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LuvAmy 05-28-2009 08:34 PM

How Often Have You Already Thought In Suicid?
how often have you already thought in suicid?


B: once per week

C: on time per month

D: one time per year

E: I'm always happy.suizid is for loser!

F: what is this?

G: other

Kimmy_t 05-28-2009 08:40 PM

Woah personal one, luckily I'm rather open.

B. Once a week, for about a decade I guess.

Why this question though, are you ok? If not you might wanna go find support from a friend, family member or even just a suicide support chat.

Sorry if I jumped the gun, just caring. :)

Kimsy :kiss:

rockabilly 05-28-2009 08:55 PM

Thats a serious question and deserves a serious answer. I used to think about suicide every day for years. I know how lonely and dark things can get. I was told i was ugly, worthless,stupid and nobody would ever want me. So suicide was tempting ... that would show them. But suicide is not the answer my friend. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, when you hit bottom the only place to go is up. I know it gets tough and sad but we carry on. I hope this helps, there are support groups & counseling.

megawatty101 05-28-2009 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by LuvAmy (Post 86051)
how often have you already thought in suicid?


B: once per week

C: on time per month

D: one time per year

E: I'm always happy.suizid is for loser!

F: what is this?

G: other

I'll say never. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I've seen enough young people die horrible painful deaths to just throw my life away. Life is a GIFT!

LuvAmy 05-28-2009 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by rockabilly (Post 86055)
Thats a serious question and deserves a serious answer. I used to think about suicide every day for years. I know how lonely and dark things can get. I was told i was ugly, worthless,stupid and nobody would ever want me. So suicide was tempting ... that would show them. But suicide is not the answer my friend. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, when you hit bottom the only place to go is up. I know it gets tough and sad but we carry on. I hope this helps, there are support groups & counseling.

thank u very much :)

it was just a question..cause i have try 2 times to kill me( but it is SO long ago ..i'm not the youngest,but i know what it means,when u wake up in an hospital and u dont know WHERE u are,cause u hope of ur death..before

but is many many many years ago ^^

.and i NEVER do it again...

...NOT that i like my life so much,but i fight for a better life everyday...

thx for interest :hug:

(sorry for my bad english)

LuvAmy 05-28-2009 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Kimmy_t (Post 86054)
Woah personal one, luckily I'm rather open.

B. Once a week, for about a decade I guess.

Why this question though, are you ok? If not you might wanna go find support from a friend, family member or even just a suicide support chat.

Sorry if I jumped the gun, just caring. :)

Kimsy :kiss:

thank you << u are very sweet :kiss:
yes,i have support from a doctor.i hope u too? :kiss:

(sorry for my bad english)

tslust 05-29-2009 12:48 AM

When I was younger I used to be suicidal. I honestly can't say why; I mean there were many different factors involved, not just one thing. I would feel that I was worthless and a disappointment. I thought that everyone would be better off if I wasn't even born. I had even made several attempts. But then one day something just clicked. All those self-destructive thoughts just vanished.
I still get sad sometimes, but nothing like how it used to be.

mustang1 05-29-2009 05:46 AM

This is a tough topic, but I guess its good that someone feels its an ok place to raise it. Its not uncommon!! I suffered an episode of clinical depression after the death of each of my parents (8 years apart).

I never really contemplated suicide but I certainly learned how people do, you see the world in a much different, black and everything pointless kind of way. I remember seeing an old man in the street one day, and wondering how anyone could stand the agony of living so long.

But in each case it passed in about 6 months. The first time was scarier because I didn't realise it would pass, and I didn't have treatment. The second time I got treatment, but it still lasted 6 months, then just went away, and I've never had it since (that was 20 years ago). But I now know that if one of my family died, I'd be at serious risk of another episode.

It sounds crazy really but I look on it now as a positive, as it helped me understand what other people can suffer.

Kimmy_t 05-29-2009 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by mustang1 (Post 86117)
you see the world in a much different, black and everything pointless kind of way. I remember seeing an old man in the street one day, and wondering how anyone could stand the agony of living so long.

I so recognise that thought!


Originally Posted by LuvAmy (Post 86061)
thank you << u are very sweet :kiss:
yes,i have support from a doctor.i hope u too? :kiss:

(sorry for my bad english)

Yeah I'm a more stable than about a year ago, and I'm in treatment. And don't worry about your english I understand you just fine. :)


Originally Posted by megawatty101 (Post 86059)
I've seen enough young people die horrible painful deaths to just throw my life away. Life is a GIFT!

While I don't really feel that life is a gift, it is a waste sometimes how people throw it away. A few months ago I lost a friend(also a t-girl) to suicide, and I kept thinking "but you could have been so happy and beautiful if you got through this!", but I do believe the current outcome might have been better for her.

Deep topic, interesting. :)


TracyCoxx 05-29-2009 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by LuvAmy (Post 86051)
how often have you already thought in suicid?


B: once per week

C: on time per month

D: one time per year

E: I'm always happy.suizid is for loser!

F: what is this?

G: other

G - I don't think about suicide, but I am not always happy. Whatever problems you have cannot be solved by giving yourself the biggest problem of all - being dead. People often think they have limited options when they're in a bind. If you're dead your options dwindle down to zero and you have no more control over your fate than a rock does. If you're thinking of suicide, it's time to get more creative about solutions to your problems because suicide is just about the most permanent and drastic option you can take. If you're thinking of drastic options, think about drastic constructive options.

I hope you put suicide out of your head and wish you luck.

Kimmy_t 05-29-2009 11:50 AM

I guess it's just when the amount of pain rises above the capacity of you coping mechanisms.

bossymax1981 05-29-2009 12:07 PM

I have had 4 attempts but no luck.

1. overdosage of valium 26 pcs
2. 100 speed driving and full break
3. cut wrist in tub
4. overdosage of sleeping pills with alcohol 31 pcs

But now, I never do it again. Don't ever kill yourself because of a man because of Love, Love yourself first before loving someone.


hankhavelock 05-30-2009 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by TracyCoxx (Post 86135)
G - I don't think about suicide, but I am not always happy. Whatever problems you have cannot be solved by giving yourself the biggest problem of all - being dead. People often think they have limited options when they're in a bind. If you're dead your options dwindle down to zero and you have no more control over your fate than a rock does. If you're thinking of suicide, it's time to get more creative about solutions to your problems because suicide is just about the most permanent and drastic option you can take. If you're thinking of drastic options, think about drastic constructive options.

I hope you put suicide out of your head and wish you luck.

I agree with Tracy's approach here.

I've never considered anything even near to it - I love my life even when it's difficult - but I have empathy enough to understand the devastation that others feel.

This brings me to the fact that suicide is doubly common within transsexual communities than the average. And that's why it's so important that we all start taking transsexuality seriously and stop neglecting the sad fact that for many trans*women this is a hard and unjust world.

And we all have an obligation to enlighten the hetero*ppl around us as to the hardships of trans*life as well as the beauty of it.

It's time that we move out of our hidden shelves and spread the message. I've done so for four years, and I'm surely rather alone about it.


TGFL86 05-30-2009 07:13 PM

Never. Permenant solution to most of the times a temporary problem.

NCC-1701 05-30-2009 07:25 PM

It makes me feel so sick that life can be so disgusting to/hard on people, especially t-girls and other people who just need someone to be there for them. I just dont get why everything has to be so complicated. The worlds governments grew up in a world were difference was frowned upon. and i think they should learn that t-girls have as much right to anything as anyone else. I know i dont really have the right to explain this stuff, because i understand very little on the subject.

It makes me so sad that people commit suicide because of such stupid reasons. :( (well, the reasons arent stupid to the persons involved of course, i mean situations that can be resolved in time)

I have never considered suicide, i have no reason to. (lucky me, eh? :( )

الدكتور العراقي 05-30-2009 07:27 PM

I'm always happy.suizid is for loser!

this is my answer ,, cuz nothing is worth to die for

LuvAmy 05-30-2009 08:00 PM


i'm glad that u all say ur opinion ..:)

..but NOBODY wake up and say for yourself" TODAY is a very good day to kill myself.." -.-

its a VERY VERY LONG prozess^^

i can speak just for myself ..of course ..

.. and i'ts many years ago <- i try to kill myself with alcohol and hunderts of valium too ..

.. i repeat : I'TS long time ago and i DO it never again!

luv u all :kiss:

NCC-1701 05-30-2009 08:07 PM

I am glad you will never do it again! :) good move :)

LuvAmy 05-30-2009 09:02 PM


NCC-1701 05-31-2009 04:53 PM

haha, thanks :D

aa2239 06-01-2009 10:58 AM

Yes, I've suffered from depression before, and know how dark and isolating it can be... so I too am glad that you're well past that LuvAmy, well done :) In my case, I have to constantly be vigilant and self-regulate my own mood, because I've discovered that I'm one of those people who's more likely than most to slip into depression... I just don't cope well with disappointment or difficult circumstances... but I address the problem by disciplining myself mentally, and always focusing on the important things in life... like gorgeous shemales lol :) Basically, I'm trying to say that a person can determine their own state of mind, and thereby stop themselves from slipping into a depressive mental state.... to a greater or lesser extent. The power of positive thinking, and all that stuff.

GRH 06-03-2009 01:03 PM

As a member of the queer/trans community, I can say that I've been suicidal in the past. And to be honest, I'll probably be suicidal in the future. It's a part of me that I've slowly learned to live with. I suffer from major depression that comes and goes; right now I'm on meds and fairly stable. But I know what it's like when life is so dark that death seems to be the only viable solution, and I know what it's like to carry a lot of repressed self-loathing. When I drink, it tends to come out moreso. I've had weeks on end where, despite a sunny and beautiful day, I can't get the thought of dying out of my head. Things like running your car into a tree at high speed suddenly become very attractive.

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