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DoryLee 10-29-2009 03:03 AM

Hormones affecting erectile dysfuction
Hey guys, I'm having FFS and boobjob surgery this Feb. Male to Ladyboy, basically.

I was thinking about starting hormones before surgery, but then I read about how they can cause erectile dysfunction which scared the bejesus out of me. Arguably that's the price you pay for the feminization effects of hormones, but I'm not sure if I wanna pay that price just yet...which is why I'm doing research right now.

Can you guys tell me your opinion with it, your experiences...whether you think it's worth it. What dosage are you in, etc. How your sex drive, too? I wanna hear and read as much as I can about this issue before I make a decision. On the one hand I like the feminization effects, on the other hand I don't want it screwing up my junk. Talk about a double-edged sword.

Very desperate to hear opinions...please share them!!! Don't hold back details.

(I met a doctor yesterday and I'll anyway need a pshycologist approval before I get any hormones, so I'm still on the waiting list...which is good, since I still haven't fully formed a decision)


CuriousGirl 10-30-2009 07:34 AM


Maybe you could ask if surgical castration might be a better choice. NOTE, please that I am NOT advocating that or any other approach. After all, I "don't have a dog in this fight", being a genetic female.
I admit that I am intrigued by castrated T-Girls and have found images of obviously castrated girls who, at least at the time the pics or vids were made, did indeed have erections, though some were not maybe so firm as they might have managed before castration. There are vids wherein three Japanese Newhalfs, Yuka, Miki, and Hime, have orgasms and produce a little semen even though their penises show typical eunuch shrinkage (or were pretty small to start with, except for Hime's, which was "normal" in size before the effects set in.)
Castration will likely result in some feminizing effects in your body and if hormones are needed to achieve those to a greater degree, they can be taken then stopped when you wish. Taking male hormones in small doses later may help restore or maintain erectile/orgasmic function to a degree satisfactory to you and a partner.
Again, I am NOT trying to sell you on the plan but I feel you should explore all avenues.

Best wishes!

megalops 10-30-2009 01:58 PM

Dory, maybe a solution is a trial run on female hormones. If you don't like the results you can always stop.

I've been curious, if one is castrated and is taking female hormones, does it (the female hormones) have any effect on getting or keeping erections? Or is testosterone the only solution? What would viagra do for a castrated ladyboy?

Bionca 10-30-2009 06:05 PM

One thing that is very hard to find is information on how to maintain erection on HRT. The reason? Because hormones and dosage are tailored to the individual. HRT can also be dangerous, and mixing your dosage up randomly can increase your risk for blood clots or liver and kidney damage.

What I normally hear are gals who take their meds until they start to lose sexual interest. Actually, it is the sex drive changing rather than being lost. Anyway, they will then stop taking the meds awhile and start up again.

The issue is not the estrogen, but the anti-androgens that you take to assist the estrogen in feminization. There is also so debate as to what the correct dose of Spiro (or other anti-androgens) should be for transition, since what we get often puts our testosterone levels well below the average of non-trans women our general age/build/etc.

So, talk this over with your Endo and see what they say. If your your therapist tries to push you to either NOT transition, OR to get SRS (if you don't wat it) get a new one.

Viagara also works as I have been told.

beginner 12-17-2009 02:10 PM

Hormones and Erection
First I want to congratulate everybody for the very good forum we have.
Now the question: I have now a TG girlfriend who I first knew some years ago. Then she had erections just like me, and I loved that.
She was away 3/4 years and took some doses of female hormones by herself but stopped. Some months ago we met and started that relationship, but now she can't get erections anymore; but she can still cum.
I would like to know if the effects of the female hormones will disappear with the time, or if she needs to take now male hormones (with medical assistance) to be able to get erections again.
Bionca has already expressed some advices about that subject, but not to such a concrete question.
Thank you very much for your answers.

Bionca 12-18-2009 06:11 PM

Hormones are tough to gauge as the way they affect the body has so many variations - dosage, initial levels of estrogen/testosterone, genetic makeup, etc. It could be that just reducing the levels of estrogen and/or anti-androgens will do it, or maybe not. If yes, then the results won't be evident probably for a few months or longer. The down side is some of the feminizing parts fo HRT will also start to diminish.

She could take Viagra and probably get some of that back. I understand that many of the gals in the sex industry do just that. I agree with you that any mucking about with her HRT should be done under a doctor's observation since it isn't something that's safe to adjust on your own.

It brings up one thing that has recently been bothering me. The recommended levels of hormones for transition are FAR greater/lesser than would be found in average women. There are some within the community who feel this is a hold-over from the 50's and 60's when pre-op trans women were expected/assumed to be completely sexless until SRS. Evidence of sexual activity (particularly if it involved our penis) was reason to deny any further progress and access to any transition resources.

TheSkronkDonkey 12-20-2009 02:58 AM

Bionca, your knowledge, your insights and your presence continue to impress. Thank you for being you and choosing to continue to share some of your time here.

merelypink 12-21-2009 08:10 AM

viagra can take care of that

Amy 12-22-2009 05:45 AM

Viagra tends to be the only way anyone I know has found to get around it.

sarawithacock 12-22-2009 12:45 PM

First post...

It's certainly an issue...though I've found the more I use the less I seem to lose, so to speak. But I hardly can say that would be a universal truth.

There are many variables I suppose.


Shemale Charli 12-23-2009 06:08 PM

I will have been on hormones for 5 years come June 24th of 2010. However so far, I have always been able to perform. What I was told by my doctor who was speaking at the trans health conference in Philadelphia, stated that there is a pill that contains estrogen and testosterone. She said this, because alot of the girls were telling her that they have to work. As far as all the viagra talk, I never heard my doctor mention it once. But I quess it sounds practical. As for me, I told my doctor to go full steam ahead with the estrogen. I want no effects of testosterone. If I ever did run into that probelm, I would just go take viagra.

beginner 12-27-2009 12:46 PM

Thank you so much for all your answers:rolleyes:. Most of you think that VIAGRA will do in that situation. But is it safe? There are no dangers like the ones that happen when you take female hormones without medical assistance?
And, by the way, have any of the TG girls here taken VIAGRA to get an erection? And does it last?
Thank you all again

zoftigz 04-10-2010 01:49 AM

what are the affects of the horomones on the tgirls?
Is it true that hormones really make the girls impenitent? What are some of the other negative affects of hormone treatment?

pretty_ladyboy 04-10-2010 02:56 AM

taking hormones will take away your sexual desires in short you will be "impotent" thats why I avoid them

markie v 04-10-2010 04:53 AM

Of course Hormones will take away sexual desires, most real Women have a low sex drive (excption of Nymphomaniac's). If you want to be and look like a Girl you must be willing to accept a lower sex drive.

P.S. A Nymphomaniac with a Penis is called a Male.

smc 04-10-2010 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by markie v (Post 141632)
Of course Hormones will take away sexual desires, most real Women have a low sex drive (excption of Nymphomaniac's). If you want to be and look like a Girl you must be willing to accept a lower sex drive.

P.S. A Nymphomaniac with a Penis is called a Male.

Where do people come up with this kind of crap? The belief that women have a low sex drive compared to men is rooted in Puritanism, and genuine research has shown that sex drives are largely comparable. To the degree that there is the appearance of a lower sex drive in women, it is attributed to a higher rate of clinical depression among women, and appears to be reversed quite easily by anti-depressant drugs.

And by the way, I am sure there are plenty of girls with penises who are nymphomaniacs, either for real or self-described!

Natalie_J 04-10-2010 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by markie v (Post 141632)
Of course Hormones will take away sexual desires, most real Women have a low sex drive (excption of Nymphomaniac's). If you want to be and look like a Girl you must be willing to accept a lower sex drive.

P.S. A Nymphomaniac with a Penis is called a Male.


Do you actually know any GGs?

IronCity 04-10-2010 09:28 AM

I too think that if your are interested in using HRT and then find out you cant become hard .... ask your doc before hand about viagra or a similar drug to get "the blood flowing" again. HRT will make you look much more femme and you can still have a raging hard on. MMMMM Raging girl cock!!!!! Delicious!!

markie v 04-11-2010 12:51 AM

Yep I am married too one and I have been with many and almost all of them had hardly any sex drive.


Originally Posted by Natalie_J (Post 141640)

Do you actually know any GGs?

smc 04-11-2010 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by markie v (Post 141758)
Yep I am married too one and I have been with many and almost all of them had hardly any sex drive.

Every GG I've been with had a sex drive equal to mine. Perhaps it is you?

markie v 04-11-2010 01:28 AM

Well then I must have a higher drive than most then.


Originally Posted by smc (Post 141760)
Every GG I've been with had a sex drive equal to mine. Perhaps it is you?

Irena 04-14-2010 06:41 AM

I was on the hormonal therapy past about 10 months. I got small B-cup breast, wide hips, more round ass. At first when I was start I got emotionally unbalanced (very often cry). I got some pain in my testicles, when I try got hard it was paintfully too After few months I can't got erect. I had to stopped my therapy (from reason of money), and after some time my erection back, but I can't got fully erect now.

Fur-oh-cious 07-17-2010 12:47 PM

Erectile dysfunction is a real possibility when taking antiandrogens &/or estrogen, but again, it really depends on a few things. And even if you can still get hard, using testosterone antagonists like those above may still shrink penis size somewhat, which may or may not be desired.

Erections depend on a lot of hormones- testosterone, estrogen, testosterone derivatives like DHT (which is associated with body hair and baldness of the scalp), growth hormone, etc. One also needs good cardiovascular health and adequate mineral balance (which is why diuretics can soften erections), besides good neurotransmitter balance (one reasons why antidepressants can kill not only libido but also erectile function). It's a good idea to have some lab tests on hormones while everything still works to find a baseline of what you might need again to regain function. Besides testosterone and estrogen, ask for tests on other hormones named above, or buy your own tests.

When one imbalance exists, it often causes others, so it becomes difficult to address a single one and expect much results. Despite this, there are methods to obtain/maintain erections.

Viagra/cialis is a possible option. In porn, lots of men use so-called injectable "viagra", which is often caverject or some other injectable solution that can induce erections. Both oral viagra and injectable "viagra" can result in priapism, so it's worth keeping some sudafed handy and being prepared to do some exercise just in case an erection doesn't seem to go down.
I believe a urethral suppository to induce erections called Muse was removed, but I'm not sure. There is another option called "Tri-mix" (or "bi-mix" or "quad-mix"- depending on how many chemicals are combined), which can also be injected or applied as a gel.

Assuming good health, one could add the mental and "pc muscle" approach of kegels and meditatation with visualization to maintain erections.

JodieTs 07-19-2010 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by DoryLee (Post 114365)
Hey guys, I'm having FFS and boobjob surgery this Feb. Male to Ladyboy, basically.

Who is your FFS surgeon?

racquel 07-19-2010 09:41 PM

I get a fairly non-trans vibe from the OP, and I doubt there are many doctors that would prescribe hormones for her or psychologists who would say it was a good idea.


I've been on HRT over two years. I take 200mg Spiro/day and inject estradiol once a week and I can get a good erection with the right person. I didn't have sex for the first year of HRT, though, and I didn't get any erections during that time.

If you're full of testosterone you wake up with an erection and get several throughout the day when the wind blows the right way.

If you're not full of testosterone, you have to be legitimately turned on to get an erection. And it's a lot more mental. I think a lot of T-girls hate their penises enough that as soon as they don't have the testosterone-induced erections, they don't have erections at all. Many girls even stop having them before they even start HRT.

And like Bianca said, everybody's different.

JodieTs 07-20-2010 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by CuriousGirl (Post 114569)

Maybe you could ask if surgical castration might be a better choice. NOTE, please that I am NOT advocating that or any other approach. After all, I "don't have a dog in this fight", being a genetic female.
I admit that I am intrigued by castrated T-Girls and have found images of obviously castrated girls who, at least at the time the pics or vids were made, did indeed have erections, though some were not maybe so firm as they might have managed before castration. There are vids wherein three Japanese Newhalfs, Yuka, Miki, and Hime, have orgasms and produce a little semen even though their penises show typical eunuch shrinkage (or were pretty small to start with, except for Hime's, which was "normal" in size before the effects set in.)
Castration will likely result in some feminizing effects in your body and if hormones are needed to achieve those to a greater degree, they can be taken then stopped when you wish. Taking male hormones in small doses later may help restore or maintain erectile/orgasmic function to a degree satisfactory to you and a partner.
Again, I am NOT trying to sell you on the plan but I feel you should explore all avenues.


Totally, totally, loopy.
  • Castration is irreversible.
  • You cannot later reproduce
    (this is the main reasons that surgeons & psychs will push a patient on this course, really hard)
  • Most / all sex drive will totally stop, for ever
    {a big deal from the OP's original comments}
  • Feminisation effects are small compared to taking oestrogen, as well.
  • Erections for almost all people will stop
  • And (a biggee this so read carefully, kids) you will be at much higher risk of Osteoporosis and need to take drugs for the rest of your life to reduce this risk

Talk to your psych.


JodieTs 07-20-2010 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Bionca (Post 114669)
One thing that is very hard to find is information on how to maintain erection on HRT. The reason? Because hormones and dosage are tailored to the individual. HRT can also be dangerous, and mixing your dosage up randomly can increase your risk for blood clots or liver and kidney damage.

Mileages may vary
& one doesn't know till after being on hormones.
For a lot of people, the loss of sex drive / erections is permanent
and stopping hormones may have no effect on reversing this loss.

If stiffies & male sex drive are such a big deal to a person, then hormones are probably a wrong choice.

I am in favour of a person trying a low dose for a month or so.
They "know" if it is the right thing for them or not
& the effects at that early stage are reversible {meebee}*

*see what I mean about taking advice on the net, from god knows who. :drool:

JodieTs 07-20-2010 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by megalops (Post 114611)
I've been curious,
1. if one is castrated and is taking female hormones, does it (the female hormones) have any effect on getting or keeping erections?
2. Or is testosterone the only solution?
3. What would viagra do for a castrated ladyboy?

1. Yes, huge effect.
2. Kinda, but isn't taking T a bit bonkers, as T counter the effects of oestrogen
{people do though a fair bit in porn, but that is a rather specific & non generalised demographic}
3. erections. but you have to be stimulated to start with as it is not an aphrodisiac.

JodieTs 07-20-2010 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Bionca (Post 123292)
It brings up one thing that has recently been bothering me. The recommended levels of hormones for transition are FAR greater/lesser than would be found in average women. There are some within the community who feel this is a hold-over from the 50's and 60's when pre-op trans women were expected/assumed to be completely sexless until SRS. Evidence of sexual activity (particularly if it involved our penis) was reason to deny any further progress and access to any transition resources.

In the uk the endo's & General Practitioners (GP's)
prescribe doses & adjust hormones according to your bloods.
The aim is a constant T & E level congurent with a Day-1 female

Baseline Testosterone levels:
Male . . . . 10-25 nmol/L
Female. . . . . . 0.5 - 2 nmol/L

Baseline Estrogen 2 Level (midcycle Genetic woman):
120-400 pmol/L

The following are figures previously posted on NuttycaTS, which are similar to the ones above:

Normal testosterone levels:
Adolescent male. . . . 75-400 ng/dl

Adolescent female . . 20 to 64 ng/dl

Adult male. . . . . . . . .300 to 1000 ng/dl or 10.4-34.7 nmol/L (SI units)

Adult female. . . . . . .20-75 ng/dl or .69-2.6 nmol/L (SI units)

Post op transsexual. .can be lower than 3 ng/dl

Blood tests to check:
Liver function test
cholesterol (triglyceride's)

hktinycock 11-03-2011 11:55 PM

I have been a "chemical eunuch" for a few years now, after having taken Androcur, an anti-androgen to stop my testosterone production for several years. I also dappled with estrogen, but full feminization is not my objective.

My own experience is that I did lose a lot of my libido, though it is low but not out. I can get hard, but it becomes painful, because my penis had shrunk and if it does get fully engorged, it feels like its skin feels like it is about to split open.

The few erections I do get are relatively weak and short lived, certainly not enough for penetration. Because of the discomfort, I don't dare try Viagra.

I can achieve orgasm, and there is some clear cum, the look and feel of which is very similar to just a lot of pre-cum.

And I can get orgasm without an erection.

From my own quite extensive research from Eunuch Archive, which has a special section for transsexual issues, Androcur or Spiro work on reducing testosterone. They would impact erections the fastest. But taken for just a short time, it could be reverseable. I can atest to that as I stopped after about 3 or 4 months, and all my functions returned after a few months. (But everybody is affected differently.)

Taking estrogen does not immediately impact on erections. But impact on your testes (such as infertility, and possibly erectile ability) tends to be permanent quite quickly. However, everybody react differently. As for me, when I added estrogen, I get more sexual and libido, but can stay completely soft no matter what we were doing. I could cum completely soft and small. But I often enjoyed the sensuality without any wish to cum. (Feminine feelings?)

So returning to the original first post a couple of years ago, the big question is what do you want. You want feminization but maintain erectile functions. It is a toss up. Everybody is different. The best advise I could suggest is to try in small doses, and continue if you like what you are feeling, and stop immediately if you don't.

Don't jump in with high doses. Effects, regardless of whether you want them or not, become irreversible all that much faster. Meanwhile, high doses of hormones could be very dangerous on your liver as well as many other systems required for your health.

For your reference, I had to stop hormones because I developed anemia, depression, completely loss of energy and ability to concentrate, and weight gains. And from my research, these are some of the most common effects of castration.

My libido remain low. My ability to get erect remain low. My cum remain small amounts of mostly clear fluid. But at least all the nasty side effects stopped. So I am pretty happy with my current status.

Definitely, I would suggest any thought of surgery only after you had been on hormones and have been absolutely sure that you like all the effects ... both the intended and un-intended.

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