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hankhavelock 08-19-2008 02:54 PM

Barack Obama
So what have you decided? You swanky Americans with your (not so) reluctant approach (lately) to rule the world?

Du you still insist on the presidency to belong to a WASP, or are you finally ready to take the necessary step?

If not my prediction is that this will be the century of the Chinese. The dragon has been awoken... and that is a dragon that will probably invoke the nastiest capitalistic jungle law on all of us. Much worse than what even a MiniCock Cheney could have envisioned it (ooo... maybe not).

I'm sure Barack will be a fine president - I'm also sure that he will not be able to do all that much (but he will still do more than most)... but he holds a symbolic value that goes way beyound what even the lill Catholic Bostoner held in his time. And the point is (aside from the fact that electing the American President is actually too important a matter to leave to Americans) that if you guys dont live up to this challenge, then it's truly and very fast down the drain for both American and Western credibility and values. We'll swiftly be overrun by Chinese economy mixed with Muslim ideology.

Our few last years of Western democratic down-fall will be no fun at all!

So elect wisely, guys and girls!


raterdzzz 08-19-2008 03:26 PM

I think Obama will be a great President in the US. Besides, anything is better than the current one, no offense Barack :D

SluttyShemaleAnna 08-20-2008 07:13 AM

I think it's a big step forward that Barack Obama will soon be the first black guy to lose a US presidential election.

GRH 08-20-2008 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by SluttyShemaleAnna (Post 35608)
I think it's a big step forward that Barack Obama will soon be the first black guy to lose a US presidential election.

That a black man could be a serious contender represents real progress. The fact that we will potentially elect a geriatric "Bush v. 2.0" isn't so much a testament to our progress. How our country keeps being duped by those that want to keep the rich wealthy and the middle class poor astounds me.

SluttyShemaleAnna 08-20-2008 08:55 AM

America gets the president it deserves.

Shame the rest of us have to put up with him too.

rhythmic delivery 08-20-2008 12:54 PM

what is the point of the elections in the US, they have already rigged them twice now. i think its quite likly that obama will get in, and i think he is the rite man for the job. but if he gets in you have to ask yourself why whoever it was rigged the election in favor of republicans the last two times why they haven't done it again. i also think if he is elected it will be verry likly that he will be assasinated. (their is still alot of racist people in america, some overtly and alot covertly, they are happy to live next door to a black man but they don't wan't one in power.) they done it to the kenedys and they where white, so i doubt they'll think twice about doing it to a black man.
america has produced some of the greatest leaders of the twentieth century, the kenedy's, martin luther king malcom X martin luther king JR.
and also some of the biggest cunts ever, J edgar hoover, richard milhause nixon, george HW bush and george W bush.

SluttyShemaleAnna 08-20-2008 07:06 PM

I do not think a lone nutter could kill the US president now. The security checks are just too good, I don't see any crazy white supremacists getting through it.

The Kennedys were not killed by white supremacists, they were killed by the mob, Malcom X was killed by his own people, the Nation of Islam, and Martin Luther King was only killed after he spoke out against Vietnam and poverty and the FBI stopped protecting him.

If Obama gets in, he won't be whacked, the clever racists will sit tight, they know he can't do much in 4 years, and the crazy ones will be too crazy to get past his security.

Even if he was look what happened with JFK, as soon that bullet touched his crunchy little cranium, the Civil Rights act was pretty much guaranteed to go through, who would be callous enough to vote against a dead man's bill. If Obama got spatted (especially by a tent head) it would be such a huge uproar it would probably cause a bigger upheaval than if he was just quietly president. Obama is not really radical, and he's not really going to change much, but if he had his brains splattered all over his limo, imagine the outrage, there would be riots in the streets, the US would be shaken to the core, who knows what would happen by hte time the dust settles.

sesame 08-20-2008 09:57 PM

Anna, how romantic you are about Obama's brains! :p

rhythmic delivery 08-21-2008 06:47 PM

The Kennedys were not killed by white supremacists, they were killed by the mob, Malcom X was killed by his own people, the Nation of Islam, and Martin Luther King was only killed after he spoke out against Vietnam and poverty and the FBI stopped protecting him.

the mob or the cia.

sesame 08-21-2008 07:42 PM

John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1963 Dallas
According to conspiracy theorists, JF Kennedy was assassinated not by Lee Harvey Oswald but a well-coordinated group of people connected to the US Govt. Kennedy was an obstruction to the interests of war-loving military officials and politicians and businessmen. Poor disturbed oswald couldnt have pulled it or shoot him from multiple angles alone. Also, his autopsy was very poorly done and the report was edited.

jimnaseum 08-21-2008 11:47 PM

Rove won the elections because he played to 51% of the voters and against 49%. They are businessmen, not leaders. The Iraq War was a hostile business takeover.
Obama is a desciple of a 1930s Activist named Saul Alinsky. He said there are two kinds of power: Money and People.
You can thank George Bush for electing the first black President who will finally look out for the people.
But I'm superstitious. You never know when something really bad is going to happen.

rhythmic delivery 08-22-2008 09:34 AM

the second gunman on the grassy noel

jimnaseum 08-22-2008 01:16 PM

The grassy NOEL, RD? Are you saying the new baby Jesus was killed in an errant drive-by?

I think there really is a chance Obama could be a fantastic President. I'll have to see who he chooses as VP, I want 16 years of Social healing and the return of the middle class. I hope the real deal hasn't shown his cards yet, and we can put this disgraceful 8 years behind us. Bush and Reagan were cardboard cut-outs. I think Obama has real vision. Can he do it? That's the question. All the money is long gone.
As always, hope for the best, expect the worst.

SluttyShemaleAnna 08-22-2008 02:49 PM

I think Obama will turn out to be the next Tony Blair. Smiles a lot, says what we all want to hear, then turns out to be yet another worthless cunt who screws everything up.

ila 08-22-2008 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by GRH (Post 35611)
That a black man could be a serious contender represents real progress.

Why is it that Obama is always referred to as a black man when his mother is white? It would be just as valid to call him a white man.

sesame 08-22-2008 03:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
There you go again, Anna! The usual theme song.
Let the man a fair chance to show his colors first.
Dont crucify him before he does something good or evil.
And then again, he has'nt yet passed the McCain barrier!
Although the Americans are ready to try anything after the Bush nightmare, I have a feeling that they are still prejudiced below the surface. The US is not really ready for a black President. In that light, the political mechanism must have a failsafe hidden somewhere. Or, McCain will win (unlikely). Or, Obama will be a puppet in the hands of someone, he will not have full control. The US is very much of a control freak. If Obama really wins and attains presidency and gets full control,... it will be a miracle!

Ila, put on your glasses and look again, what appears to the eyes? Is it black or white?

GRH 08-22-2008 04:23 PM

Black or white? Haven't you heard of the "one drop rule?" All it takes is one drop of negro blood in the lineage to make you black. However ridiculous this might be, is it any wonder that in today's "progressive" society, a man/woman is still judged by the color of the skin? As sesame suggests, to many, the lineage matters less than the look. And as he also suggests, I too am afraid that there are many subtle racists in America. They are not necessarily the raging, KKK types, but they fear electing anything "other" than the self they see in a mirror. A real travesty in my mind.

SluttyShemaleAnna 08-22-2008 05:25 PM

He's sure blacker than anyone else that's been a presidential contender.

ila 08-22-2008 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by ila
Why is it that Obama is always referred to as a black man when his mother is white? It would be just as valid to call him a white man.


Originally Posted by sesame (Post 35894)
Ila, put on your glasses and look again, what appears to the eyes? Is it black or white?

The fact remains that Obama's father is black and his mother is white. So it would be just as appropriate to call him white as to call him black.

SluttyShemaleAnna 08-22-2008 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by ila (Post 35911)
The fact remains that Obama's father is black and his mother is white. So it would be just as appropriate to call him white as to call him black.

The fact remains that there's no such race as 'black' and no such race as 'white', those are description of skin colour, and Obama is black. The fact that he is of half European and half African decent does not matter, the fact is he ain't white.


ila 08-22-2008 05:42 PM

In Touch With the Middle Class?
Obama's handlers and hangers-on like to portray Obama as having a lot in common with the middle class everyday American yet his higher education consisted of attending Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard Law School. These are three prestigious institutes where you are unlikely to find your typical everyday middle class person. The expenses alone of attending would financially cripple a normal person and the entrance requirements are not exactly set low. So really just how much in common does Obama have with a middle class citizen.

SluttyShemaleAnna 08-22-2008 06:17 PM

Well, with a net worth of 1.3 million, he's not the average chap, but compare that to McCain with 200 million and you can see who's closer.

Obama's family doesn't seem to be particularly rich, so I assume he got a scholarship to Harvard, having a smart guy as president doen't seem like a bad idea. Imagine if people would only vote average intelligence people into power. Eek.

ila 08-22-2008 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by SluttyShemaleAnna (Post 35924)
Well, with a net worth of 1.3 million, he's not the average chap, but compare that to McCain with 200 million and you can see who's closer.

Most of McCain's wealth comes from his second wife.

SluttyShemaleAnna 08-22-2008 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by ila (Post 35925)
Most of McCain's wealth comes from his second wife.

40.4 million of it is from wherever the fuck these rich senators get their money so still 40 times richer than Oboe without wifey.

jimnaseum 08-22-2008 06:59 PM

OK you foreigners, lemme break it down for you.
The Republicans live in the Country, mostly white, and crime free.
Democrats live in the city, more diverse and street wise.
My sister is worth 1.3 million, and she's an idiot. With 2 houses.
Barack is not in anybody's pocket, and the biggest danger is that he'll actually try to do something great and start some kind of War.

If I go into a black neighborhood at 3AM, I'm the most rascist motherfucker you ever saw. Those niggers will steal everything you have if you give them the chance, and I say this with experience. Don't kid yourself.

Obama is the Real Deal, I guarantee you. It's going to be exciting to watch what he does. I'm going to back him as much as I can. I sat on my Dad's shoulders at JFK's funeral. It was great to be an American then.

sesame 08-22-2008 07:25 PM

Obama Short Bio
Barack Hussein Obama II: Born Aug 04, 1961 in Honolulu ( Hawaii).

Father: Barack Obama Sr., from Kenya (E. Africa)

Mother: Ann Dunham, a White American from Wichita, Kansas.

Wife: Michelle Robinson, Black American Lawyer.

Children: Malia Ann (daughter)
Natasha (daughter)

Income: Obama family's net worth = $1.3 million.
Tax return states net household income = $4.2 million in 2007
$1 million in 2006
$1.6 million in 2005
The Increase is caused by book sales.

Books: Dreams from my Father
The Audacity of Hope.

Education: Graduate from Columbia University
and Harvard Law School
President of Harvard Law Review.

Profession: Teacher of Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Also practiced as a civil rights attorney.

Illinois Senator 1996, re-elected 1998, 2002
Chairman, Illinois Senate's Health & Human Services Committee at2003.
Cooperated with the state police to enact death penalty reforms 2004.
Delivers the Keynote Address, July 2004 Democratic National Convention, Boston. Resigns from Illinois Senate Nov.2004

Spoke about changing US socio economic policies in regard to war. Challenges Bush's Iraq war. Reminds of obligations to US soldiers.

In Jan 2005, he is sworn to US senate. He is the 5th African American senator in US history. Loyal Democrat.

Energy policy act 2005
Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act
Secure Fence act 2006
Lugar–Obama or, Nunn–Lugar cooperative threat reduction act
Coburn–Obama Transparency Act.
Honest Leadership and Open Government Act '07
Iraq War De-Escalation Act of 2007
Amendment to Defense Authorization Act
Iran Sanctions Enabling Act

Final Status: 2008 Presidential Election nominee of the Democratic Party

Regarding Obama's political rise, Author Debra J. Dickerson (End of Blackness) heeds against drawing "fancy" conclusions about America's cultural "progress". She says, "Lumping us all together, erases the significance of slavery and continuing racism while giving the appearance of progress."

Funny quotes from Obama himself:
1) "... When we get together for Christmas or Thanksgiving, it's like a little mini-United Nations."
2) "I've got relatives who look like Bernie Mac, and I've got relatives who look like Margaret Thatcher!" :p

ila 08-22-2008 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by SluttyShemaleAnna (Post 35924)
Well, with a net worth of 1.3 million, he's not the average chap, but compare that to McCain with 200 million and you can see who's closer.

1.3 million is not exactly chump change. It really doesn't matter to me how much a person makes per year. (I wouldn't mind making 1 million or more per year). It is very rare to find a politician at the highest level in any democratic country that is not rich. My point is that since most politicians seeking high office are quite well off financially it is highly unlikely that any could could claim to have something in common with the middle class. A lot of these politicians will not necessarily claim to be just like the common person, but somebody in the party machinery will intimate such.

hankhavelock 09-01-2008 09:55 AM

TracyCoxx 09-01-2008 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by hankhavelock (Post 35493)
So what have you decided? You swanky Americans with your (not so) reluctant approach (lately) to rule the world?

Du you still insist on the presidency to belong to a WASP, or are you finally ready to take the necessary step?

I my opinion, I don't think we should elect a black person for the sake of electing a black person. I vote for the person regardless of their color and regardless of whichever of the 3 genders they identify with ;)

For one, Obama only has 3 years of experience in the senate. Most of those 3 years were spent campaigning. His grasp of foreign affairs isn't very good. When the Georgia situation came up he called for both sides to stop the fighting. Georgia was in full retreat and getting it's ass kicked. They weren't fighting. He refuses to acknowledge the reality of the Iraq situation and will not acknowledge the successes there are a result of our military. I also find it disturbing that so many of his supporters do not really know what he stands for. They hear his call for change and do not seem to realize that yes, there will be a change, but not necessarily a good one.

His philosophy aligns itself more with that of socialism. That simply is not a system that works. Ask Russia, N. Korea, etc. And it certainly isn't a philosophy that brought America to where it is. His grasp of economics isn't impressive either. He wanted to solve the problems of global warming and education by using Nasa's budget. Apparently he didn't realize the money Nasa get's is only .4% of the budget. Since then he has apparently been educated and has changed his mind.

John McCain seems ok to me. Except for possibly being as anti-science as Bush has been. That is disturbing. But I think he will do better as president than Obama, and I don't want to see this country become socialist. It already is happening too much for my taste.

sesame 09-01-2008 04:26 PM

Is Barack Obama a SOCIALIST? Huh???

Thats what TracyCoxx just implied. :p

sesame 09-01-2008 05:24 PM

4 Attachment(s)
A few cartoons for McCain lovers: sit this one out.
The punk in the 1st cartoon looks like Bush. :p
Yeah, he looks really conservative! ;)

sesame 09-01-2008 05:40 PM

2 Attachment(s)
And this one is for Hillary and Obama.

Originally Posted by TracyCoxx
For one, Obama only has 3 years of experience in the senate.

When the experienced politicians are constantly fucking up matters, thats when you need a change.

TracyCoxx 09-01-2008 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by sesame (Post 37353)
When the experienced politicians are constantly fucking up matters, thats when you need a change.

I already agreed with that. There would definitely be change LOL.

TheSkronkDonkey 09-01-2008 06:37 PM

Obama is big on rhetoric, but he has socialist views I agree with and is far more educated and responsible and in touch with the common man than that buffoon McCain. If virtually everything McCain stands for didn't already repulse me, his choice of VIP firmly has. Voting McCain/Palin is akin to a death wish. Without touching on her love of killing animals for sport, her hetero-only marital views, her strict anti-abortion stance and various other things, Palin is a creationist, which means she wants a kooky account of the origin of life, the universe and everything taught alongside -- translation: in subversion of -- the scientific model of evolution by means of natural selection. That's not only deeply unscientific and unconsitutional, it's dangerous. Remember: McCain is already 72 and this woman would only be a heartbeat away from the presidency, despite her backwards views and almost total lack of experience on any and every political level. McCain is one cynical prick. That he could even think of selecting this person to court disillusioned women voters, to say nothing of actually selecting her, or his courting of said women voters in such a transparent and insulting way, makes me feel nothing but contempt for the Republican machine. It's also blatantly obvious he wants to cut scientific funding to avoid raising taxes for the super rich. All I can say is fuck him and the horse he's trying to ride in on.

A bit of further reading:

TracyCoxx 09-01-2008 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by TracyCoxx (Post 37343)
I also find it disturbing that so many of his supporters do not really know what he stands for. They hear his call for change and do not seem to realize that yes, there will be a change, but not necessarily a good one.


Originally Posted by sesame (Post 37344)
Is Barack Obama a SOCIALIST? Huh???

See? They don't even know. Google Obama and socialism.

TracyCoxx 09-01-2008 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by TheSkronkDonkey (Post 37368)
Palin is a creationist, which means she wants a kooky account of the origin of life, the universe and everything taught alongside -- translation: in subversion of -- the scientific model of evolution by means of natural selection. That's not only deeply unscientific and unconsitutional, it's dangerous. Remember: McCain is already 72 and this woman would only be a heartbeat away from the presidency, despite her backwards views and almost total lack of experience on any and every political level.

No argument there. This is indeed very scary.

TheSkronkDonkey 09-01-2008 06:51 PM

Glad we have a common ground here.

P.S. Typed "VIP" instead of "VP". I suppose they're relatively interchangeable, which is part of the problem.

Talvenada 09-01-2008 11:33 PM

Your Avatar

Originally Posted by TracyCoxx (Post 37373)
No argument there. This is indeed very scary.

This is just a wild guess, but is that you in your avatar?

You have a very attractive and feminine face. Please, don't take this wrong, but I--my opinion only--believe you'd be a lot cuter & sweeter w/ a bit less hair that's not as vintage. That is, unless you're going specifically for a classic look.

Ogryn1313 09-01-2008 11:37 PM

It is my belief, at some point into Obama's administration, provided he wins, millions of blind sheep-like voters are going to be gravely disappointed and regret voting for a celebrity instead of a president.

Ogryn1313 09-02-2008 12:09 AM

It's an election year. Politics are unavoidable. People apply them to all things. Turst me. I ought to know.

TracyCoxx 09-02-2008 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Talvenada (Post 37399)
This is just a wild guess, but is that you in your avatar?

You have a very attractive and feminine face. Please, don't take this wrong, but I--my opinion only--believe you'd be a lot cuter & sweeter w/ a bit less hair that's not as vintage. That is, unless you're going specifically for a classic look.

I wish that were me. No, I just think she looks both beautiful and outrageous. I do like big hair though. Not necessarily that big, but I think a great hairstyle is sexy, and much more interesting than the straight, flat-as-you-can hairstyles that women have been wearing for the past too many years. They keep saying big hair is back. Where??!

I think I have a pretty face, and like wearing longish brunette hair styled nicely. No, I don't have any pics, maybe some day.

ila 09-02-2008 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by TracyCoxx (Post 37410)
I wish that were me. No, I just think she looks both beautiful and outrageous. I do like big hair though. Not necessarily that big, but I think a great hairstyle is sexy, and much more interesting than the straight, flat-as-you-can hairstyles that women have been wearing for the past too many years. They keep saying big hair is back. Where??!

I realize this is getting off the thread topic here, but I agree with your views and comments Tracy.

sesame 09-02-2008 04:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
US vice-precidency candidate from the Republican Camp uses her daughter's pregnancy as a masterstroke in the game of politics. Sarah Pelin as the player of games, why am I not surprised?

Bionca 09-02-2008 04:23 PM

Sarah Palin calls herself a "pro-life feminist", she's also firmly anti-gay (with the required "I have gay friends" to try make her positions seem less bigoted). She is a staunch supporter of the "Real ID" act which will make being a pre or non- op T-gal VERY hard as if it isn't hard enough.

She is quite cozy with the Conservative Religious Right and is no friend of trans*people. I'm all for my bio sisters making it, and being chosen for the VP spot is a huge deal. But at the end of the day, her positions on very nealy every social issue are so far removed from mine, that I could not vote of a ticket that has her on it.

sesame 09-02-2008 04:52 PM

"We're proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents", says Sarah Palin. Her 17 year old daughter Bristol will keep the baby and marry the father.

"Life happens", says McCain's aide, Schmidt. "As parents, [Palins] love their daughter unconditionally and are going to support their daughter", he adds.

"People's families are off limits, and people's children are especially off limits", says Obama.

I say, its going to affect Palin bothways. Once it has become known, abortion is out of the question. Bristol is in her seventh month of advanced pregnancy and "Republicans dont abort". Its quite scandalous to have a teenage daughter pregnant in the most unappropriate time, for starters. But then again, this can be turned to an advantage. People will sympathise and show them as down to earth ;), "they are going through the same hazzards as we all do!" And it will also draw public attention, which is most important. A scandal can make you famous!! You've got something extra than your opponent has.

Talvenada 09-02-2008 04:53 PM

Your Picture (s)

Originally Posted by TracyCoxx (Post 37410)
I wish that were me. No, I just think she looks both beautiful and outrageous. I do like big hair though. Not necessarily that big, but I think a great hairstyle is sexy, and much more interesting than the straight, flat-as-you-can hairstyles that women have been wearing for the past too many years. They keep saying big hair is back. Where??!

I think I have a pretty face, and like wearing longish brunette hair styled nicely. No, I don't have any pics, maybe some day.


I wasn't going to ask you for a picture, because a lot of guys don't realize that request can make some people uncomfortable.

TracyCoxx 09-02-2008 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by sesame (Post 37494)
US vice-precidency candidate from the Republican Camp uses her daughter's pregnancy as a masterstroke in the game of politics. Sarah Pelin as the player of games, why am I not surprised?

Because you always expect the worst from a republican candidate?

I think her daughter's pregnancy is a non-issue. Her funfamentalist xtian ways and her desire to squeeze every last drop of oil out of this country until it's a wasteland are much more worrisome.

How on earth would her daughter's pregnancy affect me?

sesame 09-02-2008 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by TracyCoxx
I think her daughter's pregnancy is a non-issue. Her funfamentalist xtian ways and her desire to squeeze every last drop of oil out of this country until it's a wasteland are much more worrisome.

Ah, some kind of rapport at last!

Ogryn1313 09-02-2008 08:32 PM

I have to give Obama credit. He impressed me by getting onto this Palin's pregnant daughter thing quickly and telling folks basically "it's not important, it's not our business, irrelevant to the campaign."

And I find it ironic that the Dems aren't running with it. Thus far, in the political arena few give a shit. As it should be. So a 17 year old is knocked up? Has little bearing on her mother's abilities as a politicians. Oh some can say it reflects on Palin's values. But Palin isn't pregnant. It's all on her daughter.

So what is ironic is who is making a big deal out of it: two groups.

The media. They're running with it. Why make a big deal of it if the Dems aren't?
And the far left. This is the people who think teens ought to get abortions if they want. The people who tend to embrace things traditionally not considered moral and socially acceptable. You'd think they'd embrace a 17 year old who is knocked up. Yet they're making a ruckus only because it's a Republican issue they can use to attack the party.

Now, we all know some folks look down on teen pregnancy and we know why. It's all about social norms, morals, ethics, etc. The left ought to like this since it falls into their progressive agenda. But we all know it doesn't mean shit at all.

My town...we got little girls at 14 making babies. Most have 2 or three kids before they are out of high school. If they want to make a big deal about a pregnant teen then please...come here and do it for crying out loud! We're knee deep in babies here!

CreativeMind 09-03-2008 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by hankhavelock (Post 35493)
"...aside from the fact that electing the American President is actually too important a matter to leave to Americans"

Huh? I'm sort of lost or confused by this comment, Hank.
It's too important a matter to leave to Americans?

If it shouldn't be up to us (since it is our country),
who should it be left up to?

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