
Im a bi male wanting someone to turn me into a shemale willing to have hormones ,breast implants and any thing else to be done

franalexes 09-26-2009 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Uktony43 (Post 108277)
Im a bi male wanting someone to turn me into a shemale willing to have hormones ,breast implants and any thing else to be done

No you aren't.
You are an over sexed idiot.

No sane person would want to be forced through transition.

How many porn sites did you look at before you arrived here and how many beers later was it?

johndowe 09-26-2009 12:23 PM

Hi there.

Are you a TV, TS, or something else?


johndowe 09-26-2009 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by franalexes (Post 108297)
No you aren't.
You are an over sexed idiot.

No sane person would want to be forced through transition.

How many porn sites did you look at before you arrived here and how many beers later was it?

Hi there.


There is a wright way to do things and a wrong way, that was the wrong way.

Read my post and the subsequent ones to see how to do things ther right way conserning things like thes.

Remember the "TROLL" kidlife? Well you are reacting like him!


franalexes 09-26-2009 12:32 PM

I missed my hormone shots and I have a hand gun.
Any questions there John?

Bionca 09-26-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by johndowe (Post 108300)
Hi there.


There is a wright way to do things and a wrong way, that was the wrong way.

Read my post and the subsequent ones to see how to do things ther right way conserning things like thes.

Remember the "TROLL" kidlife? Well you are reacting like him!


Fran said what I would have said. I would have said it differently, but the end result would have been the same.

Trans* is something you are not something you become. It is not a sexual kink, it is not a way to snag partners, it is not an exotic adventure.

Transition surgeries hurts physically. Hormones can be dangerous not to mention totally fuck with your emotions. The legal aspects are a bloody nightmare.

Porn makes this so sexy and enticing. Reality, like a brick needs to shatter that for the unwary.

Fran - :respect::respect::respect:

franalexes 09-26-2009 01:39 PM

This sisterly thing works pretty well.
Thanks Bionca. :hug::kiss::kiss::kiss:

johndowe 09-26-2009 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by franalexes (Post 108301)
I missed my hormone shots and I have a hand gun.
Any questions there John?

Hi there.

Well, fran i AM truely disappointed in you, i know that transitionning from m2f is not a joy ride, and it is VERY far from it, but you did OVER REACT, weather or not you admit it.

And the "Down Girl, Down" i took from you and used your own words against you, hoping you would remember, but no such luck.

And you over reacted here too.

If you are taking offence at the kidlife thing, well the truth stings doesn't it?

In conclusion: After all that you said, you lost a lot of respect from me.


johndowe 09-26-2009 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Bionca (Post 108309)
Fran said what I would have said. I would have said it differently, but the end result would have been the same.

Trans* is something you are not something you become. It is not a sexual kink, it is not a way to snag partners, it is not an exotic adventure.

Transition surgeries hurts physically. Hormones can be dangerous not to mention totally fuck with your emotions. The legal aspects are a bloody nightmare.

Porn makes this so sexy and enticing. Reality, like a brick needs to shatter that for the unwary.

Fran - :respect::respect::respect:

Hi there.

Bionca, after all the exchanges we had, don't you know that i have some idea of the problems that are associated with transitionning? and what problems tgirls go through while and after transitionning?


So, why did i tell her to chill out?

You SHOULD know the reason.

But if you don't i will explain.

She acted like a savage, not thinking before posting, and beeing rude, inconsiderate, and dis-respectfull, this is not what this forum is about, and here and everywhere else for that mater, everybody is entitled to their opinion, weather it is right or wrong, smart or stupid, it is their opinion, you can talk to them if you think or know that they are wrong, but IS THAT WHAT SHE DID? No, she attacked him and dis-respected him, AND in the end IT IS HIS LIFE, he can do whatever he wants with it, wheather you agree with it or not, what she did is the same as the gay bashers do, she didn't understand she attacked, except that she did it through the forrum, less blood of course, but neither is good, both are stupid actions.

It wasn't what she said it was HOW she said it!

And what about that post she directed at me?

Was that well behaved and respectfull?

And you taking her side, after seeing how she responded, i AM disappointed in the both of you.


Be_my_nude 09-26-2009 03:08 PM

Double Whammie needed

You've got a serious problem with motivation. I agree strongly with Bionca and Franalexes. Trouble with this Forum is, if there is to be a specific criticism, it caters for both Porn-hunters and Transition-seekers. It seems to me that at the deeply emotional level the two are diametrically opposed. This is very sad, as it leads to some wretched misunderstandings, especially for the hunters. Don't get me wrong - I'm all for the thrill of the chase, but there is a serious side which cannot be ignored, in fact, MUST not be. This is where you, UKTony, seem to be at.

For myself, I would be very reluctant to undergo F2m without one hell of a lot of soul-searching and consultation.

Advice ? UKT - get some counselling and feedback for the compulsions you have - they might lead to a sadly wrong decision, and then, if you still want to Transition, then do it with GUIDANCE.


GRH 09-26-2009 03:40 PM

Keep in mind that those very same hormones are very likely to make your penis useless. Does that kill some of the fantasy for you?

ila 09-26-2009 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by johndowe (Post 108335)
Hi there.

Bionca, after all the exchanges we had, don't you know that i have some idea of the problems that are associated with transitionning? and what problems tgirls go through while and after transitionning?


So, why did i tell her to chill out?

You SHOULD know the reason.

But if you don't i will explain.

She acted like a savage, not thinking before posting, and beeing rude, inconsiderate, and dis-respectfull, this is not what this forum is about, and here and everywhere else for that mater, everybody is entitled to their opinion, weather it is right or wrong, smart or stupid, it is their opinion, you can talk to them if you think or know that they are wrong, but IS THAT WHAT SHE DID? No, she attacked him and dis-respected him, AND in the end IT IS HIS LIFE, he can do whatever he wants with it, wheather you agree with it or not, what she did is the same as the gay bashers do, she didn't understand she attacked, except that she did it through the forrum, less blood of course, but neither is good, both are stupid actions.

It wasn't what she said it was HOW she said it!

And what about that post she directed at me?

Was that well behaved and respectfull?

And you taking her side, after seeing how she responded, i AM disappointed in the both of you.


John, need I remind you of your less than civilized responses to other members? If you like I can go back through all of your posts and quote them in a thread to illustrate what I mean. Then we can let others decide how respectful you are.

Bionca 09-26-2009 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by johndowe (Post 108335)
Hi there.

Bionca, after all the exchanges we had, don't you know that i have some idea of the problems that are associated with transitionning? and what problems tgirls go through while and after transitionning?


So, why did i tell her to chill out?

You SHOULD know the reason.

But if you don't i will explain.

She acted like a savage, not thinking before posting, and beeing rude, inconsiderate, and dis-respectfull, this is not what this forum is about, and here and everywhere else for that mater, everybody is entitled to their opinion, weather it is right or wrong, smart or stupid, it is their opinion, you can talk to them if you think or know that they are wrong, but IS THAT WHAT SHE DID? No, she attacked him and dis-respected him, AND in the end IT IS HIS LIFE, he can do whatever he wants with it, wheather you agree with it or not, what she did is the same as the gay bashers do, she didn't understand she attacked, except that she did it through the forrum, less blood of course, but neither is good, both are stupid actions.

It wasn't what she said it was HOW she said it!

And what about that post she directed at me?

Was that well behaved and respectfull?

And you taking her side, after seeing how she responded, i AM disappointed in the both of you.


John, this isn't about your understanding of trans stuff. This is about someone (the OP) being offensive and Fran and I having a gut-level reaction to that. I don't expect any non-trans member to really understand why this post was problematic or just how much it offended me (and probably Fran). Heck, I don't expect that every trans poster here will get it or agree with what has been said.

Wether it was the OPs intention or not, he makes transitioning - the process of going from M2F a totally passive inaction on his part. It becomes a fetish for him to be made into a Shemale. No thought, no process, just wank material. It slaps every actual transitioning girl who posts here in the face. Girls looking for advice, support, and appreciation.

Civility should be supported and encouraged. Appropriation of trans women's lives should not be made into a Bi guy's fist humps.

johndowe 09-26-2009 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Bionca (Post 108349)
John, this isn't about your understanding of trans stuff. This is about someone (the OP) being offensive and Fran and I having a gut-level reaction to that. I don't expect any non-trans member to really understand why this post was problematic or just how much it offended me (and probably Fran). Heck, I don't expect that every trans poster here will get it or agree with what has been said.

Wether it was the OPs intention or not, he makes transitioning - the process of going from M2F a totally passive inaction on his part. It becomes a fetish for him to be made into a Shemale. No thought, no process, just wank material. It slaps every actual transitioning girl who posts here in the face. Girls looking for advice, support, and appreciation.

Civility should be supported and encouraged. Appropriation of trans women's lives should not be made into a Bi guy's fist humps.

Hi there.

Be that as it may, it doesn't give you the right to bite his head off, and i reiterate:

There is a right way to do things and there is a wrong way, that was the wrong way! PERIOD!

It's not: There is a right way and a wrong way, unless...


Bionca 09-26-2009 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by johndowe (Post 108354)
Hi there.

Be that as it may, it doesn't give you the right to bite his head off, and i reiterate:

There is a right way to do things and there is a wrong way, that was the wrong way! PERIOD!

It's not: There is a right way and a wrong way, unless...



Hit a raw nerve, you get a scream.

OTOH - What should have been said to the OP?

franalexes 09-26-2009 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Uktony43 (Post 108277)
Im a bi male wanting someone to turn me into a shemale willing to have hormones ,breast implants and any thing else to be done

Dear Mr. UK
The tone of your message appears to lack sicerity.
Could you rephrase that with more unity, emphasis and coherance?

( the sexiest redhead pre-op' transexual you could ever hope to meet )

johndowe 09-26-2009 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by ila (Post 108348)
John, need I remind you of your less than civilized responses to other members? If you like I can go back through all of your posts and quote them in a thread to illustrate what I mean. Then we can let others decide how respectful you are.

Hi there.

You saw what she wrote, and you tell ME to chill out?

DID you READ what i wrote or did you just see the words "savage, rude, inconsiderate and dis-respectfull" and nothing else?

Well, why don't you do that, but don't forget to also quote what i was responding to.

PS. I am respectfull when i am respected, and i don't sugar coat things that need to be said, i just say it, in my family, when there was something hard to do, they all left it for me to do, it had to be done i did it, everybody expected good results, i got good results, because when someone needed a slap in the face i gave them a slap in the face, as far as i'm conserned i was the only one with balls in my family, that's why i left them, i don't like weak shit, i don't like it when someone attacks someone unprovoked, and if i can i interviene.


ila 09-26-2009 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by johndowe (Post 108361)
Hi there.

You saw what she wrote, and you tell ME to chill out?......

Actually, John, I didn't tell you to chill out. I was just reminding you that you have not always been so respctful to others.

franalexes 09-26-2009 05:38 PM

, i AM disappointed in the both of you.


Gee Bionca, 35,000 members and we lost one.
( moment of silence here)
on with life!

Bionca 09-26-2009 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by johndowe (Post 108361)
PS. I am respectfull when i am respected, and i don't sugar coat things that need to be said, i just say it, in my family, when there was something hard to do, they all left it for me to do, it had to be done i did it, everybody expected good results, i got good results, because when someone needed a slap in the face i gave them a slap in the face, as far as i'm conserned i was the only one with balls in my family, that's why i left them, i don't like weak shit, i don't like it when someone attacks someone unprovoked, and if i can i interviene.


Then you should fully understand Fran's reply. No sugar, said what needed said, slap in the face... etc.

There was ample provocation.

johndowe 09-26-2009 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by ila (Post 108363)
Actually, John, I didn't tell you to chill out. I was just reminding you that you have not always been so respctful to others.

Hi there.

But, again, was FRAN RESPECTFUL of UKTONY43?

Did she act like a savage?

Was she rude?


johndowe 09-26-2009 05:49 PM

Hi there.

No i don't see the offence, i see a guy who has a very unrealistic fantasy and needs to be told, but not like Fran did, that's what the gay bashers think and do.


ila 09-26-2009 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by johndowe (Post 108373)
Hi there.

No i don't see the offence, i see a guy who has a very unrealistic fantasy and needs to be told, but not like Fran did, that's what the gay bashers think and do.


I think Fran put it very succinctly even if it was somewhat blunt. It looks to me like Fran delivered a reality check, backed up Bionca and GRH.

Bionca 09-26-2009 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by johndowe (Post 108373)
Hi there.

No i don't see the offence, i see a guy who has a very unrealistic fantasy and needs to be told, but not like Fran did, that's what the gay bashers think and do.


Like I said above, I don't expect you to see it. My saying that is not an insult to your understanding or ability to read and process information.

It belittles EVERYTHING I had to do - it is more profoundly insulting than page after page of "shemale" and "real girls" - those are things said out of genuine ignorance. The OP is a statement of willful ignorance and fantasy/wish fulfillment.

And no, what Fran did was tell someone to step off her life and experience and not appropriate it for his own. I was defending the single most important thing I ever did. This is not the same as gay bashers.

Bionca 09-26-2009 06:18 PM


3 of 3 trans women here have a problem with the post. Getting 3 TGs to agree on anything is a rare event. Obviously there is something in the post this hits a nerve. In a single simple sentence the OP erases years of lived experience and reality. In one tiny statement reality and motivation are replaced by fantasy and fetish. That is not something that a person who is not Trans is going to easily be able to get. But, it is real and it has history and it never ends well for trans women.

9yneGuy 09-26-2009 06:22 PM

I see what Bionca is saying and I have to agree with her last post. I could see how this could be offensive; belittling something so important and turning into a simple sex fantasy. That's just offensive and wrong.

No offense to you Uktony, but I have to tell you that that's a ridiculous fantasy.

johndowe 09-26-2009 06:34 PM

Hi there.

Bionca, i always try to see arguemants from all the the participant's perspectives, i believe that i did that, and that's why i told fran to chill out, it was his fantasy, she got offended and cried blody murder, i try to make the peace, i get threatend by fran, then you and fran get on my back about how you feel about what he said, which i understood, but not to the full extent, but it's the HOW SHE DID IT that i object to, you have feelings, so do i, i have a brain, so do you, i can control my emotions 99% of the time, so can you, and this ISN'T a 1% of the time, as far as i am conserned, and you yourself stated that you would have done it differently, so where's the beef?

Also, for all we know he could be a transsexual, but s/he is afraid to start transitionning and needs a little push...


Talvenada 09-26-2009 08:51 PM

The circus is in town!!

cyba 09-27-2009 03:05 AM


wanting someone to turn me into a shemale
that's the difficult part to understand.

SandraB 09-30-2009 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by franalexes (Post 108301)
I missed my hormone shots and I have a hand gun.
Any questions there John?

You have a gun that shoots through the internet, cool, where did you get it?
i sure could use one.


franalexes 09-30-2009 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by SandraB (Post 109071)
You have a gun that shoots through the internet, cool, where did you get it?
i sure could use one.


:lol::lol: Oh Sandra, that is a chuckle how you mis-quote what I said or meant.
But gurl we have all been there haven't we?
It's an age old question as to why there are more horses asses than there are horses. But I hope I've already met my share.


littletwink 07-15-2012 08:45 AM

I don't understand why guys are not entitled to have forced feminization fantasies.

The more, the merrier, I say.

tslust 07-16-2012 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by littletwink (Post 218371)
I don't understand why guys are not entitled to have forced feminization fantasies.

The more, the merrier, I say.

Well the ladies were experssing their feelings about their lifestyle being turned into a perverted fetich. And it's not about him siply haing a fantasy. The OP was asking to be forced into becoming a "shemale". His motivation is out of a sexual kink. What he, and many other guys (possibly yourself?) don't understand is that transitioning is a LIFESTYLE and can be very dangerous. I'm not just talking about the obvious medical concerns.

It's one thing to crossdress in the safety of your own house, where no one else can see you. Or to invite/meet guys or even GGs whom on some level enjoy the same pursuit (Either the guy likes dressing, himself or he just want's a gurl with something extra.) It's a whole other matter actually to step outside and I don't mean going to a club when they're having a drag queen night. The reason these ladies are upset is because the OP is trying to bring their lifestyle down to the same level as his fetich.

(Granted, I'm not living 24/7 as a female yet.) Do you realize that there are people who would kill us just for being who we are? Just last week, while talking online at an unnamed dating site, my life was threatened multiple times by guys who suspected that I might not be a GG.

dan 07-16-2012 09:48 PM

What an ugly thread to resurrect ! The worst, maybe. Something out of the museum of horrors.
T-women are confronted to so much hardships and so many challenges, both intimately and socially, I can understand why you and other ladies would be upset by such a fetish, tslust. Besides, there is indeed some real psychos out there. I just can’t understand why some people are so enraged by diverging ways of living life, especially when it doesn’t touch theirs in any fashion. I guess that most often, the values they seem to think so solid are not very well assured in their own lives… Shows much uncertainty on their part despite the rigid and moralistic fa?ade they present.
Anyways, tslust, be careful; I enjoy reading your posts and I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.

littletwink 07-18-2012 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by tslust (Post 218492)
Well the ladies were experssing their feelings about their lifestyle being turned into a perverted fetich. And it's not about him siply haing a fantasy. The OP was asking to be forced into becoming a "shemale". His motivation is out of a sexual kink. What he, and many other guys (possibly yourself?) don't understand is that transitioning is a LIFESTYLE and can be very dangerous. I'm not just talking about the obvious medical concerns.

It's one thing to crossdress in the safety of your own house, where no one else can see you. Or to invite/meet guys or even GGs whom on some level enjoy the same pursuit (Either the guy likes dressing, himself or he just want's a gurl with something extra.) It's a whole other matter actually to step outside and I don't mean going to a club when they're having a drag queen night. The reason these ladies are upset is because the OP is trying to bring their lifestyle down to the same level as his fetich.

(Granted, I'm not living 24/7 as a female yet.) Do you realize that there are people who would kill us just for being who we are? Just last week, while talking online at an unnamed dating site, my life was threatened multiple times by guys who suspected that I might not be a GG.

I am not happy to hear you have been threatened just for being yourself.

Isn't porn such a great equalizer though? There are a great many aggressive male homophobes who have said they have no desire to be with other men while admitting they do not want to find out if they might like it. Yet those same guys will watch 'straight' porn and have no reservations about looking at another man's cock.

I am happy that this site is generally supportive of real-life TS women and men as well as CDs/TVs, but am I crazy for thinking it should be ok to discuss kink on a site that features so much pornography of willing adults?

I know some very nice guys who love forced feminization or sissification sessions and an often included aspect of that involves the dominant woman or M2F CF referring to the submissive male as a 'weak little girl' or something like that, the implication being that female is inherently inferior to or weaker than male. It' s just their fantasy, it doesn't make it true.

Some of those guys are hardcore into the fantasy and will even take hormones for months in the hopes of their breasts becoming more tender. They are taking on a partial transition for their own reasons and I don't think kink should be outlawed. Real TS women are certainly entitled to scoff at those individuals, but as a part-time CD/TV myself who has been teased about my preferences and behaviors, I don't think my lifestyle has any real impact on TS's except as much as my 'non-queer' friends find me an acceptable part of their lives, despite my queerness.

I am not a TS, but there are times when I identify as a woman and I sometimes like playing dress up with my wife and some girlfriends and allowing them to do some of those things in the realm of feminization.

dan 07-19-2012 06:11 PM

Littletwink, I think you’re right on the principle. We should be able to discuss kinky fantasies such as this one on this site. It seems to me the problem emerges when we try to compare the incomparable. You yourself are by your own admission a transvestite. You take pleasure in sometimes dressing as a woman and assuming a woman’s role. And there is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary. A transsexual is someone who feels desperately trapped in a body that doesn’t fit his/her inner feeling of gender identity. In all probability, it’s a crushing feeling of inadequacy that as to be overcome by an enormous work on the physical self, by any usual standards. A transsexual has no choice, a situation which differs completely with that of a transvestite, of course. There lies the problem, as much as I can tell: it’s that implicit suggestion that this fantasy, which is a weird, very extreme form of transvestism, especially if you go as far as acting it out, has anything to do with the harsh reality of a transsexual woman. Wouldn’t you acknowledge that it doesn’t?
I think we can agree to discuss anything indeed, but it has to take a respectful form that is somewhat lacking here (and I don’t mean to point to you personally: on the contrary, you express yourself with respect). The comparison in itself is shocking. I can’t substitute myself to the ladies in such matter, but I suppose it is their opinion on it.

tslust 07-28-2012 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by littletwink (Post 218618)
Isn't porn such a great equalizer though? There are a great many aggressive male homophobes who have said they have no desire to be with other men while admitting they do not want to find out if they might like it. Yet those same guys will watch 'straight' porn and have no reservations about looking at another man's cock.

I am happy that this site is generally supportive of real-life TS women and men as well as CDs/TVs, but am I crazy for thinking it should be ok to discuss kink on a site that features so much pornography of willing adults?

Homophobes are so :censored: hypocritical. Most of them are secretly gay. They manifest their hatred of themselves, coupled with trying to show how masculine and "straight" they are, onto others. So instead of dealing with their issues, they decide to take it out on a gay or trans person. To quote Ron White, "We're all gay, it's just to what extent are you gay?"

I totally understand the forced femmination/femm domination fetichs. I'm not saying people can't discuss them. What I was refering to is the people who can't understand the difference between a fetich and a lifestyle. What the OP was talking about was some kind of role-playing fantasy. A M2F (or even F2M, just to be fair) transition should never be forced on someone. It should be a personal decision made after a lot of soul searching and maybee some counseling.

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